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Generic Name: Ogestrel 0.5/50 (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestrel)

Ogestrel 0.5/50 Reviews

For Birth Control "This is the only birth control I've been on that has stopped my breakthrough bleeding due to it being the highest dose possible. I have gained 20 pounds while on it (but honestly I needed to gain weight anyway) and to my surprise have larger breasts (which is not so bad either). I do get occasional migraines with this pill and slight mood swings, but over time it has gotten better, just think the body has to become used to it. I highly recommend it if you are experiencing breakthrough bleeding, it truely has been a lifesaver in that aspect. When I went from 3 weeks of bleeding to the normal 1 week, well worth the occasional migraine or mood swing."

For Birth Control "My gynecologist put me on this medication because I have ovarian cysts on both ovaries and also take anticonvulsants, which can make birth control less effective. Since this is the highest dose of BC we were hopeful to avoid surgery. The first month I was on Ogestrel I went from being emotionally well balanced to crying everyday, becoming angry very easily, and feeling very anxious. I did not have any further side effects, but could not take this medication any longer. The Ogestrel had no effect on the ovarian cysts."

For Birth Control "I switched from another pill to this one because of side effects of the other pill. This pill regulated my moods, and increased my chest size and sex drive. However, I gained 12lbs in less than 6 months and was unable to lose it despite diet and exercise. It also gave me dangerously high blood pressure which went back down when I switched off of it. So if you are worried about weight gain and blood pressure this isn't the pill for you. Periods were also heavier than on the previous pill I was on."

For Birth Control "I switched to this because it is the highest dosage after experiencing breakthrough bleeding on my last pill which I was also on for two years. All breakthrough bleeding has stopped and my period has even shortened from 7 days on my old pill to 5 days on this one. I experienced some nausea in the mornings the first day or two of each new pill pack the first couple months but this only lasted maybe 3-4 months and I have experienced this symptom every time I try a new birth control so I do not know if it is specific to this pill. I also gained about 10 lbs the first couple months that shed a few months later but this is also a typical symptom I have experienced on every pill I have tried. Overall, this pill works and has no serious symptoms."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "After being prescribed this pill I gained 10lbs, I was angry very easily and was very emotional with lots of mood swings. Since coming off of it 6 months ago my boobs haven't gone back to normal but I lost a small bit of weight. It feels very hard to lose any weight around my hips and stomach area though. None of my clothes fit anymore because of this. Has this happened to anyone else? Will I ever be able to lose this weight?"

For Birth Control "The doctor put me on Ogestrel because I made the mistake of telling him that my period never started when the white pills started on my previous birth control. However they did come every month so it wasn't a big deal to me. He put me Ogestrel because it was the highest dose to give. After the first month I thought I was going crazy. I had absolutely NO control over my emotions. Not to mention it led to constant chest pains. I have a mitrovalve prolapse. Most birth controls says not to take it if you have a valve problem but I've been on them since I was 16 and never had any problems. My fiance and my mom couldn't stand my rapid changing emotions and she told me I don't care what the doctor says COME OFF THEM. No problems since I changed back to my old one."

For Birth Control "I have taken this medication Ogestrel for over 6 years and have never had any problems with it, until now. It has started to cause very severe hot flashes. I am very disappointed as it always allowed me to skip my period as well. I now have to find another kind to take."

"I have been on many different birth control pills (Microgestin, Necon and Norterel). I take the birth control continuously without the placebos so I wont have a cycle. I had break through bleeding and really bad side affects with all the aforementioned pills. A friend of mine was taking Lo-Ogesterol and she highly recommended trying it. I finally convinced my doctor to prescribe me Lo-Ogesterol. Since taking these pills they are doing what they're suppose to do. I have no side affects what so ever and no bleeding. I am very happy with these pills compared to what I was on. Everyone's body is different so it will take a few pills to find what works for you"

More about Ogestrel 0.5 / 50 (ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

Patient resources

  • Ogestrel-28 drug information
  • Ogestrel (Advanced Reading)
  • Ogestrel

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  • Ogestrel 0.5/50 prescribing information

Other brands

Cryselle, Elinest, Low-Ogestrel-28, Turqoz

Related treatment guides

  • Birth Control