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Generic Name: Perphenazine

Brand Name: Perphenazine Tablets

Perphenazine Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started at 2mg at night but was still experiencing feelings on my body that evil spirits were touching me(I know its not true) I agreed to up the med. To 4mg now at 6mg at night. I dont have those sensations anymore its awesome n very freeing. I am a bit tired during the day but I take frequent rests n im very happy.

I have shizoaffective disorder and I'm currently taking this medication. I find it effective and helps quiet the voices. It also helped with bad thoughts I was having.

The medication works for me with minimum side effects. I take the medication at night to avoid sedative and dizziness affects.

I have tried numerous medications. A few months ago i sought help after having given up on medication for a while but I decided to receive help again due to the fact that my ability to organize my thoughts was diminishing. This is by far the best antipsychotic medication I've been on. This one doesn't sedate me or make me feel like a zombie. It helps me manage my symptoms very well. I'm not cured by any means but this medication has made life a lot more worth living.

This medication has been a life-saver for me. I had been experiencing insomnia for 4 days. My meds were adjusted from Abilify to perphenazine. After 2 weeks all of my symptoms were relieved and I can sleep 7-8 hours every night.

I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Had it since I'm 19, I'm 30 now. I have tried so many medications. I have been taking this medicine for about 2 years, 4 mg daily.. and it has kept the voices and ghosts at bay. I haven't experienced any side effects so far either. This is the only medicine I trust. I do have to take a sleeping pill for my insomnia though. It's been about 2-3 years since I last went to the hospital, and even though it didn't seem to help when I was having a psychotic episode too much, once I started to get better this has helped me maintain some sense. It isn't a cure, but it has helped an awful lot and anyone out there who is experiencing this, I say ask your doctor about it! I'm still alive! :) It was the least expensive of all the meds I tried too. The doctor did prescribe benztropine recently on an as needed basis, to help with the side effects, but I guess I don't really need it. She said if I experience any muscle stiffness or drooling to take it, but it drys me out too much.

ADHD is my diagnosis and the Dr. thinks this will help me find my middle c by enhancing the Adderall. Im not so sure.

I started zyprexa in 2003 and immediately gained 50 lbs. after nine months I gave up on my doctor and got a second opinion. The new doctor took me off of Zyprexa and put me on Perphenazine and Lamictal. I can't separate the effects of these two drugs because I started taking them at the same time. It has been a very effective treatment. I have stable relationships and a very high quality of life, which would not have been possible after the onset of my illness. There is nothing I've done in my life which was harder than finding the right treatment, even quitting smoking. Take your meds, talk to your doctor, hang in there.

Heart fluttering, involuntary movements, irritability, decrease of motivation, cerebral cortex damage resulted.

I have bipolar II with PTSD. I was given this drug to help quite the voices in my head. At first it had caused headaches, especially at night. But the headaches subsided and the voices have since quieted down.

this pill has helped me over the time that I was started to use it.

similar to adhd - lack 0f organization, follow though, forgetfullness, trouble sleeping regularly

I am Bi-Polar and have tried many drugs. This one helped alot with the rearragement of thoughts and slowed me down. I get dizzy upon standing, but I just go slow.

When first pur on this med I was taking abilify which quit working. I ended up in the VA Hospital and they started giving me 16 mg in the morning and 16 mg in the evening of perphenazine. This helped for a few months until I started to relapse. Lucky for me some people noticed me relapsing and I went to the Dr. They once again admited me to the VA Hospital and they changed the perphenazine to taking it all at night. This has turned out good and now it has been a year. The only thing I am concerned about now is my lower back started hurting shortly after starting this med and I need to follow up now with my Dr. to see if it is related to the med or not. I just got off the phone with the VA Telenurse and of course the same response "how could it be the meds". So now it is time to talk to the Dr. to see for sure what it is.

I have Bi Polar 2 and have tried practically every drug and or combination one could think of, then after particularly severe depressive episode that went to cycling rapidly along with anxiety and suicidal thoughts I was put on Trilafon along with Depakote. All I can say is after 4 weeks I feel better, not great but I'm not suicidal either.

My Dr. gave me this drug for sleep problems. I read nothing about helping insomnia. It did not help at all, as a matter of fact, it may have made it harder to sleep.

went to best hospital available (MAYO MN) was taken off Abilify and Geodon and perphenazine med. has helped so much. low side effects for me and leveled out hypomania and depression at same time. have been on for almost 6 weeks and feeling better every week! thank goodness for Mayo doctors who realized a old yet still very effective med. would work.

I used Perphenazine for about 3 years it worked good but caused permanent impotence