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Generic Name: Polyethylene Glycol & Electrolytes

Brand Name: GaviLyte-G

GaviLyte-G Drug and Medication User Reviews

It’s effective, but it not only tastes disgusting, it made me sick. I vomited the last time I used this prep, and this time it was worse. Sure, I was cleared out, but there has to be a better way.

Drank 8oz every 10-15 minutes. Instructed to drink 3/4 day before, and the remaining 1/4 in the AM. I didn't have a bowel movement until I finished the 3/4 . . . four hours. Went three times, went to bed, woke up went two more times. It felt like after that, mostly water. Lemon flavor helps with the taste.

Currently writing this at almost 1am the day of my endoscopy and colonoscopy. Haven’t even gone to bed yet and I will probably be pulling an all nighter most likely. Mixed the formula and refrigerated it around 1pm. 5:30pm I started drinking the mixture 16oz about every 20 minutes until I drank half of the jug. Started having the runs about an hour and a half after starting drinking it. It’s slowed down but I’m still going about once an hour. The first few hours I was going 3-4 times an hour. Pretty much cleared out. Liquid is neon yellow and basically just water. Have to do the other half of the prep at 3am and I’m dreading it. The taste isn’t as horrible as people say but the nausea and bloating can be pretty brutal. Hoping I can get at least a nap in like an hour or two. Going to be a ruff night and day today running on zero sleep and being up over 24 hours.

I donâ??t understand all the crybabies. This is my first colonoscopy, and I was afraid to drink the prep because of all the screaming and crying online about it. Itâ??s easy to chug down. Salty and lemony, but not unpleasant. I didnâ??t go for five stars, only because it isnâ??t an ecstatic experience, but does the job, and I didnâ??t have to hold my nose getting it down at all. No nausea at all.

Took 8 oz every 15 minutes as directed,started first half at 5pm drank clear fluids until midnight as directed with diarrhea going on all night and started 2nd half at 3am. 5am still having diarrhea but loosing its yellow clear color to clear. 12 hours in... still having clear diarrhea appt at 1:30pm. Had clear bowel movement on way in to anesthesia. Dr marked cleansing as fair. After clear diarrhea all night? Did the 2 part method. Half, wait a 3 to 5 hours and other half.Each half taking 2.5 to 3 hours to consume. Had diarrhea well into the night after the colonoscopy also. No, didn't eat, totally clear liquids day before. Had a breakfast meal 11pm the day before that,the clear liquids day 48 hours which was before the prep. Didn't have any of this when golytly was used. Problem from product? Or from 2 part method? It just didn't agree with me.


I was prescribed to drink 8 oz every 10 minutes until I finally used the bathroom. On my 5th glass, I threw up profusely. And on my last two gags, straight blood started coming out. And no I have not ate or drank anything red, well really haven't eaten or drank anything at all. And still have not used the bathroom. So I tortured myself with the taste and vomited blood all for nothing..

This is my 3rd time doing a colonoscopy prep and I have to say this is by far the BEST tasting prep I have used. The preps are usually sooooo salty that they are unbearable to the point of gagging and vomiting. What makes it easier for me is I drink 8 oz every 15-20 minutes and between each sip I take I sip a tiny bit of regular lemonade. Not sure why others are giving this prep bad reviews...... maybe they donâ??t know how truly bad some of the other prep solutions are.

Unable to drink this; it's so salty and awful. I have downed two 8-ounce glasses while concurrently sucking on lemon drop but I can't go on without throwing up. Not sure what to do at this point. Have heard from some others that the Miralax option is much more humane? I should have insisted on this other option.

I did as instructed in preparation for a colonoscopy. Everything went well. The colonoscopy was cancelled. That was a week ago. I've been experiencing abdominal pain on the right side of my abdomen since using the prep and alternate between constipation and diarrhea. This was suppose to be a routine check, not the start of a new medical issue. I will NEVER go through this again.

I have to laugh at the other reviews. This is not that bad. It has almost no taste, the lemon makes it easier, more of a salt water solution - which it is. Maybe it wasn't bad for me is because I always eat a healthy diet and all these other people are use to junk food and alcohol. It was not bitter nor real sweet. Just the volume you have to drink and time span - stay home and don't party like the others.

Horrible! No one told me how bad this would be I could not get the second half to go down without vomiting, I will never take this again. Talk to your doctor get alternative this is really bad!

This product is so vile and hard to drink you will cry. I have also used Miralax polyethylene 3350 (over the counter product) mixed with gatorade for my last prep. Doctor approved and better tolerated The Gavilyte-G is old school and out of date! Talk to your doctor!

I can't imagine how it must taste plain. I swear on my life the way I prepared it was not bad at ALL. I made homemade lemonade, LOTS of lemon juice and some sugar. Probably not super healthy, but it's all comin' out anyways! I made it in a couple small batches and added it to the large jug slowly. All you need is 1

Gavilyte-G has the most vile disgusting taste of anything I've ever experienced. Tastes worse than many chemical cleaners, worse than sun block and bug spray, worse than any rotten food, and worse than many medications that are not even intended to be taken orally. How they can expect anyone to willingly consume FOUR LITERS of this is beyond my comprehension. I found chemotherapy downright delightful compared to Gavilyte-G

I will NEVER do this again. Not only is it disgusting to drink (one time I drank it without the flavoring and gagged the entire gallon, the next time I added the flavor and had the worst aftertaste that I had to wash off my tongue with a washrag!) but it sat in my stomach causing bloating and painful distention for hours before working. I have had other treatments that were much less in volume and worked 10x faster.

Took this prep for my third colonoscopy. It gave me a splitting headache, and didn't clear the bowel as well as the previous preps did.

Very effective but being able to complete the process is difficult. I'm quite confident, if the company could come up with a way to make a better tasting product, they would make some money.

I'm pushing into hour 3 of this stuff. I've drank each 8 ounce glass down. But nothing. I've urinated several times, but other than that, nothing. Seriously worried I'll need to call of my colonoscopy, which is scheduled for tomorrow. Everyone says it's supposed to work within an hour.

I took this medicine with a cup of coffee as a chaser. It really went down fairly easy. I had mixed it and refrigerated it over night. My butt hurts from sitting on the toilet, but it definitely works. Hope my septic tank can handle everything coming out!