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Generic Name: Prasugrel Tablets

Brand Name: Effient

Effient Drug and Medication User Reviews

Other than the marks showing when I bump my hands or arms .I have no side effects from this medication. It is high in price so I ask my Doctor for samples when he has them. I must take this pill daily.

Was put on 10MG Effient in 2017 following 1 stent..massive bruising one side of body..Cardiologist reduced to 5MG..blood workup to make sure no bleeding (allOK) red blotches on face, 3 nose bleeds (very small)tired and no energy..also have Ulcertive Colitis..so Gastro

Had a stent in so far no side effects other than easy bruising and bleeding is a little harder to stop.

No issues other than I cannot take Metformin.

Prescribed Effient 10mg w/aspirin 81mg after multiple drug eluting stents were placed (5 stents)in coronary arteries. Encountered slight bruseing of the skin up and around abdominal area upon early usage of medication but this has subsided. Only other interactions to reflect about is the discomfort of prolong bleeding of any type of cuts (small) or even if a skin pimple is removed or scratched off. Overall my experience using this med; close to 1 year now, has proven to me that proper usage combined with attentiveness of taking medication regularly and at same time intervals has benefited overall after procedure of PCI and angioplasty with stent(s). I'm a 55 yr. old male of latino decent with a family history of various types of heart dieases.

light head,headache, tight chest.hopefully my body will get use to it.

After stent procedure in 2011, cardiologist put me on Effient !i had had no side effects at all !

I do not like this drug. I wrote some time back that I was suppose to be on thi smed for 15 months post MI/stent placement. This was a bad MI with heart damage. I was counting the days till I could get off Effient and back on Plavix. After 15 months was up, the Cardio said that some study was done and I need to be on Effient for 30 months. OH NO! I feel like $*%(r5! I was on 10mg but when I went to the ER with severe lower leg and feet swelling, the pharmacy switched me to 5mg. My symptoms are lower leg edema with stasis dermatitis, falling asleep at the drop of a pin, breathing difficulty, severe gerd, trouble swallowing, blurry vision and urinary difficulties. I never had this with Plavix. Also, bruise spots on my lower arms and sores on scalp and headaches. Thank God the nurse is finding me samples as I cannot afford this drug. It will put you quickly in the donut hole if you are on the Medicare Part D plan. I have 3 months to go to make it 30 months. I count the days. I have the RX in my hands for Plavix. I will celebrate. I want to feel like "me" again. So does hubby and the grandkids.

if the doctor would have said maintenance for the stent was 425 dollars a month on Effient , I would have never done it the side effects scare the he'll out of me

Was taken off Plavix and put on this drug while in the hospital following an angioplasty and stent (my 7th) implacement. I immediately started having great difficulty breathing - felt like I was drowning. I insisted they discontinue the Effient and put me back on the Plavix. Bingo - breathing difficulty resolved.

I dislike the seemingly spontaneous bleeding but can live with it...but have real weakness in my legs...legs often feel like noodles. Can't attribute it to any other changes in habits or meds. Anyone else have these symptoms? Want to get off or lower dosage but Cardiologist seems to insist that 10 mg Effient + 81 mg. aspirin are required. I'm 79 and otherwise in excellent health...wonder if I'm a victim of "ageism".

I started using this drug immediately after I had a stint installed in my heart. No side effects.

med is working. looking for food interactions. i drink lots of green juice

I had 3 stents placed after having a heart attack in May 2013. I am taking 10mg Effient and 81mg aspirin daily. Seems to be working as a stress test has shown that the stents are open and working well. On the down side, I bruise very easily, sometimes for no apparent reason. I also have had several cuts that took quite a while to stop bleeding. Had a 10 hour nosebleed once - just a trickle like a runny nose, but it was a little unsettling. I now keep some small 1 inch square gauze pads that are supposed to clot blood quickly at home and at work. Also bought a package of Wound Seal but I haven't had to use it. All in all, these side effects are tolerable considering the possibilities of not being on the drug.

Seems to be working well. Just wonder if it will cause insomnia

have trouble sleeping. makes body jerk

Had a stent put in in Sept. 2013. Taking Effient started Oct, now Feb 2014, Very weak, fever,muscle aches and short of breath. Going to my regular doctor to see if there is something else I can take. Hard to work.

I had been taking Plavix, but after a stent occluded 4 months after placement, my cardiologist prescribed Effient and 1 325 mg aspirin. Three months later, my HGB was 6.1. Doctors said that that large of a blood loss HAD to be caused by something else. After an endoscopy, colonoscopy, small bowel study, and camera endoscopy nothing was found. I stopped all aspirin, all Advil and received 5 iron infusions, along with 2 iron pills a day. My HGB rose to 13.8 and this was as high as it would go. I continue taking 2 iron pills a day. About 8 months later, because of an inflammation, I took 2 Advil tablets twice a day. Two weeks later, my HGB was 12.2. Six weeks later, My HGB was 13.1 and four weeks after that, it was back to 13.8. My cardiologist still thinks that Effient is OK. I think that if I take aspirin or Advil with Effient, my blood count will immediately start to drop. At my last check-up, I talked him into switching me back to Plavix. I expect my anemia to go away. I think that it will since I've never been anemic before taking Effient.