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Generic Name: Prednisolone Tablets

Brand Name: Prednisolone

Prednisolone Drug and Medication User Reviews

My Dr prescribed this for my psoriatic arthritis. I had developed severe psoriasis. After 7 days on the medicine at 5mg 2 times a day. I became very irritable. Developed headaches, was dizzy, short of breath, nausea. I would cry over nothing. I have never been a suicidal person but thought several times while taking this medication how easy it would be to put a gun to my head & pull the trigger. I wasn’t upset about anything but would think that I could do it without even having a reason & how easy it would be to just do it & not even think about it. I slept for 2 days, didn’t eat for 2 days, even though I was told it would increase my appetite. I stopped the medicine & the first day off of it I felt the same still had the side effects. Was wondering how long it would take to get out of my system. I know all meds effect everyone different but I will never take this one again & think more warnings should be put out about it. I’m sure it helps some but my side effects were much worse than the benefits. I have seen nothing in the way of improvements for my conditions that it was prescribed for. I did call my Dr. his nurse talked to him gave him the message of my side effects. His nurse called back said the Dr. said he did not think it was the prednisone causing this & suggested I lower the dose to one daily but that if I wanted to stop taking it I could. I stopped taking it.

My 3.5 yrs old niece after being diagnosed with MIS-C, a post covid inflammatory condition was prescribed this medication after being released from ICU. We are so scared to see our child behaving so unnatural. Cries one minute stops another minute again cries. Most of the time don't want to be seperated from mother. Don't want to stand always sits or wants to be in lap. Always hungry. Eating too much. We had no clue why sudden change in behaviour. Doctor has given a tapered dose for 3 weeks, we are wondering should this be continued. Will it have a long term effect? Any alternative to this? Need advice.

I was recently diagnosed with Urticaria my dermatologist prescribed me prednisolone and Allegra for my condition when there's a break out, it cleared up my itching hives and swollen and painful hands and feet and also eased my joint pains within an hour. This has helped so much as to in the pass I wasn't aware of my condition and only used Benadryl which took days to clear up. Dosage is for 7 days.

I was diagnosed as ITP, with low blood count, 5000.

I feel much better of my general health even though my arthritis, my OPD, respiratory disease and everything I my body is better now.

Last year my 4 year old was prescibed this drug after several weeks of allergic rashes which progressed into hives. The hives were over his entire body and some were quite large. Within 12 hours of the first dose there were just a few hives left. I did not notice any erratic behavior with my child as mentioned in other reviews.

I was prescribed 20 MG Prednisone 1 tablet 2 times a day. I took the last dose on Friday. Friday night I started having strange symptoms. From my chest up to my head I have strange pains. I talked to my Pharmacist before I started the medication. He seemed to think it was OK. I have been on Prednisone many times over the years, but had only took the package that you start out with 6 pills over the course of the day. Then the next day thru day 6 I decrease one pill each day. Thne on day 6 I take 1 pill. I feel that I'm having halusating syptems from not downsizing down the dose. I went back today to see my PAC and found nothing wrong. A Clinic prescribed me the 20 MG Tablets.

numerous side effects from moods, retaining fluids ankle area . taken in the am kicks in in the early pm . My protocol set down by Respiratory Specialist when a chest infection starts 50 mgm plus heavy dose of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for 2 courses.Prednisolone reducing 5 mgm every 3 days. Reviewed by doctor when down to 5 mgm.at one stage prednisolone was 75mgm stat.I have been on and off this medication for 2years+ and bone density scan shows osteopenia now taking calcium and vitamin D suppliments , teeth, hurt,joint pain, bruising easily,feeling well when your not,anxiety (what other side effects is prednisolone going to do to my system) withdrawal from it is worse than getting over broken femur,can not do to much resting not to much exercising. In conclusion I wish that I was not introduced to it,however it helped me stay alive.Out there must be something better to use.

cured my chrons flareup - in 3 wks.

The urgent care doctor prescribed this medication for my 2 1/2 year old twins. One has severe Asthmatic Bronchitis and the other was borderline Pneumonia. Their condition hasn't improved. Their cough and breathing still sounds the same as the day I took them in (5 days ago now). They are not sleeping at all and they are throwing very intense tantrums.

This is good medication I remember taking it as a kid so all you parents out there its ok for your kids and helps alot.

My skin tends to react against itself when I use the wrong soap, or body powder, or anti-perspirant. I have prednisolone ointment for small outbreaks, but anything big requires a hit with the oral stuff. It generally takes several days to work, and I add something else to my list of what to keep away from. The latest was a "dermitalogically-tested" soap "for sensitive skin". You can never tell.

Am being treated for Sjögren's. Also take Plaquenil. Prednisone is the ONLY thing that takes away every ache and pain and I actually feel like I've been healed. Wish I could take it every day. Apparently cannot for bad long term side effects so I save it and use it about twice a year when traveling so can enjoy my vacations! No side effects for me.

My 4 yr old was born with tracheomalacia - his upper airway was not fully developed. He has 'grown out' of it but still has very wheezy breathing. He is commonly prescribed Prednisone for allergies, when he gets a cold or flu, etc. I think this medicine is very good at quickly relieving his symptoms. We have never noticed any unusual reactions in him to this medication. The other comments I have read made by parents are describing normal things normal children do - even if it seems 'out of the ordinary' specific to your child. My son has ADHD (maybe that is why we notice to 'wild' side effects?) But as I said - crying, toiling over food & sleep, throwing themselves around, even pinching & biting are just things children do. Relax!

My son was a micro preemie so he gets croup often and we use this everytime. It always helps him through the most scary part of croup. He is also wild with constant mood swings. He also eats constantly. The side effects are worth dealing with to help our 2 yr old breath.