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Generic Name: Primidone

Brand Name: Mysoline

Mysoline Drug and Medication User Reviews

It slightly worse every year. Started at about 64years and was doing okay with 100mg for 3 years. Found vitamin E and 50mg worked a little better for about a year. Thinking I will up to 75mg with the vitamin E that is in an eye vitamin formulation. I have read vitamin E only helps a few people. Lucked out here.

I was dx'ed with Epilepsy in 1970. I have been on Mysoline since 1970. 46 years...superior medication with staying power. Word from the wise. Do not use generic. There is a difference. As time wore on, I now take Lamictal (very good add on), and Lyrica. The Mysoline/Lamictal combo is the best. Lyrica is a great add on for pain relief and it helps with seizure control as well.

helps with other medicine to control tremors.

I had difficulties in the mornings with breakfast and even worse after eating breakfast for some reason. The mornings have always been the worst. I was on propanonol for awhile but the side effects had me sleeping all day as I already have a low heart rate. I couldn't even hold a glass of milk without embarrassment or spillage. It's been only four days but I feel it's been a dramatic improvement. So far, knock wood, no side effects. They warn of suicidal tendencies, so if you are depressed you might want to tell your doctor that. I suffer from depression so I was reluctant to take it when my doctor prescribed it. So I procrastinated a few weeks, but my symptoms were very bad. This disease sucks but I feel that this is a help for me. (Keep in mind only four days now). At least I can function as I was having trouble turning on the defroster in the car the day I went on it. I'm no doctor, but it might help you and be worth while to ask your doctor about it.

Condition has increased with age...writing is difficult... socializing is difficult. Increased dosage has not helped (150mg).

Have been taking mysoline 50mg for some time...with little effect. Lately I have been diagnosed with Asthma by a pulmonologist .

I started out diagnosed with Essential Tremor. I was given 50 mg and told to titrate up to 200 over several weeks with the warning that there is a med start syndrome where you feel badly for the first day or so. That was putting it mildly. I had extreme vertigo, and slept through most of it to avoid the effects of double vision added to that virtigo. I ramped up the dose and I slowly got more and more depressed. (I had depression and was on Lexapro to start). The mysoline actually cancelled out the effects of the Lexapro and so my MD prescribed me to increase the Lexapro and keep trying to get to 250 on the mysoline. I got to 200mg of mysoline and 30mg lexapro and was agitated, depressed and generally not too fun to be around. It made me have a very short fuse. My tremor is improved but if I'm stressed, it's there. I'd say that the medication WILL remove some tremor but the price is fatigue, depression, agitation, headaches and some vision issues (hard to focus as well as I used to focus). It seems to be causing some concentration issues as well but maybe that is from the increased Lexapro. Not a great solution for me thus far. Doctor is suggesting combining it with topamax. I don't want to really go there b/c she warned me about that drug and also I read the side effects. What's the answer for ppl with depression AND tremor? I am 47, female and have had tremors since I was in my 20's but just started treating it this year.

I have been on this med for 23 yrs. I used to have at least two or three seizures a day, this controled them until I started having partial seizures, also. They are trying to control them now. This med will make you very tired when you first start taking it but it WILL wear off and it is a great med...that is $25.00

has worked great i`m well please,billy flowers

A very good drug has stopped my body cramps

Found it caused extreme sleepiness, leached calcium from my system and 20 years later I had osteoporosis. Also learned it adversely affects muscles, tendons & ligaments which has resulted in 2 frozen shoulders, trigger fingers & thumbs and severe cramping in feet and calves. Didn't help the epilepsy but brain surgery fixed that. Now I'm weaning off this drug; was on as much as 1gr. a day over the course of 30 years and will soon discontinue. Though not helpful for me, at least I didn't get instant hives from it.

Has helped with tremors but not with tremor in voice

always dizzy and throwing up

does it interact with doxycycline

i think my 'shake rattle is the best' we have tried everything and nothing seems to help me...but a Sir Lock Holmes doctor he is ! i think he he is great!

I have been taking this medicine for years and it has controlled my siezures (I have 3 different kinds including Grand Mal). This is the only drug that controlled all seizures and I don't have any side effects. In the first few weeks I had some drowsiness.

I haven't had a seizure in many years bit I wondered if prolonged use of this medicine is harmful