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Generic Name: Quinapril HCl/Hydrochlorothiazide

Brand Name: Accuretic

Accuretic Drug and Medication User Reviews

itchy troat and coughing so hard.

Started using this drug after generic Lisinporil didn't lower BP enough. Generic Lisinporil got my 155 BP to around 145. My doctor wanted my to try a Brand med. she suggested Benicar 40mgs. I wasn't comfortable going from 10mg of lisinopril to 40mgs of benicar. I prayed about it and did my own research and choose Accuretic. So far my BP is averageing 127/80. The only side effects so far are an occasional cough, frequent urination, occasional dizziness. Definetly do your research before trying any drug, even those given by your doctor. I will update this if anything changes.

After being on this drug for 20 years I had wicked side effects , cough , dizzy, light headed, sleep issues. I've had to switch 4 times before doctors found a replacement drug.I was off work due to this and found it hard to balance my blood pressure.

This medication makes my husband cough so hard he can barley catch his breath. His face turns red he almost chocks. I find this medication to be ineffective for my husbands high blood pressure we are seeking another medication to keep his high blood pressure down without this side effect.

pulmonary hypertension

This drug with the help of Coreg has kept my blood pressure under control.

After trying several medications for HBP, this one is the most effective. I've had no side effects and have been taking it for approx. 4 years.

Very, very pleased with the results. And after switching to a healthy diet, blood pressure is right at normal and heart-rate is the same...excellent!!

dizziness, loss of appetite,dry mouth, cough

We tried several different HBP meds and this one got my BP under control and has worked wonderfully to keep it that way.