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Generic Name: propoxyphene

Brand Name: Darvon oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed Darvon in about 1962 or 63. I took it about twice a month for menstrual pain till 1976. In 1968, I had hallucinations, unusual thoughts and speech. In 1971 or 72 I had chest pain. In 1976, I had a racing pulse. In 1994 or around that time, I was diagnosed with arrhythmia. I have had recurring hallucinations about every year until 1976, again in 1978, and occasionally afterwards. Exc. for 1968 and 1976, I was medicated for schizophrenia. (Of course, I do not know how much this was due to Darvon.)

it workes

I need to know if this is a pain pill. I'm updateing my mothers pill list.I need to know if I have the spelling right.

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

when I take this my vision is severly impaired, I try to read and the words blur, I get severe pain in my abdomin like cramps but 100 times worse... this stuff is dangerous and DOES NOT help the pain at all.

I took this medication in generic form (Propoxyphene-Acetaminophen 100/650mg) on 06/18/2010 for pain of my left index finger that I had surgery on. I took one evry four hours starting the 18th, June, 2010, a Friday. I started to experience, a few hours later, dizziness, slowing motor skills, confusion, an overall "stupor" and developed a hard time with relating to people talking to me or me to them. I called the doctors office on Sunday, the 20th (Fathers day) and was told by the doctor on call to go to the emerency room, which I did. I was NOT suppose to be given this drug as I have depression, have had a heart attack, and take medications such as those to sleep for my insomnia. I showed the doctors office my "up to the date" list of medications before the surgery on a pre operation in the doctors office on 06/14/2010. I could have died. I was in and out of this stopor feeling for about 6-8 weeks.

Have taken Darvon compound 65 for 50+ years for migraines. It will not kill a migraine, but if taken soon enough, will significantly reduce 75% of the time and then allow normal functioning. I take oxycodone for increased pain, but then i sacrifice normal thinking/functioning. People overdose on everything. it is just a matter of self-control and understanding your own personal drug reactions.


I have so many back problems it's not even funny. This medicine does next to nothing for me. Might as well be taking a pink vitamin.

my cousin took this medicine for pain control from an car accident, and overdosed on it and died. I wouldn't recommend this drug or any drug with propoxyphene in it to anyone.

I have a combination of diagnosed back issues and nothing I have come across has ever worked as good as Roxicodone 30 mg blue tablets. For those of you out there with similar ailments, I recommend them highly. Darvon and similar products such as Darvocet pack a dangerous punch to your kidneys and liver with high levels of acetaminophen. This can be avoided by taking Roxicodone or Oxycodone.

The main effect of this was almost hallucinogenic. I could not tolerate the odd thoughts and visual disturbances - but it provided almost no pain relief - which was prescribed post-op. Returned to surgeon and got a replacement within the week. Darvon is on my "never again" list.

I took the medication for knee and hip pain and it has virtually no effect. I accidentally took two 650 pills and still it provided little pain reduction. I did have feelings of flushness and slight dizziness. Have not used it for any other type of pain.

I have been using this to control spinal pain (stenosis and spondelosis) fibro and found it helps more than even when I was taking Oxycontin which I stopped on my own and switched back to Propo-N 100-650

I have lower back pain and darvon 65 capsules do nothing for the pain.