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Generic Name: Ranolazine

Brand Name: Ranexa

Ranexa Drug and Medication User Reviews

does anyone have hairless using Ranexa ?

Absolutely improved my life. Need MiraLax daily, occasionally dizzy. Lost 20 pounds to help drug remodel heart. Quality of life excellent now. Exercise, weight loss, Ranexa. Read Heart International study by Dr Gary Murray. I take 1000mg 2x daily. Dr Murray is a pioneer in Diastolic Dysfunction aka Stiff Heart. Affordable if you get from Canada. Drug is called Ranolazine outside the USA.

Been taking Ranexa about 3 years, no problem, Dr. offered me 2x500mg per day but I only take one a day, at night. Mornings i take Isosorbmono nitrate 30mg. The combination of the 2 seem to work. I've had 4xbypass and 2 stents and a stroke, and a defibrilator. I am lucky i can still get Ranexa thru the VA and that saves tons, before that had to pay full price. Its very expensive.

Have used this drug for three months 2 X 500mg daily. NO EFFECT from this over priced drug.

Been using ranexa for over two years with excellent results. Cost was prohibitive at first until I started ordering by a Web Pharmacy. Cost went from over 9.00 / day to .90 cents per day.

Had to quit taking it due to my 80mg Simva statin they said the simvastatin was more important

Always tired, light headed, feeling wierd, had 2 episodes since using, always feel off balance, etc. Requested to come off medication. I don't have chronic angina attscks. An episode once in a while but 3 episodes since taking this medication. I have 3 stints.

WHY does this have to be so expensive, on fixed income with Medicare. Can't even use coupon to get it cheaper. Dr wanted to give me a coupon to get it for $5.00...says, cannot be combined with Medicare Ins. If they are willing to sell it for $5.00, why am I paying $238.00 a month!?!

After a heart attack I tried many different angina medications, Ranexa is the only one that worked.

Feel so much better with this med. After bipass and stents; constant pain. Took this..feel good. Too expensive. Generic equivalent doesn't work. Need to get this to tier 2 or 3 in Medicare drug listing!

CAD with Stent on my LAD. Even after the stent I still had chest pain with exercise. Diagnosed with microvascular disease. Ranexa does not eliminate my angina but it reduces it significantly so that I am able to exercise again. Happy to be taking it!

have taken this for over 3 years, price up to 600.00 per month, ins pays about 50 to 60% works very good, having fought the heart angina for 18 years.

Taking 2 x 500 mg/day after my triple by-pass 2 years ago. Prescribed by Dr. as of day one. Way too expensive ........

Had 4x bypass then 6 stents. Could hardly function till Ranexa was prescribed. Not perfect but can't make it without it. Now, neither VA or insurance will cover. So expensive. Time to die I suppose.

after 3 plus years on 1000mg of Ranexa twice a day, I asked my doctor if I could try reduce the dosage to 500mg twice a day. He agreed - but did not tell my what I might experience - side effects or whatever.

No longer have chest pain.

After a heart attack, 5 bypass surgery and 4 stents I had continuous pain in my chest. My life was not good as I struggled to keep my job and recover at home. I no longer spent much time outdoors as I loved. I was given this drug after living with the pain for nearly 5 years and my life has changed considerably. I no longer feel the constant pain and have resumed doing the things I love. I still get chest pain on exertion or extreme stress. My biggest fear is that I will get another blockage and not feel the pain until it is too late but living again is worth the risk.

Needed stent 2 years after quad bypass. Started Ranexa 2012, Little or no chest pain since. Take 500mg twice daily.

Works for me. Was prescribed 2x a day, only do one. NO angina. You can get a discount card from their website. DO it., Use it. This is a winner of a drug.

I had a massive heart attack a little over a year ago have been on it every since 1000mg am then 1000mg pm I know when it is time to take it because I start getting pain. like some I had the irrational anger ( I would get very irate at the simplest things ) but the doctor put me on valium for a month and it went away. have had 3 heart attacks since first and 1 minor stroke since the first. but other than my stays in the hospitals the ranexa is doing a great job.