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Generic Name: Rifabutin

Brand Name: Mycobutin

Mycobutin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Ihave had MAC for a year. My first doctor put me on Biaxon for months and I wasvery sick every day. He took me off, but the MAC was still evident. I have a new doctor and am on Myambutol Oral 3 times a day. I have a few pains, but believe it is from the colder weather.

I have been taking the medication for 15 months and have had 11 consecutive negative sputums for MAC. I have had some joint pain and stiffness but I have been able to tolerate it. I also have some nausea and diarrhea but am unable to determine if it is due to this medication as I am taking 2 other MAC meds. My physician states that the joint problems are from this drug. I am pleased that the drug has been effective for me.

In less than two weeks, I was so depressed that I cried all the time. All I wanted to do was take hot baths in 100 degree weather. I was so tired I told my doctor I had never been this tired. He took me off the drug and in a weeks time I was okay.

This medication made me extremely ill, in fact I ended up being hosptialized from taking it.