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Generic Name: Riociguat Tablets

Brand Name: Adempas

Adempas Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was on Adempas for almost 4 months and never got past the .5 my dose. Tore my stomach up but worse yet was my breathing got so much worse. My first 6 min walk was a breeze, after the Adempas I struggled. My physician did not listen, ignored my concerns. Went to Mayo, refered by same physician, who took me off. Totally turned off by medication and physician. I am 66 currently, was diagnosed April 2020

After starting this drug I noticed a drastic improvement in my 6 minute walk test. At times my blood pressure drops but it comes back up after I lie down for a while and sometimes I experience headaches. However overall I feel that Adempas has really helped me. I had a right heart catherization before and after the start of adempas and my pressure is much lower after I had been taking the Adempas. My pulmonary doctor says that Iâ??m way above average for a person of my age ,74, and a heart condition,afib, with my 6 minutes walk test.

After 2 months on this drug I feel no improvement. I have daily heartburn, nausea. Stomach pain and feel like vomiting at times. I didn't feel too bad before despite the test results. Now my quality of life is worse. I am supposed to increase to 2.0 mg. Next week, but am waiting for my doctor to call.It's not for me.

Been on this for about 4 months now. Experienced stomach pain/upset from the start. Now beginning to experience bleeding in gums and bowels. I don't feel lousy but I have not had any significant changes in my o2 levels . Humm. I'll wait it out another few months.

Has done nothing for me. I had much better results with Adcirca, and will be going back to that. I do hope it works for others.

I've gone thru dosages up 2.5mg (max). Each increase in dosage I was dizzy the first day.

Extreme upset stomach to the point of increasing use of prilosec. Alternating diahrrea and constipation. Bone pain. Hair loss (have been examined by dermatologist who concludes the coming together of cuomadin and adempas "may" be causing the hair loss; it is pretty extreme). Am not sure that my well-being is better than with the combination of Tracleer and Adcirca.

bad side effects diarrhea nausua headaches stuffy nose