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Generic Name: OnabotulinumtoxinA for Migraine (onabotulinumtoxina)

OnabotulinumtoxinA for Migraine Reviews

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "This treatment was a nightmare. My neurologist did not warn me of any potential side effects. The botox injections took 5 minutes and didn’t hurt much. I had a migraine the rest of the day. I developed a bad headache on day 2, and on day 4 I had the worse migraine ever. It didn’t let up for over a week. My neck was too weak to support my head. I was dizzy and nauseous from the cervical instability. I was told this was normal and was shocked my neurologist hadn’t warned me! I was in severe pain and super dizzy/nauseous for two full weeks. And the treatment didn’t help my headaches at all; in fact it made them worse."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Botox for migraines is a miracle worker. I've been suffering from extreme migraines since I was 10 (I am now 31). I have tried different triptans (Maxalt, Zomig, Axert) and different preventative medications (antidepressants, blood pressure), and none of them worked. My neurologist suggested I try Botox. It's been a month now, and I have only experienced 2 migraines. Both migraines were within the first week of receiving the shots (this is normal because it takes 10 days to work). I used to get around 20 migraines a month. Botox really is a miracle worker, and I strongly recommend trying it if you suffer from severe migraines. It really works. I am a happier person since getting the Botox shots."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I’ve had migraines since I was a kid of about 11 I am now 59 and also have chronic daily headaches I have tried just about everything. I got my first injections of Botox on April 1 st I was in so much pain a few days later my neck hurt so bad and my shoulders and then pounding headaches. I really wasn’t sure if I wanted any more but everything I read said it really doesn’t work til the second or third time and you will notice a difference .I have since found another Dr and went in July 9 th and had the second round and I’m so happy I did this as its the first time in my life I haven’t had a headache every day. I’ve noticed a few trying to start and they go away , too bad I couldn’t of had this done years ago I feel I have missed so much of my life from headaches."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I have used MANY preventative and treatment therapy; migraines are in-excess of 15 days a month, up to >51 days straight. Please note: Medication will not react the same way for each person that takes it. For me, the Botox lessens the degree of the migraine, and with the normal level of my migraines averaging 6 - 8, then 3 - 5 on an average day is actually tolerable. However, I have heard from other people that it lessens the "frequency" of their migraines."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Botox is one of the only things besides heavy opioid pain medication (which I don’t want to take again) that actually helps me live with my migraine headaches. My migraines stem from my severe TMJ disorder, so most likely they are caused by muscle and sinus tightness and pressure stemming from my dysfunctional jaw joint. However, they present life regular migraines, and they’re terrible. If I used botox somewhat regularly (injections every 3-4 months) it is so much better; from headaches every day and migraines 4+ times. Week, to maybe 1-2 mild headaches a week and 1 migraine a month. I have tried everything else — steroid injections, all the migraine medications, heavy painkillers (which work but they’re addictive and have side effects), muscle relaxers, physical therapy, ortho, teeth pulled, mouth guards and on and on. Botox is a life saver for me. It’s the only thing that truly helps."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I had 40+ injections of 200 units of Botox for migraine approximately two and a half weeks ago. The first few days were horrible, as they made my migraines worse. Now my migraines have reduced (which is awesome), but I have horrible pain in my arms and hands that I've never experienced before. My forearm muscles won't flex, so somehow the toxin spread rather far away. My mouth is extremely dry as well and I have difficulty swallowing. The pain in my arms is unbearable at times. I do not recommend Botox at all, despite the reduction in migraines. I will never get this again. Also my face looks completely foreign to me and I'm embarrassed to be in public or make eye contact with anyone."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I got Botox for headaches after I had Deviated Septum Surgery for which I was having daily headaches and weekly migraines. I never had headaches before in my life until I had Deviated Septum Surgery. My swollen nose and frontal sinus were/are inflamed and therefore have a headache everyday. I became desperate for relief as I had tried every migraine and headache medicine and nothing was working. Even went to the ER a couple times and nothing they gave me helped. Well, Botox doesn't help either. It hasn't lessened the pain, it hasn't minimized the # of headaches I get. It hasn't done squat. All it does is feel like I have 5 extra pounds in my head. Never again. I had high hopes for this. Sadly, it did nothing for me."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Had allergic reaction on twelfth treatment. Still going threw it a week after injections. Two emergency room visits. Doctor said it can last two weeks or longer. Botox still working way thru body. This is horrible!"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "This has been a life changing experience. I suffered from migraines for years having 3-4 a month with a constant daily headache. I tried everything and things helped but not like this. I haven't had a migraine in 3 months and the one I did have was nothing like the ones in my past. I still get random headaches but again nothing like before. I feel brand new. I feel free from my migraines. I would recommend this to anyone struggling with migraines or daily headaches"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Having had migraines for literally over half my life, hitting >7 on the pain scale for around 25 days of the month, and trying pretty much every tablet for my migraines that I possibly could, Botox has brought me down to >7 for around 12-15 days a month. It may not sound like a lot but I'm only stuck in bed for 3-5 days instead over half the month. It's given me some resemblance of a life. Only disadvantages for me is it hurts a lot and stings, and I'm terrified of needles! Also I got it free on the NHS (UK)"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "After 6 years of intractable migraines my Neurologist gave me Botox shots. I now go in every 3 months for shots. It has dropped my daily pain level from an 8-9 to 5-6 which I can live with, believe me it's not perfect but much better. My head is sore for about 3 days after the shots, which feels like bee stings, and I usually lay around with ice packs on my noggin."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I'm on my third set of shots,and I'm experiencing a few problems, and I don't know if these are severe and should I be worried....on my left side my scalp is a little raw I have a huge knot behind my ear, I'm getting more knots in my head iIm nauseated dizzy have diarrhea, I can't sleep, I can't brush my hair.....my left side hurts this is the worst headache I have had yet, my neck hurts, my left side is numb the left side of my face is swollen my eye is swollen also only the left side. I get my next round of shots in March, it will be my fourth set of shots I haven't had side effects like this before can any body help me????"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Took it for basilar type migraines triggered by fibromyalgia due to a car accident when I was 12. Botox works too well in me. All the surrounding muscle of each trigger point injected locked up. This works great in my mother who has a different type of migraine"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I've had botox injections for the past 1.5 years, every 3 months. Initially it was a miracle drug, I'd get a bad headache the day of the injection, but then after a day or so my headaches and migraines practically went away. I went from 2 migraines a week and some level of headache the rest of the days (I didn't have a headache-less day at all before botox) to maybe one or 2 migraines in the 3 months between doses. It does wear off around 2 weeks before my next round, and the daily headaches come back. The last 2 rounds though I've had new facial pain, down my temples and my whole lower jaw. The only new med was the botox, maybe the constant dulling of my head muscles put more strain on my jaw muscles that weren't deadened by the botox? My Neurologist didn't really give me a yes or a no on if this is coorelated. Overall though, I'd recommend botox for migraines. I've tried SOOO many types of preventative and abortive migraine meds, and this is the first to actually have an effect."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "It seems like every time, I go to get my injections now, after all the injections(usually 40-45). That evening, I start with the worst headache ever and keep it for ( this time - Injections were on Friday 7/15 and today is 7/20). I'll probably have to go get a shot of Depakote to kill it on 7/21.I take topomax 200 mg. A day as a preventive, but I don't know. My doctor doesn't want to give me migraine meds., due to the fact I'm on so many medications already. Hrs worried about stroke or heart attack, because of my Bp and chronic pain meds., and leaky heart valves. I'm just sick of headaches all the Damn time."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I’ve been on Botox for years now but for spasticity from a stroke. I’ve had migraines since I was 7 years old. My doctor that was giving me Botox for my spasticity suggested I get Botox for my migraines since they were so frequent and debilitating. I have tried so many other techniques, therapy and medications and nothing has worked. The first day I got Botox for migraines, I had the worst headache. After that I only had one migraine so far and very few headaches. Botox has helped soo much in the frequency and severity of my migraines."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "After 12 hours, extreme and violent vomiting that lasted the better part of 24 hrs. I had continued GI distress and gas lasting more than several hours plus loss of appetite. I tolerated administration of drug fairly well, despite the uncomfortable pokes with bleeding. Upon recovery, found urination difficult, extreme migraine, dizziness, the feeling of spasticity in upper body, and anxiousness/nervousness."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Botox mitigates most of the headaches, but there is that pain in the back of the eye thing still going on and the tenderness on the side of the head (right). I still get a breakthrough full-on migraine about once a week. I have just been prescribed a new medicine to back up the Botox when the full-on ones come. I have had migraines for about 35 years and have tried a lot of different meds (they really liked fiorinol for the longest time. The barbituates were hard to deal with). The Botox has worked the best at taking away a lot of the headache effects and allowing me to use my day more the way I want to. I also use a bio feedback/meditation for chronic pain. I guess as long as it works, go for it!"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "The first time I got the botox injections it was wonderful, migraine free for 6 months. The second time, no relief...win some, lose some, but have to keep trying as my migraines are debilitating ...."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Botox worked for me almost immediately for my migraines. So far, I have not had one migraine since my first round of Botox 5 weeks ago. It feels like a miracle for me."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I absolutely love botox for my migraines. They were down to 1 a month."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "I tried Botox several times as administered from a Migraine Specialist/Neurologist. It didn't help at all."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "It has helped decrease the number of migraines, but it certainly is not perfect."

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "It has been a month and has yet to help, it definitely is not worth the pain of getting it and I would definitely not do it again unless it starts actually helping with my migraines"

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) "Took it didn't have a head ache for one day after that my head hurts worse now. I have got neck pain and everything. Botox horrible I had two rounds made them worse it seems"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • OnabotulinumtoxinA drug information

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  • OnabotulinumtoxinA monograph

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Botox, Botox Cosmetic

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