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Generic Name: Risedronate Sodium Delayed-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Atelvia

Atelvia Drug and Medication User Reviews

First dose..terrible abdominal pain and diarrhea that lasted 3 weeks. Unable to take second dose. Will not take again.

I took Atelvia for 5 weeks. The first 3 weeks were horrible - felt like I had the flu. Weeks 4 & 5, I developed jaw pain so the rheumatologist had me see the dentist for x-rays to determine if there was bone loss, etc. Dentist told me I was crazy to be taking this med. I stopped it and am looking for a natural method instead of taking this poison. They are out there - the doctors just don't want you to know it.

upsets my stomach and makes me feel like I have the flu and indigestion too.


My bone density scan showed osteopenia and my dr. recommended atelvia to prevent the onset of osteoporosis. I have taken it less tn 2years. My recent bone density scan showed improvement. I am still taking atelva but my new part D pharmacy provider does not have it on their formulary. I am tryin to get an "exception" so they will cover it. I have not noticed any side effects from it.

Atelvia was recommended for Osteopenia to keep me from getting worse. I am 65 and am prone to stomach issues. I took this for 3 weeks in Nov. with no problem until the 3rd week when I got terrible stomach pains. I stopped it and retried this January. Two days after the first pill I felt like I was having labor pains. Luckingly they only lasted a day and a half. I won't try again as I'm afraid it will be worse. I am taking Citracal slow release 1200 calcium and exercising and trying to eat more calcium. Will see where that takes me. Interestingly my obgyn said I need to be treated, Rhumatologist treated me to try to keep me where I'm at, and primary care dr. said I was not that bad, she would not take this drug if she were me. And I don't want anything injected into me that lasts 6 months.

Oh e stomach cramps, diarrhea and joint pain. I gave it three doses and that's it! Kept hoping it would get better! I am done with it! Maybe they could market it as a diet pill!

I have been taking Atelvia for over a year and never had any side effects whatsoever. My last bone scan showed a 15% improvement. I will take it as long as my Dr considers it still safe. Very happy with the results.

I found this very easy to take right after breakfast, unlike Actonel. I have taken it for several years and had no side effects whatsoever . In most of the affected areas it seemed to keep osteopenia as is but in some areas it worsened to osteoporosis so it is time to switch to an injectable . It did not improve condition but kept it from getting worse in most places.

I took Forteo to build up my bones and Atelvia to secure the gain (15%). It has been very effective over 3 years. I am 84 years old.

This medication made me sick in so many ways. Constant diarrhea, headaches, flu symptoms, inflammation, etc. This drug should be take off the market.

I am on my 4th week of use. On the first and second week, I only felt slight headache. But on the third and fourth week, I felt very sick and severe, continually stomach pain. I have to stop it. Does any one know other options to treat the Osteoporosis? Appreciate if some one can share with me. Thanks.

This medicine makes me very ill when I take it. Day 1 is fine, but on Day 2 I become very ill, severe abdominal pain, aches all over, diarrhea, low grade fever, very bad headache, extreme fatigue. Days 2-3 are the worst! Then slowly begin to feel better, but abdominal pain whenever you put anything in your stomach. I even tried to take a 2nd dose. Same thing happened. I'm waiting it out now to get back to normal. I will never take this medication again!

I've had severe muscle pain which incapacitated me for three days now.

Horrible intestinal cramps that don't go away for weeks! Had to get an antispasm drug. Terrible diahrea as well! I am never going to take this again!

I hate the side affect of this drugs muscle tightness, leg and arm pains, common cold problems, esophagus problems,jaw bones and thigh bone fracture AND ETC.

I've only taken one dose of this. It has been 4 days... had a headache the first day . Started getting Very noticeable pain in my femur bone, yesterday and today my ribs are aching. I've been using icepacks on both. I'm afraid to continue this medication... going to call the Dr. on Monday to consult with him.

Against my better judgement I was advised by my doctor to try this pill. About 18 hours later I felt like I had the flu. Stomach was so sick, I couldn't eat. Aches all over, lose stool, and nausea. I had to stay in bed for a day. This is the third day since I took the pill and still don't feel right. I will never take this pill again or any other ones like it.

pain in my joins

I took a sample of this pill on we'd a.m. In less than 24 hrs I felt like a truck ran ver me.I had severe aches and pains,severe headache and nausea.today is day two still feel like crap. I do not recommend this