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Generic Name: Rosiglitazone Maleate

Brand Name: Avandia

Avandia Drug and Medication User Reviews

After experiencing Congestive Heart Failure in 2003, my doctors prescribed Avandia to treat my Diabetes II disease. While being observed by a cardiologist and a diabetes specialist, I took Avandia oral for 2 years until the FDA warned against its use. I never experienced any side effects and my blood sugar was effectively controlled with Metformin and Glyburide without insulin to an A1C of 6.8.

developed heart problems have had stents installed,pacemaker, heart attacks, stuff has shortened my life span don't ever take this drug

new to this drug

it has kept my glucose levels normal for 5 years

You people need to realize diabetes is a LIFESTYLE disease, caused by your actions- not by a deficiency of Avandia, or any other drug. The very food that you eat is either going to heal or harm you. No drug is ever going to fix that. If you believe you can eat whatever you want and take a drug to fix it, not only are you LAZY, DELIRIOUS, and sadly mistaken, but you are slowly killing yourself and taking away from your loved ones.

after taking avandia for approx. 5 months, I developed cirrossis of the liver and am now awaiting for a liver transplant. while taking avandia I gained 50 to 60 pounds and developed excess body fluid all over my body. I have joined a lawsuit against glaxo smith kline.

I just stopped Avandia and switched,by Dr. to ACTOS. Blood sugar numbers were erratic without any reason, though overall dropped a bit. Problems with possible potassium retention causing multiple leg cramps, sometimes several times/day. Very concerned about FDA reports even though Dr. dismissed them as "rumor" and "bad research."

On Avandia til reports came out-took myself off & dropped 10lbs & felt better but A1C went up to 7.6. Dr made me go back on in May & I've gained 10 lbs. & feel tired & ache a lot. Waiting to see Dr in Sept-I want off of this!

Have had no troubles with this med. I have taken this for 4 years and work well for me.


I have been taking for ~8 years. I did have some weight gain because, like most, I thought since I was taking this I could eat like I always did. That was a mistake in 4 years I put on 30 pounds. I read/heard all the issues with Avandia and took note. I have had my heart checked for problems and none so far. I went on a low carb diet and lost the 30 pounds I had gained. I fell into the trap of "just take a pill" and go on about your business as usual. You can not do that. I read on this site where people gain 100+ pounds and then have a heart attack.. well DUH...

was on this years ago, doc took me off due to dangers of drug. new doc put me on it. have gained 10 lbs in a month, extreme fatigue, achy joints, swelling everywhere. has not brought levels down and I feel overall crappy! warnings on TV have made me decide to stop this drug. I have high BP and Tachycardia. don't think this is a good med for me with those conditions. I will look for an alternate med. Actos made me very tired as well, will talk with my MD on an alternate med.

I took this medication for 10 months by which time I had gained about 15 kgs, was out of breath and had swollen legs and hands. I could only walk a few steps before being out of breath. It brought the blood sugar down but the side effects were intolerable. I would not recommend it to anyone.

On it for 6 years. Edema in ankles: but, worked very well for most of the years. At age 54 I see others that made comments are over 50. My weight gain;over eating! Now have had more heart palpations and BP went dangerously high. Family genetics....Heart trouble. Will miss 1 thing, I was not allergic to it like the others.

This drug has assisted my husband into heart failure