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Generic Name: Levothyroxine for Underactive Thyroid (levothyroxine)

Levothyroxine for Underactive Thyroid Reviews

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "I am a family doctor who just got lab results on a patient taking Euthyrox. 6 months ago her tests were fine while she was on levothyroxine generic. Walmart switched her to Euthyrox, and her labs look like she just stopped taking her thyroid medicine completely. TSH is over 15. I have called her pharmacy and asked them to start an investigation of the Euthyrox, replace her pills with real medicine and will be looking into what else I need to do to protect the public."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Update: I posted on March 11, 2021, and shared how I switched back to my regular medication from Walgreens, which is just the generic Levothyroxine 88mg and stopped taking this horrible pill from Walmart called Euthyrox, which is their version of the generic brand but with horrible side effects. Today is April 21, 2021, and I feel like a brand new person! I finally feel normal! I prayed for this moment to feel like my old self! The horrible side effects have all subsided!! I just want to share with everyone that there is hope! I’ve been trying my hardest to be patient with my body. I also was taking ibuprofen for the aches and pains in the meantime. But I can finally share with you all that I’m doing great! I pray for everyone else to feel better soon. There is HOPE and light at the end of the tunnel."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "I was taking Levothyroxine 88mg from Walgreens or CVS since I was 18. Now I’m 33. Switched pharmacies to a neighborhood Walmart because it was closer to home back in Sept 2020. They gave me a generic called Euthyrox and said it was the exact same thing, so I trusted them. They just said the packaging was different. They were so wrong! Since September 2020, I’ve been having horrible side effects - muscle aches, pains, and stiffness all the time! Muscle weakness, blurred vision, chest pains, severe acid reflux (GERD-like symptoms). Foggy brain, forgetfulness, and feeling cold all the time. Didn't feel like myself at all! I almost passed out twice last week and had enough! I went to the Dr and she immediately switched me back to my meds from before. Today will be 6 days that I have switched back and my side effects have been subsiding. It was so scary and still is knowing this medication is out there! Please don’t take it. When I almost fainted and had chest pains, that was the scariest part for me."

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I’ve been on Tirosint for 3 months now. The best I’ve felt in YEARS! I previously posted in October and I can only say if the other various thyroid medications are making you feel awful, YOU HAVE TO TRY TIROSINT! My energy level is fabulous, losing weight, no hair loss, coherent, etc, and overall LIVING LIFE to the FULLEST."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "In November 2020, I was diagnosed with low thyroid. My doctor put me on levothyroxine 25 mcg. I also went to Walmart and they gave me Euthyrox. I started taking it on the 11th. After taking it for one week, I began having hip pains that radiated into my legs. My joints ached and burned. I had headaches, low energy, dizziness, confusion, and a foggy brain. I didn't want to move as it hurt. I am a retired nurse and knew the recent change was due to medication. I stopped taking it on the 19th of November. I went to the doctor's office and was told to stop taking it. By Thanksgiving, I was feeling better. It took a few weeks to feel normal again. I have been prescribed Synthroid today and going to try it. It is the brand name of levothyroxine. Hopefully, I can use it. They need to inform people about how dangerous this medication is. I will stop using Walmart. They told me I was sick with a virus and treated me like I was delusional or making it up. I hope they never experience the same as I did."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Was switched to Euthyrox 4 months ago from levothyroxine at Walmart pharmacy. This change was made without my doctor's approval. I was told it was the very same medicine I had been getting before. It is not the same medication. I have begun having extreme dizzy spells, severe anxiety, and shortness of breath. I've been on the same dose of levothyroxine for over 10 years, and now my levels are extremely high. I'm experiencing an overdose of levothyroxine. My doctor has prescribed a lower dose and wanted me to go back to taking the original levothyroxine. I went to Walmart this morning to pick it up, and they filled it again with Euthyrox. They talked me into keeping it. After reading these comments, I am not going to be taking this brand! I will be calling the FDA and Walmart Headquarters on Monday morning!"

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Walmart switched my levothyroxine to Euthyrox. The first day, I had a headache almost at migraine level. Within two weeks, my hair was falling out, insomnia every night. I have been on levothyroxine for 12 years with no issues. Do not take this medication."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I was on Synthroid for 10 years. I was in so much pain in my joints, I couldn't function. This is a known side effect of this medicine. My numbers were where they were supposed to be per the doctors, but I still felt tired and my hair was still falling out. After my husband and I did research, we worked with my doctor and switched to Armour Thyroid. Within 6 weeks my pain was gone, I felt better. I wasn't tired and my hair was falling out. No matter what medicine you use - you know how you should feel. Do the research and work with your doctor. Only you know how you should feel. Don't depend on the doctor to tell you."

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "A word of caution about levothyroxine - not all levothyroxine drugs are equal. I recently experienced a nasty episode with generic levothyroxine because the manufacturer changed the formula (replaced lactose with mannitol) which made me very sick for months (dizziness, nausea, over tiredness, chest pain, and arrhythmia). It took a while to figure out since there was no communication of a 'change' from the manufacturer. The switch to 'Tirosint' was a lifesaver! Right away, the symptoms subsided. It is so important to check the excipients (fillers). Tirosint has glycerin, water, levothyroxine, that's it! As an NTI drug (narrow therapeutic index), I would never risk the generic again. I was too sick and spent too much money with docs who couldn't find anything wrong with me! After doing research, I asked for just ask for the brand - I am so glad as it solved all of my 'issues'!"

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Please don't take Euthyrox if you are switching from Levothyroxine, after taking for a month. My hair were falling like crazy, loose stool and lot more side effects. Please think twice before taking Euthyrox."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Pharmacy gave me Euthyrox instead of Levothyroxine (generic). I didn't think it would make a difference, so I have been taking it for several months. Kept feeling worse but didn't connect it to the meds. To the point now I can barely function - arms hurt so bad, so tired I can hardly make it through my day, headache, etc. Called pharmacy to see why they switched it. She said, 'That is just what Walmart sends us. Lots of people have been complaining and switching back.' So, so am I! Hope I start feeling better soon. Shame on you, Walmart, for switching people's meds without a doctor's request!"

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Walmart substituted this rubbish Euthyrox today on my refill after I specifically told them not to. I called Corporate and gave them 24 hours to deliver my regular Levothyroxine or I would not only move my scripts, I would file charges for causing harm as this Euthyrox can cause heart attacks."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "Synthroid saved my life... been taking it for almost four years now. I had all of the worst symptoms in the worst way of a basically dead thyroid. I was feeling better within a week of taking it and continued to feel better and better every day for about the next six months. That's when it leveled off and I've been happy (and grateful) ever since. It took about a year or so to lose all of the weight I gained as a result of crummy thyroid. The weight just came right off after taking Synthroid. I'm on 225mcg per day with very minimal side effects... so minimal that I can't recall what they are at the moment."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "Reading all the posts/comments on here - PEOPLE - if you are still feeling bad and not noticing relief from symptoms of an underactive thyroid, PLEASE TELL YOUR doctor. If your doctor disagrees with you, then find an ENDOCRINOLOGIST to get a second opinion. They specialize in endocrine issues, which the thyroid falls under. You know your own body better than your doctor - research the symptoms of an underactive thyroid and if you are still feeling them, then get a second opinion. Never stop taking this medication on your own, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to notice a difference in your body. Also, ask your doctor to write DISPENSE AS WRITTEN on your prescription to avoid the pharmacy giving generic."

Tirosint (levothyroxine) "I was doing great on Tirosint until manufacturers changed to IBSA. I developed gastritis and arthritic neck pain, fatigue, and weakness. Felt like I had the flu. This medication has cost me a lot of time and money. Please start checking for any manufacture changes to your thyroid medication."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "My pharmacy changed me to this brand after being on levothyroxine. My hair has been falling out, weight gain, brittle nails, and more side effects. This does not work for your thyroid. Had my TSH done in March, and it was pretty close to the normal range. After that, the pharmacy changed my levothyroxine to this one. My TSH is low, and this is why I am having the issues. I am upset that the pharmacy can just change things without checking with you first. Don't take this brand of medication."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "Only been on this medicine for 4 days and it has already made a huge difference in how I feel. The depression was awful and the intolerance to the cold was bone chilling. I hope things continue to look up. So far so good!"

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I was falling asleep every time I sat down - even at the computer, rocking a baby, in a car ride. I was trying to lose weight, but gaining instead. Someone would touch me and I would start sweating. I am 58. I have been on Synthroid (not generic) for 6 days now. I too am feeling a whole lot better. I was at 202 lbs 10 days ago. Today I am at 187.6 lbs. I did fall asleep at the computer again last night, but my energy level is coming back."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "Began taking in early June when Walmart pharmacy refilled my prescription, saying Euthyrox was their new generic and what I would be getting going forward. Within days of taking the first pill, I began to experience headaches that progressively increased in duration and frequency during the four months of taking Euthyrox. Then began the insomnia, tinnitus, heat intolerance, uncontrollable sweating, swelling in the face and eyelids, diarrhea, neck and shoulder pain, blurred vision, fatigue, occasional dizziness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and brain fog. Stopped Euthyrox almost two weeks ago, and most symptoms have gone away except for headaches and neck pain. Definitely returning to the prior medication, this one was disabling."

"When Dr. increases the dosage for levothyroxine, I get overly anxious, palpitations, lack of concentration, can't sleep, an overall feeling of not feeling well, faintly feeling, no energy, bloated, itchy, eye problems, irritated, confusion, feeling like crying, very emotional, and this is only taking 50mg. I felt I was dying. The moment I took half of 25mg like I was doing before, I returned to my normal self. Doctors don't care about your symptoms, they just want to go by the book, and I'm not the only one reporting this. Others like me are out there. Doctors are not listening to us."

Euthyrox (levothyroxine) "My pharmacy switched me to Euthyrox instead of levothyroxine. Then, four hours after taking the first one, I had a massive headache, didn't think anything of it. The second day, same thing, only this time it was odd, I rarely get headaches, so it worried me how severe it was. I called my pharmacist and asked if it was related, yes, it is. I couldn't even function, it was so bad. I demanded they switch it back. I then found out today that with my recent heart attack, I shouldn't have even been given this med! HORRIBLE stuff!"

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I have been on Synthroid for approximately 10 years. Here are several points that I have learned: 1. You may initially start feeling better in a couple of weeks, but it takes months to see the full effects. 2. Depending on your TSH levels, your doctor should start you at a low dosage and gradually increase as needed. Starting with too high of a dosage is a shock to your body and will even make you feel more tired as your body is working overtime. 3. See a physician who is very familiar with thyroid issues. If you are not seeing positive results with your family doctor, see an endocrinologist! Many of the negative comments I have read may be a result of your doctor not understanding this disorder. 4. There are alternatives if this medicine is not working."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "To be honest, I'm not a person who has ever taken medications. So when my physician told me I had an underactive thyroid, I didn't really know what to think because I didn't feel as though I had any of the common symptoms. I just thought the symptoms the doctor mentioned were just normal aging since I am 55 years old. I have been taking this medication now for a little over 4 months and have started to see some noticeable changes. 1) My hair stopped falling out. 2) Nails started growing faster and stronger. 3) All around much more energy. 4) Able to focus better. So far, I have been very happy with the results. I cannot give this a total 10 because everything has room for improvement."

Synthroid (levothyroxine) "I can almost guarantee that most of these negative reviews are due to either 1. Taking the medication incorrectly (generic works for some not all), too close to food or iron, calcium, some antidepressants interfere. 2. Taking the incorrect dose. 3. Not being consistent (must be close to the same time daily). I had gone through many changes before finally getting it right. Seems to be working well after getting on brand name and taking it seriously."

Levoxyl (levothyroxine) "I was a long-time Levoxyl user prior to the major recall that happened, and I loved Levoxyl and felt fantastic before the recall that happened! I have tried it 4 separate times, and each time I try it, I feel horrible. Imagine the most tired feeling you could ever feel! I cannot function and require naps when I try taking it. Not sure what changes they made to the formula, but for me, it is horrible. I just had to share this, just in case anyone out there is feeling this same feeling. Trust me, the formula has changed and not for the better..."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
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Patient resources

  • Levothyroxine drug information
  • Levothyroxine Capsules
  • Levothyroxine Injection Solution
  • Levothyroxine Oral Solution
  • Levothyroxine Tablets

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Tirosint, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Levothyroxine monograph
  • Levothyroxine (FDA)
  • Levothyroxine Capsule (FDA)
  • Levothyroxine Injection (FDA)

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Tirosint, ... +6 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • TSH Suppression
  • Thyroid Suppression Test
  • Myxedema Coma