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Generic Name: Secnidazole Oral Granules

Brand Name: Solosec

Solosec Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve taken Solosec a few times & it always works, but I tend to get BV again if I don’t use a condom. I’m trying to conceive so that makes it more difficult as his sperm messes up my ph balance. However, I do remain clear of BV if we use protection & Solosec does clear it up when needed. My preferred method in taking this medication is different. I get a shot glass & fill it with the medication & water. Don’t let the medication dissolve though, take it quickly after you mix it with water. Then have another glass of water in hand. I literally take the medication like a shot. I hold my breath, take the medication/water mixture & then chug water. Some medication may remain in the shot glass so fill it back up with water & repeat until gone. When I mixed it with applesauce it just took forever to get down & I was chugging water as well during the process. This way is much faster & easier!

This medication was super nasty tasting but it seems to be worth it. My problem cleared up within 24 hours. I’ve taken Flagyl and Clindeese and neither worked. This is been ongoing for months and I think this medication finally did the trick. Hopefully it stays gone. This medication is very expensive even with insurance but I was able to use online coupon making it $25. Without insurance it’s over $300 which is ridiculous.

Read reviews before taking. Learned alcohol should not be used so I have not had a drink and will not for duration. Very bitter but water helped and taste was gone quickly. Mixed with non dairy yogurt. No nausea but felt slight headache on and off for a few hours. Not bad. Day 2 and feel fine. No side effects to speak of. Hope it works. ð?¤?

The first time I took this I made the mistake of mixing it with Apple sauce , and I puked the entire package up. Not to mention the horrible metallic taste. My doc gave me 2 samples , and due to covid , I didn't want to go to doctors office so figured I take my chances on this again once I was sure I had another VB. This time , I made a smoothie , used a ton of fruits , spinach , yogurt almond milke and ginger for the taste. You have to mix it in really good and swallow whole .

My doctor called and told me I had BV after my annual check up, I had no symptoms prior to taking this medication, but after taking it my discharge smelled very strong and I was in pain. The medicine was easy to take in yogurt, although the taste isn�t the best once you take a drink to wash it down the Bad taste goes away. I am now on flagyl after 4 days of waiting to see if Solosec would clear my symptoms. My advice is to save your money and stick with 7 days of antibiotics. I paid $75 for Solosec due to my insurance not covering it with a coupon and $4.02 for my antibiotics. Stick to what you know!

First time user and sprinkled it on vanilla yogurt. Taste was bitter but yogurt helped. I drank a glass of water but taste lingered. That night, I drank a glass of wine and felt very sick (nauseous, dizzy) afterwards. I'm 5'2" and 108 lbs so that may be part of the problem? Also, I don't drink often or much. Still felt not 100% this morning. Still some discharge, over 24 hours later so we'll see if that goes away. I'll try to update later.

Mixed with applesauce and had a really difficult time keeping it down because of the taste. It's effective and simple to use but it is TOUGH to swallow. I am unsure of other medication options for BV, but will definitely be asking at the very least of other more pleasant options that are equally effective.

I took it about 24 hours ago, yes it tasted awful but I didn't experience as horrible of a time as everyone else. I ate it with yogurt and yes, quickly swallowed it down with water. Was happy it was over. I felt a tiiiiny little headache soon after and teeeenie bit nauseous but I woke up today and slept totally fine. Stomach doesnt hurt or anything. I am sad because I chose this bc I could drink alcohol, but now I am reading all these reviews and am terrified of even trying. It seems that it stays in your body for 4 days according to the website, so maybe it is best to not drink for 4 days? The smell is gone but I also got my period the day I started the meds, so I am not sure, its hard to tell. I guess will take a few days to see if it really helps! Overall hasnt been THAT awful. Took advil for headache and otherwise have been fine.

I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about the taste. It is unpleasant, but tolerable, it tastes like medicine. I drank it with a smoothie and the taste was hardly there. It has been over 24 hours since I took the medicine and I have not had any side effects. Very pleased

Was gross but work but worked to well dried me all up to dry now

Iâ??m going to leave a review on every website I can find so that you are WARNED not to take this medication. Itâ??s currently 4:04 am and I have been up since 11pm (5 hours) vomiting. The label say may be consumed with alcohol, DO NOT drink alcohol with this. I had 2 glasses of wine. Iâ??m so sick, I canâ??t keep even water down, so Iâ??m throwing up gut wrenching bile. Ready to start a lawsuit. Absolutely ridiculous. Never had this problem with Flagyl.

I never write reviews but this experience was so terrible that I'm compelled to share. My doctor proscribed Solosec stating that I could drink alcohol with it (it was my birthday). I took it with my favorite yogurt and I gagged the entire time. Literally had to force myself to get through it. The next day (less than 24 hrs) I had a drink because my doctor originally said it was fine and was vomiting for 2 days straight. I'm just getting better but still have this awful acidic taste in my mouth that won't go away. I gag every time I think of taking Solosec. There must be a better option.

I've tried Solosec now 3 times. I find the taste terrible and so hard to get down - gagging if it touches my tongue or the roof of my mouth. I tried applesauce and yogurt. I think the applesauce was better. Twice I took it and accidentally drank alcohol/thought I was good 24 hours later and both times nonstop vomited for HOURS. Do NOT drink no matter what the info or your doctor says. This time, I'm giving it at least a week. The BV obviously kept coming back and not sure if that's because I threw the medication back up or what. It would go away and then come back after my next period. If it doesn't work this time, I'll try something else. It's a good option because it's supposed to be a one-time dose but given how rough it is, not sure it's worth it.

Mix it in chocolate pudding and it doesn’t taste bad. Day 1 symptoms started to get better. Day 2 no discharge. Days 3 and 4 I had a little discharge but couldn’t tell. Day 5 back full force with more discharge than before.

First of all Iâ??d like to say why canâ??t people give REAL HONEST REVIEWS??? I just took solosec for the first time. I mixed it in yogurt an you canâ??t even taste it. Also from the reviews thatâ??s on here WHY WOULD U BE CHEWING YOGURT???? The granulas are super tiny theres no need to resist the urge to chew smh an why in the WORLD would you ppl think itâ??s ok to drink an take antibiotics regardless of it saying you can. You canâ??t stop being a alcoholic for a few days? Anyway the stuff WORKS symptoms went away in 24 hours but it will fully cured in 5 days.

I rarely feel compelled to leave reviews but after reading all of the poor reviews on this drug I wanted to share what I believe to be the majority experience. I took this with chocolate pudding, and there was no taste whatsoever, but you really have to be careful NOT to crush or chew the granules AT ALL. When they drift into the side of your mouth you literally just have to suck them back in using your cheeks and tongue, and wash down with water. Anyone who tasted anything must have accidentally crushed a granule. So, onto the next point...I never felt any side effects - for those who did I feel terrible, but if you read in the pamphlet less than 2% of people experience these side effects, so unless you are known to have trouble with antibiotics in general I wouldn't worry about it! I even had some wine that night and felt totally fine. Symptoms were gone by morning! I am so grateful for this medication - I absolutely HATE Flagyl and it's such a relief that there's finally an easy alternative that WORKS! Good luck out there ladies!

Please consider this a preliminary review:The taste is pretty gross, but not too bad. I ate it all in less than 5 minutes. Iâ??m not sure this works as quickly as advertised or as previous reviews indicate. I took the drug with yogurt yesterday (Wednesday) at 11:30 am. Then, I administered a one-day dose of Monistat to counteract the potential for yeast infections. It is now 6 am the next day (Thursday) and the odor is significantly stronger. The odor yesterday morning was very subtle; now itâ??s quite noisome. I am wondering whether itâ??s even working at all and whether I will need to chase this next week with Metro Gel after all. I pray not, but given the other reviews, I expected the smell to get better, not worse. This is extremely disappointingâ??especially considering that I paid $45 for it. If the odor has not subsided by Saturday, I will be contacting the company for a refund.

I made the mistake of reading reviews AFTER I'd already taken this medication, and we super concerned about side effects. First, it doesn't taste nearly as terrible as some of these reviews suggest. It's not great, but it's easy to get down in yogurt or pudding. I did experience a metallic taste in my mouth and a bit of nausea for 12 hours or so, but was totally fine the next morning. It's important to remember that people are much more likely to review a medication online if they've experienced significant side effects.

I was prescribed Solosec by my gynecologist. I had never been diagnosed with BV before. I got Solosec, took it as directed, and then read the reviews after feeling kinda funny immediately after taking it. I wish I had read the reviews sooner. I did not drink alcohol with this medication. It immediately made me dizzy and 12 hours later, Iâ??m throwing up. I wasnâ??t warned of these side effects at all. I donâ??t know if it is working yet because it has only been 12 hours. I do know that I would rather take normal antibiotics though. I am miserable.

I have had bv for quite sometime now and am desperate but not that desperate to make myself sick. I mean there just has to be something else that can go with this disgusting stuff. I tried it in some greek yogurt and it made the texture absolutely AWFUL! Every time I tried to even swallow some it made me almost gag my insides out. Maybe the best way to take this is one scoop every 5mins till you get it all down or just sprinkle some eat it sprinkle eat or maybe just wolf down the packet with a follow up of water or juice. i think juice hightens it. There is no way I will try this with greek yogurt again. I could not finish I only got about half down. There is an awful after taste. Eat candy afterward like a werther's caramel filled candy. It will kill the taste. I will try it again though just had I wasted $25 not to get to eat it all. I'm going to try swallowing small portions of the granules next time alone. Followed by milk.