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Generic Name: Sertraline Hcl

Brand Name: Zoloft

Zoloft Drug and Medication User Reviews

TW: "BAD" thoughts. Diagnoses: ADHD, PMDD, PTSD, major depressive disorder, anxiety, OCD Zoloft saved my life. I spent 6+ years on Cipralex, and my body became used to it and I was at the max dose. My doctor slowly got me off that and put me on Wellbutrin as I have ADHD as well. I was on Wellbutrin for a month and it made my anxiety worse than it had ever been. I was up all night panicking, and couldn't get anything done at work because I would just sit at my desk with racing thoughts. The final straw was contemplating su!c!de one night. I called in sick to work and called my doctor right away. She told me we were going to try Zoloft, which was fine with me. She started me at 50mg, which is double what people should start on. The nausea the first few days was really bad, but it only lasted for about 5 days. All I did was drink ginger ale in the morning and at lunch, and I was usually okay after that. She did tell me to take it at night to sleep through most of the nausea (IT WORKS!! LOL). It may have been placebo, it may have been the high starting dose, but within a week/week and a half, I felt like myself again. It's now been 6 weeks and I feel great. I have next to no side effects. The only thing I notice is its harder for me to get to the Big O, but only slightly harder. But once I get there, its still the same. I know that this is a big concern for people, its had next to no effect on me. I also have PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) which made me an absolute monster just before my period. I also have an IUD in so maybe that plays a role, but I noticed my PMDD/PMS symptoms are almost gone. My mood is stabilized, I don't have BAD thoughts, my quality of life has greatly improved. I know this won't be the same for everyone, but I wanted to share my experience.

The effect of the medication appeared on the first day of taking it. That seemed so weird to me, because I've tried several other SSRIs and needed to wait at least 7-8 days to feel something. It was like the mood swing, in the morning I felt a little brain fog, and a little shaky. Then later that day my mood as well as my motivation dropped drastically to zero, I couldn't move, couldn't work, so for around 2 hours I sat in the chair trying to get myself together. After that episode I figured, that I need to eat something, so I went to the nearby store. When I've gone outside, I felt like I was high, colors were much more vivid, sounds were intensified to the degree I felt overwhelmed. This state lasted for around 4-5h, can't tell for sure, because I lost a track of time. Also there was this feeling that my soul was separated from my body and the metaphysical and physical world was in different point in spacetime (not sure if it makes any sense). At the last stage I felt so slow, like I took a portion of Xanax. At the end of this day I took xanax to fall asleep. The next day I wanted to try again, to tell for sure if that wasn't some kind of coincidence. All of the symptoms appeared again, with that change that in the evening I felt so aggressive, like thinking about the violence made me feel better. I could control myself, but this raising need to scream out all of my anger was terrifying. I also started to hear kind of screaming in the background (like at the top of my head). Overall I know this works for lots of people, but I'd rather be depressed than try this stuff again. There is no word that could describe how much I despise that drug. 0/10

HI, I am a 22 year old female with bipolar II disorder. I started using Zoloft 50 mg about a year ago for anxiety and depression. If im to mistaken, the first time used Zoloft I started at 50 I believe. I experiences high levels of energy and little to no sleep the first 2 weeks. I went a little nuts because my brain was tired and desperate for sleep yet my body was alert and awake but I couldn't think of complaining since I was just glad to have not been having anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts every night. I experiences 1 anxiety attack in those two first weeks on Zoloft. (Before then it was a nightly panic attack lasting 30 min- an hour). As I continued with this medication I either went up to 60 or 80mg I can't recall. I ended breaking up withy boyfriend 4 years while on this medication and I couldn't have made it through on my own. Like anybody else, I experienced depression with the break up but thanks to Zoloft combined with Latuda I was able to keep pushing through and make the best out of a bad situation. I can't stress enough, medication can't do it all for you. You have to want to help yourself and be willing to put the work In as well. Remove yourself from negativity and toxicity

I have been on Zoloft (or the generic) twice in my life, both for extended periods of time (4+ years). The first was in high school through mid-college. I had experienced panic attacks fairly consistently since I was about 12 years old. The attacks were always related to health anxiety/hypochondriasis and were extremely scary for me. The medication was very effective with minimal side effects. I weaned off of the medication under my psychiatrist’s supervision in college once I felt that my anxiety was under control. I occasionally had panic attacks after discontinuing it but had mostly learned to talk myself down from them. Many years later in my early 30’s after having my first baby, my health anxiety returned with a vengeance. I did not have panic attacks anymore, but more just a constant stream of anxiety to the point that I convinced myself I was physically ill. Because my anxiety was presenting differently from the way it had when I was younger, I did not recognize it as anxiety. I went to doctor after doctor trying to figure out my symptoms, and underwent many tests. At one point, I felt so sick I thought for sure I had a terminal illness, and finally a very kind and perceptive doctor talked to me about my history of health anxiety, without judgment or blame, and for some reason what she said lifted a fog for me. After that, my symptoms disappeared, and I realized that my anxiety had once again gotten out of control. I started on Zoloft again, and have not had a single episode of severe anxiety in nearly 5 years. I was a shell of a person during my prolonged episodes. Zoloft quite literally has saved my quality of life.

I began taking 25 mg of Zoloft after being diagnosed with PTSD. I suffered through a traumatic event and was experiencing suicidal ideation, intrusive thoughts and the typical things that come with PTSD- extreme avoidance, anxiety, etc. Titrating up was rough- headaches, upset stomach, irritation, but they subsided within a week. Within a few days the ideation went away completely. Within a month months at the full 25 mg dose, I no longer had intrusive thoughts about the event. Within 3 months, my anxiety had subsided significantly. After 8 months I had most of my life back save a little light depression. I increased my dose to 37.5 and I am completely my old self. I cannot say enough about this medication. I should also note I did months of trauma therapy to deal with PTSD, but this medication swooped in and took the extreme burden away in the short term and has absolutely helped lift the anxiety in the long term. I suffered from GAD before PTSD, and I no longer experience that either.

I started with some negative side effects that left me sometimes unable to leave the house within the first two weeks. I felt so nauseous, dizzy, fuzzy. I felt like my anxiety was higher than ever with an increasing sense of urgency and rapid heart rate. However after speaking to my pharmacist and GP I preserved and now a about 6 weeks in I feel great. I never realised how much my depression and anxiety was holding me back. I feel like a new person, honestly never had such a clear head. Invasive thoughts and anxiety have significantly decreased, I am sleeping a lot better and wake up feeling refreshed. I feel like a weight has lifted from my shoulders. I am writing this because I want people who have just started and having some bad side effects that it does get better. Please stick with it.

YOU NEED THIS! I was dealing with horrible anxiety to the point it was making me depressed because I didn’t know how to function with my anxiety in my day to day life. I was getting really dizzy and almost passing you and getting burst of anxiety attacks almost every day. I was prescribed 50 ml of Zoloft by my doctor and I didn’t take it correctly and ending up taking it to close together and I made my mental health the worst it has ever been. I was having scary thoughts about suicidal intentions and feel horrible I didn’t even know what to do. It eventually left my system and I felt back to the way I felt before just anxiety. I was scared to give it another try but I did and I’m so happy I did! I got on 25 ml for the first month and worked my way up to 50ml. I have been in this for 6 weeks today and I can honestly say I am the best version of myself and I’m so excited for my future with this medication! I even recommended it for my boyfriend because he has anxiety and depression and he’s been on it for 4 weeks and he’s literally a different person he’s so happy and relaxed! You may have some side effects but seriously stay strong you got this! This medication will change your life!

Please keep in mind that this review was made after taking this medication for one week. I do not have depression and I am a hypochondriac, this is most often the cause of my panic. I have always been the type of guy to be very outgoing. I’ve loved to go out have fun, go to parties, socialize. But once COVID began, I began going to college and being through a very toxic relationship I developed panic disorder. Panic disorder for me has been by far the worst thing that I’ve ever endured in my entire life. A feeling of hopelessness that I would never be able to return to my normal life again. But I can tell you that without medication I felt much better. Zoloft has made my last week of taking it a nightmare of non comparison. Not only did my anxiety get significantly worse, but my fear of my body being hypochondriac grew ridiculously. My anxiety grew so bad that I had the inability to sit down. My desire to eat has grown absent, I have lost weight, I felt off balance, the anxiousness gave me almost daily panic attacks, vomiting. I don’t know just how bad I felt until I stopped taking it and I felt much better within at least 32 hours. The reason I took this medication is because I wanted to find a quick way out of my condition and I tell you now naturally on my own I was already making progress but this medication destroyed it. Please understand that while I had a horrible experience with it I have seen others blossom with it. But for me, it wasn’t the one. I am going to choose the natural way, since it has worked for me better especially with therapy.

I have severe anxiety , panic attacks, and depression, i have now been on this almost 3 months and i will say at first i had insomnia, and a low appetite. However i have went from not being anle to live a normal everyday life because of the contstant anxiety, to feeling like myself again, living normally without compulsive thoughts, its such a relief.

I have been prescribed this by my doctor, and after reading the comments I’m shocked that most I read are negative. I have suffered from server panic attacks and daily anxiety. Stopping me from daily tasks such as: shopping, going to the doctors, kids school, general shopping, work everything! I Started on 50mg and I’m 8 days in, and I haven’t felt anymore like my normal self in over 7 months! This is worth the go if you are suffering. I have a great life and everything is going fine. Never had any past disorders similar, just came on all of a sudden and I couldn’t thank anymore the people who created such a brilliant medication! thank you for giving me my life back! Yes it has some side effects but what doesn’t! They don’t write it on the back of food packaging but I can’t bet you those have side effects too!

I was prescribed Zoloft 25mg for panic attacks and anxiety. This drug made me feel like a freaking psycho. I felt like I had no control over my mind or thoughts. I didn’t even recognize myself in the mirror. I had a crazy look in my eye that I couldn’t make go away. This drug was so scary for me that I had to take a xanax just to calm down from how insane the Zoloft was making me feel. I also physically could not cry, which couldn’t have been healthy because my mom had just died. I felt my body trying to cry and just nothing would come out. I tried to stick with it because I heard it takes a while to work. But my doctor said it would take 3 weeks for me to even feel it working, and only 6 days in I felt so psychotic and scared and absolutely unbearably terrible that I could not stand to feel that way for one more second. I hated it so much and I would never take it ever again in my life.

I used it to treat anxiety. Started out great, 4 weeks in anxiety returned. Upped the dose to 50 mg. Great for 2 weeks then a MASSIVE panic attack. My psychiatrist said she'd never seen anything like this. I went off it 2 days later. It's the worst.

I have been taking Zoloft for 7 weeks now. I started off with 50mg daily for two weeks and then 100mg daily for five weeks now. I want to say that the first week or so is rough since I felt more down and anxious part of it is probably due to the stress of taking Antidepressants. I am sure no one wants to be on medication if not needed. Most of what I read also mentioned that the first two weeks can be rough. Antidepressants make you feel worse before they make you feel good. In terms of side effects, I have yawned more than usual, grinded my teeth sometimes and dry mouth. But more than anything, my sex drive is low. I have very little interest in sex and dating these days. I’m single and 40 and I guess I can live with that. Some people say they gain weight by taking this medicine but I don’t have that problem yet. In terms of benefits, I am not depressed that much anymore and my racing, intrusive, negative thoughts are gone. I want to say that I become more rational about situations and things. I used to feel so much regret and remorse thinking about the past and now they are almost gone. I used to have feelings of suicidal ideation and worthlessness and those feelings are also gone. Thinking about the past, worrying about the future are a lot less now. I do have downtimes here and there but they are not severe anymore and don’t last that long. The challenge I have now is getting up in the mornings and having less motivation. I usually get to work at 11AM. Since I own a small company and it does run itself, so, I can go anytime I want and do nothing if I don’t want to. But of course, it makes me feel guilty and unproductive. But I’m in a better shape since before I don’t even show up for work at all, staying in bed and home all day. I’m trying to get myself up early every morning and trying to be productive and I hope it will happen soon. To say more, I am more calm and relaxed than before and feel more content with my life. Not happy but content. Somehow, my greed has disappeared. I also stopped drinking alcohol and stopped smoking marijuana. I used to smoke marijuana almost every day for god knows how long and most of the people including my mom thinks it is the root cause of my depression. I smoked mostly to relief stress and to be happy but I think it doesn’t work out for the long term, although I do miss my high times. I read that Zoloft makes you feel euphoria sense of happiness out of nowhere and hit them at one point. I wish I have that feeling in future but I don’t have that yet. I want be excited about getting up in the mornings and accomplish things but I am still not there yet. I’m also reading about CBT and it mainly talks about removing negative thoughts and changing your mindset. I believe it helps me a little bit. I want to say something here that I’m trying to cure/fix my well-being all by myself, meaning that I don’t have a psychiatrist or doctor prescribing me. I used to live in US for 13 years and now I live in third world country (hometown) where Zoloft can be purchased over the counter. At the same time, I believe psychiatrists here are not that well-trained nor experienced. So, yes, I’m my own doctor at this point. I read and studied lots of reviews, articles and YouTube videos. I tend to stay taking the medicine at 100mg daily for about a year and wean off from it. I don’t intend to increase my dosage and I hope I don’t have to. To wrap up, I believe Zoloft has helped me over this 7 weeks’ period. I hope you best of luck to your recovery.

I was first prescribed this medication in 2020 and scared myself out of taking it for two years because all the negative reviews I was reading but in 2022 I hit a breaking point and nothing else seemed to be working and honestly this medication saved my life. I find when people have a positive experience with something they don't seem to leave feed back on it so I hope this comment helps someone to take the chance if their doctor is recommending they try this. I was mainly scared of weight gain and I actually lost a little over 10 pounds on it and have been hovering around 124 for the last six months. I don't wake up anymore with a tightness in my chest due to anxiety. I don't cry randomly any more and my panic attacks have stopped. Please please please if you think you may need something like this give it a try. If you don't like it you can always change your meds or stop all together its not a life sentence. I did experience acne for a couple of weeks while my body was getting use to the dosage but that eventually went away. I can't remember the last time I felt this calm and generally ok. I also stayed on 50 mg for a few months before upping my dosage my doctor originally wanted me to get up to 100mg but I have been on 75mg and it is working just fine for me so that it where I am going to stay.

I’m on it for anxiety, this is one of the pills that takes weeks if not months to notice an effect for what you’re taking it for, but will make you have awful diarrhea day one!!! Absolutely despise Zoloft.

I took Sertraline for depression. It worked quickly. I started feeling great after an hour in. It wasn't until a year later my reaction was actually considered a manic state and that I may be bipolar. My side effects were dry eyes, wrist pain (sleeping with bent wrist), high libido not able to ejaculate, didn't require much sleep, behavior issues, maybe even bone density issues, weight loss. One missed/partial dose caused electro shocks.

Zoloft pulled me out of a major depression twice in my life along with Trazodone and Klonopin- I have GAD which is my primary diagnosis. Granted I had to take 200 mg Zoloft, 300 mg, and Klonopin 0.5 mg BId. I eventually stopped taking everything but Klonopin but I noticed depression creeping back in. I tried to restart Zoloft but couldn't tolerate side effect - made me jittery. My Dr. suggested I start at 50 mg for 2-4 weeks which I did with minimal side effects. I am on my 3rd day now of 100 mg - feel a little jittery but not bad. Additionally- I have always been able to loss weight.

I always had anxiety and was able to control it however the last year I’ve had a lot of responsibility taking care of one of my sisters and working then I got the flu and pneumonia and my sister passed away. At this point I started with panic attacks that never seemed to go away, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. During this time I couldn’t sleep anxious crying loss of appetite non stop panic attacks couldn’t work etc. I was prescribed the generic Zoloft and this first week was horrible all I did was cry and stay balled up on the floor. Week 2 I made myself go to work and that was ok then week 3 went back to feeling like week 1 horrible. As I am now ending week 5 I am feeling like my old self again! I went out in public shopping, cooking and cleaning again. Please stick it out and be patient I know is easier said then done but it is a miracle I no longer want to die. I read these reviews over and over to help me get through this tuff time so I thought I would share my experience. Your not alone and will make it through this

I’ve been feeling better and my anxiety and depression through the day has gotten better but when I first started on 25mg I had many side effects such as upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, hand tremors and muscle twitching which began to go away over then span of a week and I went up in dosage to 50mg then the same side effects came back for a few days but it stopped working as well and then I spoke to my doctor and got it to 100mg a week after I started 50mg and my depression has gotten better but I still get short spurts of anxiety where I feel like I might have a panic attack but I breath and it mellows me out but past all the side effects it has helped me daily to be happier and less anxious

I told my self that I would share my experience if Sertraline (Zoloft) helped me, so here I am. I'm a healthy young man, with a fantastic life. Got a job I love, kids and a wife I adore. I have no obvious reason to struggle with my mental health, yet I somehow developed intense panic disorder. I would wake up all night and be shaking, my muscles twitch and tic, I had constant diarrhea, and a feeling of intense dread and despair 24 hours a day. Sertraline made all of that go away almost entirely! The first 2 weeks were very hard. Everything got worse but by day 10 I could feel it starting to work, and my panic attacks beginning to go away. By day 15 I was sleeping through the night and by week 3 I was great, with no side effects. It felt like I had been connected to a torture machine for the brain and then someone turning it down and then turning it off. My thoughts are clear and I've stopped worrying all the time. I think I might have OCD and that's also gone. I love sertraline and I am forever grateful that this exists!