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Generic Name: Sildenafil Citrate

Brand Name: Viagra

Viagra Drug and Medication User Reviews

To say I am a non-believer of self help marketing & advertisement campaigns, brochures, commercials etc.-- Is an Understatement. I am 55 years old but appear no older than 45, I take care of myself, eat right, exercise and take daily multivitamins along with my standard prescription meds. For almost a year now, I regularly take ginseng capsules and for almost 5 months now, I have regularly been taking L - Arginine and Horny Goat weed, as an additional supplement to help fight off the effects of erectile disfunction, something I never believed would ever affect me as I have always had a very powerful libido. Needless to say, apart from excessive sweatiness, frazzled nerves and sleepless nights, no positive effect ever developed to help me with my problem or even to assist with the decreasing size of my penis as the inability to maintain arousal or even achieve orgasm continued to deflate my dignity and self respect. Finally I decided to try sildenafil citrate (Viagara), my pharmacist suggested I speak with my doctor and he prescribed sildenafil 50 mgs. First of all I must say; there are quite a few curious side effects noted for this drug. On my case however, I noticed color changes and different shades of hazy gold everywhere I looked (which was actually quite pleasant, almost like an acid trip of sorts). I also felt a little flushed, a little extra color on the cheeks but that it as far as side effects go. What I didn't feel, Is an uncontrollable urge or explosive desire of any kind. However, when I engaged in sexual activity (roughly 1 1/2 hours later-- Oh Boy!! My penis grew larger than ever, something I hadn't seen in over 10 years. My desire to climax reminded me of my youth, I hadn't experienced premature ejaculation in over 40 years but that night, I had to really focus in order to .control myself. Obviously my experience was phenomenal and I was very grateful but I still wanted to know what would happen the next day without the use of Viagara. To my surprise (and on 2 occasions now) I reached maximum extension of my manhood and the climax was again powerful. Thank you Viagara.

I’m 57 and began to experience some performance anxiety with my wife, sometimes difficult to obtain or maintain an erection. I asked my doctor about my issues and he prescribed sildenafil 20 mg tablets. Man what a game changer! Within 30 minutes I can get an erection that is like steel. Multiple orgasms are possible again, I feel like I’m back in my 20’s. I’ve even pounded a couple of the neighbors lately and they were quite satisfied. Only side effects are some nasal congestion but it’s mild. That’s how I know it’s time for action. Very satisfied.

I’ve taken the medicine a total of 15 times and at first it worked well. Now it doesn’t help much at all and I’m not sure if it is because my partner doesn’t give me enough attention to help stimulate me.

I'm 76 and have been using Viagra and then sildenifil for 11 years. I'm in great physical shape. I exercise and run daily, even in winter. My body is firm and tight, and my penis is soft. When I first started using it, it worked. I got an erection firm enough to penetrate. But it didn't last too long, maybe 5 -7 minutes. Then it got soft and slipped out. I wound up jerking off. I still use it and it works even less. Now it gets a little full, but not hard enough for penetration. So I jerkoff my soft penis. My wife uses toys and is satisfied with that. She has 5 to 6 orgasms. I love watching her pleasure herself. I still have the desire, but just can't do it.

My doctor prescribed 50mg, which I took, and approx. 35 minutes later I achieved a bit of an erection that lasted less than a minute. VERY DISAPPOINTED! I am 84 and a retired professional athlete.

I'm approaching 80. Have been using Viagra for 2 and a half years. Great results, firm erection for at least a half hour of active sex. Magic climaxes. Increased dosage to 50mg a few weeks ago. Hope to for many more years.

I take 15-25mg (sometimes less) and it works fine for me with no side effects. Taken on an empty stomach it can kick in in less than 20 minutes (with no stimulation).. I will feel a slow stirring sensation down there leading to a wowser of an erection all by itself :)... With food 50-70 minutes to take effect, I need stimulation but works just as well. And yes you can still feel the effects up to 12+ hrs after taking it does not care where you are (public places etc) so keep this in mind it can be annoying.

Took me a year to talk to my doctor...and, when I did, I was so nervous my blood pressure was off the charts! We tried it and it worked great. The only side affect was some moderate flushing in the first 30 minutes. ......I only with we hadn't waited so long.

Hello - I am a 51 year old man. I live a healthy lifestyle in that I eat healthy (no fast food) and exercise 4-5 times per week. That being said, over the past few years I had noticed that I had most a little pep-in-my step so to speak. While sex was great with my wife, I found it was harder for me to maintain an erection for long and it was not as hard. Finally got up the courage to call my doctor for a prescription yesterday. I was surprised at how easy it was... I thought they would make me come in for a visit but they called it right in to my pharmacy. 8 50mg pills. I read some reviews that suggested not taking a full dose, so I cut one in half and took it at 6pm. I am blown away with how effective this drug is!!! My wife and I had sex at 12:00am and I performed like I was in my 20's again! My wife was pleasantly surprised. If I had known how easy it was to get and how effective it would be, I would have tried this much earlier. Highly recommend exploring this if you are having some issues down there.

I am approaching 90 and have found this product to be very helpful. Erections vary but today after taking half 100mg the previous nite and then the other half prior to sex I found that I could get hard within 5 minutes and my morning wood was ready for action.Having practised kegel exercises I have now got the art of pumping myself near erect. Viagra does the rest. The down side is that my erection does not last too long so timing is everything. My wife needs me to last longer but what can I do? Once the climax comes I cannot stop it. Do get a headache behind the eyes otherwise OK.

I'm in my early 40s, would never have guessed at this age I would be needing assistance in that area. I've recovered from COVID-19 twice and was struggling with post COVID-19 syndrome/ symptoms. Doctor found out COVID had zapped my testosterone levels and here we are. Either took too long to get hard or couldn't keep my erection. I was nervous about taking medication as I don't take anything else. It worked exactly as prescribed, like others I felt a preview (not an erection just a feeling) if you will at about 12-15 min that it was working. At 30 minutes it took just the slightest touch from my wife and I was rock solid. Best part is we were able to slow down and enjoy the moment as I didn't feel like I was going to lose my erection, no race against the clock. Made love for 40 minutes or so. About half hour after we finished he was ready to go again. Only side effect I had was mild flushing of the face, didn't last long, and very short lived ringing of the ears, which was also very short lived. No headache, no vision issues. Also as others have mentioned, I felt the effects long after 4 hours. Took it just before 8pm, an hour and a half after dinner, two great sessions that night, and woke up with the hardest morning wood in 20 years. Should also note I was given 50mg tablet, may try 25, but 50 was more than enough for me, although everyone is different. If you are struggling talk to you doctor, swallow your pride, honestly that was the worst part.

I’ve suffered from ED for about 20 years now. Trying viagra changed my life and allowed me to satisfy my partner. I’ve experienced no side effects whatsoever.

Im pretty I can satisfy and go deep, and touch the walls of any woman, and do any position with them

Works as described. A real life saver.

AMAZING! Iâ??m 51 and still in love with my wife. This drug has changed my life profoundly. Weâ??re close, happy, and satisfied. I would never admit I had ED til it became evident. I should have admitted it a few years ago. Very grateful. Very flush.

Used V. for the first time. Cut 100mg to about 40mg for first try. It worked great. Within 1-hour had lasting Erec. Could have gone for 60-minutes. After 20 minutes went back to normal (I was worried about medicine lasting too long). Had gone to Dr. due to having to wait too long 3-5 days to have strong erec. for my wife. I plan on using 2-3 x per week for health intimacy with my wife. Before V. I could get erec. but had to rush when it occurred instead of enjoying the moment and taking our time, knowing I was fully erec. and no worry of the hardness intensity going away. As far as side effects I did not have any other than feeing light headed but that only lasted an hour. 40mg far exceeded my expectations. My local pharm. gave me the generic and used a discount card, 8 x 100 for only $15!!

Get a slight headache that last about 3 hours after no matter if full or half doseWithout Viagra I get hard but only about 85% 90% hard which makes full penetration in my wife difficult.With Viagra it is 100% rock solid and semen will fly out for 2-3 feet with about 5 to 10 spurts.Before Viagra sperm just dribbled out. At age 58 Viagra rolls back the clock to my 20 something self. Viagra worked better than the levitra and cialus. Levitra gave me a massive headache and Cialis made me dog tired the next day.Viagra works for me.

It worked for several years but has no effect for the last couple of years/

headache, and timing can be tricky, but rock hard. THE GIRLS LOVE IT!!

Viagra is a great help for people who have erection problems. I have trouble to hold it over more than 5 minutes, so Viagra 50mg is the best solution for me. But the sides are there as well, I experiences headache and stuffy nose every time and when I see the experiences here ... it is a common problem. If anyone is interested in this drug I recommend you to take a price comparison engine like Drugeo.to to find fair priced priced offers.