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Generic Name: Sitagliptin Metformin HCL

Brand Name: Janumet

Janumet Drug and Medication User Reviews

The worst medicine for me I’m dizzy jittery nervous having anxiety attacks palpitations I just left the er

I have taken Janumet for over 30 years. My glucose has been good enough to keep my A1C between 5.9-6.2 over 30 years.

Janumet is the poison pill! Stomach pain, V

I've been taking janumet for several years. I seem to develop low kidney flow which concerns me. But upon my blood work my kidney function is ok.

Developed horrible blisters with pus and very painful within a week my ignorant Dr. had prescribed this medicine 3years ago and I forgot this medicine did this to me in the past ..I filed a report with the F.D.A.

Got a urinary tract infection in 2012 (I am male). Doctor checked my A1c which was over 13. Immediately went on 2x/day Janumet 50/500. My A1c has been at 5.7 - 5.9 since. I no longer check my blood glucose levels since my A1c is so good and stable.

I started using JANUMET last month. Within the first week, I started having a problem with it. I had began to get ITCHY and HIVES. I spoke to my Doctor, she suggested that I keep using it and see if they go away. 33 days later, THEY HAVEN'T SUBSIDED and I returned using METFORMIN. I will tell as many people I can to NOT USE THAT MEDICATION....

I am reviewing Janumet in case someone else has had blurred vision while taking it. I woke up with blurred vision after the 7th day on Janumet XR 100/1000mg. It is two months later and my vision is stilled blurred but has gotten better.

I was put on Janumet when my previous medication wasn't doing the trick. I think the red dye cause me to throw up if I didn't eat before taking the pill. I would miss doses if I didn't have time to eat before going to work.

it's been ok if I diet correctly

Made me extremely nauseated and threw up violently after taking the firs dose.

I was just prescribed 1000 mg 2x day of Janumet for Type 2 diabetes. Almost immediately, I lost my appetite, got diahrrea, VERY blurry vision. I finally called my Dr. this morning and asked her to take me off of this. Blood sugar has dropped, but side effects for me are horrible.

I was on metformin for 4 years, and it worked to regulate my weight and numbers as long as I was careful about what I ate, which, according to my doctor, I didn't do well enough. He switched me to janumet, and I lost 40 lbs in 6 months. Weight just started melting off because I only crave yogurt and granola bars. No more cokes, fast food, sweets, and I don't even miss them. This has been a miracle drug for me.

On medication for 1 year and a half. I love i. i lost tons of weight and my blood sugar levels are between 95-119

Very happy with the medication.

been taking 50/500 twice a day for 4 years and have no side effects. has lowered sugar levels significantly.

T2 since2011 curr. Metformin 1000 x2 day bs still 150+ dr. gave Janumet(Januvia .5/metformin 1000)x2 daily and while it lowered my bs to great range 80-120 I started having severe leg cramps until I could bearly walk, so discontinued and cramps immediately went away. Back to Metformin for now. Dr. wants me to try Onglyza next.

I am feeling comfertable with this treatment

I have been taking Janumet 50/500 twice a day for over 2 months. I started with one pill a day for 6 days at bedtime. I am eating 1200 calories per day with 150 g carbs. I have had no negative side effects. My glucose dropped 100 points after one day. It is now hovers around 100 first thing in the morning. I have lost 32 pounds and am not hungry. I also don't crave sweets anymore. I feel the best I have in years.