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Generic Name: Conjugated Estrogens, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

Brand Name: Prempro, Premphase

Prempro Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started it in my 40s stopped at age 84 one year later got osteoporosis had terrible hot flashes and night sweats now back on doctor warned about blood clots

I started taking Prempro when I was 50. I was having hot flashes (but rather "warm" flashes for me) all day and night. I would wake up at night and couldn't go back to sleep - no matter how hard I tried. I started having headaches - which was very unusual for me. And sex....forget it! I was back to the hormone level of an 11 year old. What 11 year old wants sex? I very reluctantly asked my doctor for hormone replacement. I started out at a full dose and quickly realized it was way too much. I was bleeding almost every day. So.....I started cutting the tablet (thank heavens it was hard) into two pieces with a pill splitter. I hit the jackpot! I'm 57 now and I plan on taking this low dose for the rest of my life. I have no side affects whatsoever.

Took about three weeks for me to notice any benefits: hot flashes were nearly gone, brain fog was lifting, mood was improving. About 1-2 months into treatment I was feeling better than I had in a long time. After a full three months is when things went downhill: I had breast pain/swelling, fatigue, joint pain, and noticed that I had put 5 lbs on around my midsection (despite working out 6 days a week and not changing my diet). These side-effects became unbearable so I had my doctor switch me to a bioidentical HRT. Super frustrating because it started out so promising.

It saved my life. I have depression but no antidepressant has ever worked for me. My psychiatrist suggested this and I was able to function again in all aspects of life. Some doctors still try to move you to a vegetable supplement which does not work!! The first study on this drug was totally flawed in terms of scientific protocol. The second was much more positive and so no increase in cancer but couldn't determine whether it helped prevent heart attacks. I have experienced none of the common side effects. As 4 the severe side effects go through most drugs u take and u will see the same ones. Drug companies are trying to protect themselves & will scare you to death to do that, I was traveling and lost a packet. This is not a pleasant drug to go off as all the synptons u went on it for come back.i have been using it for over 20 years. The only objection I have is the urine from horses. I believe they could make a synthetic with the same properties of horse urine but apparently they don't care or don't want to spend the money.

I have been on this med a year and what a difference. I had horrible hot flashes, especially when sleeping, and this has done an excellent job in combating the flashes. I was actually able to sleep my full time without waking up!!!

Have not had a period in 5 years and after starting on this, had discharge and slight spotting, always needing a pantie liner. Felt more mood swings, cranky to sad. Only wanted to go on this for vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. - this has improved some, but not happy with the mood swings and spotting. Has not increased my desire for sex either.

I’ve been taking this medication for about a year to combat intense hot flashes. Has worked extremely well and also supports my waning, menopausal sex drive. I feel great on this drug and have had no side effects. Downside... it is expensive.

It's been several years since I quit taking Prempro due to constant yeast infections of which the Dr. didn't believe me. I quit taking it and the yeast infections never came back but left me in a condition where I could no longer have sex with my husband due to severe raw pain.

I've been taking the lowest dosage of Prempro for approximately six months and it has worked well to say the least. Not only has it decreased my hot flashes and mood swings (I have reduced desire to strangle people, LOL), but also lessened the frequency of my migraines and helped to calm my IBS-D issues -- two things I wasn't expecting. I also sleep better. I currently refer to my daily dose as "The Wonder Drug."

I started Prempro about 8 years ago when I started having serious hit flash attacks regularly. I appreciate how well this prescription has worked very well for me.

I’m 61 y.o. I haven’t had a period for the last ten years. I had hot flashes but moderately. My thing was the night sweats, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse and no interest in sex at all which my husband was not thrilled about. Been taking Prempro 0.3/1.5 mg for almost 2 months and the night sweats are gone and sex is much better. I do experience increased appetite, occasional constipation; gained 10 lbs. and no matter what I do it won’t budge. I watch everything I eat and workout at least 5 days a week, so this is disheartening. Sometimes I experience leg/hamstring cramps and a lack of interest in things I used to enjoy. I’m torn…

For more than a year, I tried black kohosh,soy isoflavones, evening primrose, sex essentials, hot plants and wild yam cream to no avail. I used to have to strip down and sit in front of a fan just to enjoy a cup of coffee. No more! In less than a week, Prempro.45-1.5mg knocked out all the hot flashes and those horrible nite sweats. Saving the best for last, it restores the vagina from the ravaging effects of menopausal changes such as dryness and pain during sex. What a wonderful little pill!!!

I started this medication about a week ago, and have not had any issues with it yet, but I have not had any relief with my hot flashes yet and was just curious what others thought. My Doctor told me it could take up to 4 weeks to see results. After reading these reviews, this med scares me a little. I am going to give it 3 months as this is the supply that I bought. I am hoping for relief, as of right now nothing. And I really do not want that weight gain.

I took this medication for three days. The side effects happened so quickly and they scared me. Severe headaches,nausea, chest pains and severe mood swings. I quit it after telling my doctor and will suffer my menopause symptoms!

I'm 72 and STILL suffering from hot flashes. I began taking Prempro about 20 years ago and decided to quit and just suffer from the heat about a year and a half ago. I waved the white flag a month ago and asked my doctor to put me back on it. She was reluctant but I had already tried black cohosh, green tea and 3 different OTC drugs that were supposed to relieve the hot flashes. But before returning me to HRT she had me try venlafaxine. It didn't help either, and the "detoxing" was horrible. HRT works for me and I'll probably have to take it until I die.

initially worked great. No hot flashes and sleeping much better at night, Now that I am at 3 months of medication, I am more tired and now have weight gain! I feel bloated and tired. I plan to stop medication.


I have been using Prempro 0.3mg/1.5 tabs once a day for 3 weeks. My hot flashes has diminished greatly. I do keep the window in my bedroom slightly open. I may have one hot flash episode an evening. I sleep better. My chills went away. Daytime hot flashes went away also. Side effects for me is eating too much. Today I'm going to start dealing with that problem since the flashes and chills are no longer a bothersome issue any more.

Energy level has returned and I feel years younger. Taking Prempro has cured the vaginal dryness and brought back my sex drive. No longer having hot flashes. Only problem so far is having trouble falling asleep at night.

Major difference however, weight gain, constipation and bad headaches. After being on it for 2 1/2 yrs., it took 3 tries to finally come off it. The headaches while weening off were horrific! Twice I just couldn't take it! Eventually, during a bad cold/flu I just went cold turkey and stopped the prempro. I'm free! Looking for natural supplements now.