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Generic Name: Anusol-HC Suppositories ()

Anusol-HC Suppositories Reviews

For Hemorrhoids "4 boxes of Prep H= no results. Doctor prescribed Hydrocortisone AC 25mg Suppositories. Insurance does not cover (over $200.00.) Discovered Prescription Discount Coupons. I bought 12 @ $45.18 w/coupon. Most drug stores accept the coupons. Much better relief then Prep H. Use twice a day. Have bowel movement first. I'm doing Atkins Diet, so bad constipation, which does not help the condition. Now taking Colace, which helps. No fiber supplements, since they mess up Atkins Diet. In 6 weeks, I have lost 18 lbs. Felt so good that I went to the gym, just Treadmill and Elliptical for 5 miles. Felt itchy burning during workout, so I think exercise aggravated it, but exercise is good for constipation. Just bought another box of 12. Skipping exercise a few days this time. Stopping Atkins ''might'' help relieve the swelling, but I'm committed to losing weight. I will update if this site sends me a notification or I can find it again. Good luck. It is literally a ''pain in the buttocks.''"

For Hemorrhoids "Didn't do anything for me. Tried to work its way out before it completely dissolved. On day 4 of the treatment, I could no longer deal with the increased burning, pain and itching that I experienced. Also had some change in my BMs while on these suppositories, with increased need to go, therefore increased wiping and increased irritation. Seemed to do the opposite of what is was supposed to do."

More about Anusol-HC Suppositories (hydrocortisone topical)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical steroids
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

Other brands

Westcort, Anucort-HC, Proctosol-HC, Cortaid, ... +37 more

Professional resources

  • Anusol HC Suppository prescribing information
  • Hydrocortisone (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Westcort, Anucort-HC, Proctozone HC, Procto-Med HC, ... +14 more

Other formulations

  • Anusol-HC cream, suppository

Related treatment guides

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Proctitis
  • Anal Itching
  • Pruritus