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Generic Name: Vilazodone Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Viibryd

Viibryd Drug and Medication User Reviews

TL;DR: viibryd gave me uncontrollable stomach aches and diarrhea after almost a year of use. Along with this, accidentally forgetting to take it would in turn disable me completely the next day, being unable to get out of bed due to extreme fatigue I’ve never felt before. Overall, it worked until It didn’t, and I almost want to cry about it, since it was my miracle drug for a good while. - I’m beyond devastated about the life altering side effects I started to develop 6+ months into viibryd. The drug had been the first one to ease my depressive symptoms and all of a sudden started to give me terrible belly issues. I would get stomach aches after every meal, but tried to change my diet to see if that would help. It didn’t, sadly. Went on vacation and was running to the bathroom multiple times after every meal with what I would describe as really bad pain and uncontrollable diarrhea. Weeks prior to this, I started to experience stomach aches after dinner everyday, but I thought my main issue was overeating (which it most definitely was, but viibryd was taking the stomach aches to another level). I will be going to my doctor asap to ween off this drug and depressingly start my drug hunt again.

I thought I should add my experience with Viibryd cause it's definitely been a good one mostly. I started it after seeing my last psychiatrist, so about maybe first started when I was 21? I'm 25 just recently as well, I wouldn't still be taking a medicine if it didn't help me. I have multiple mental disorders & other health issues, but the after I started the Viibryd I was able to sleep better, do things, work, be productive, all instead of letting my depression & mental health crush me. I will say I don't think I had any stomach issues anyone said, & I take it IN THE MORNING, if your doctor is saying night, they're putting something that's basically giving you the go to move around & be awake in your nightmeds & it'll definitely mess you up. Also, the ONLY thing I've experienced side effects wise, was having night terrors & sleep paralysis if I miss a doze & take a nap during the day, I wouldn't advise it. & I experienced when they tried to change me from being on 40mg of Viibryd, major withdrawals while still being on 20mgs of it, it really helps alot more than most medicines I've been on, & I was Early Onset with Bipolar/Depression/Anxiety etc, so I was medicated by 7yrs old. I hope this helps someone in the future!

I've tried and failed more than 15 antidepressants over the last 9 years since my depression diagnosis, and was feeling particularly discouraged after a bad time withdrawing from Effexor. My psychiatrist suggested I get genetic testing done to help narrow down what medications I might have fewer issues with, and Viibryd seemed like the next reasonable choice when we got my results back. I've been on Viibryd for about 7 months and it has honestly been night and day. I finally have the energy to do things again. I experience a bit of moodiness around the start of my periods but my depression is basically gone day to day. The one downside is a bit of stomach discomfort when I was first getting acclimated to it (as well as if I don't eat enough with my dose), but it's very manageable compared to the side effects I dealt with on other medications.

I'm a 57 year old terminally disabled veteran with an SMI diagnosis prolonged PTSD anxiety and depression this med has changed my life thank you

I think Viibryd is finally helping after about 2 months. So thankful! I’ve suffered from various levels of depression since my late teens. I’m almost 63. I’ve tried a lot of anti depressants. Didn’t work or couldn’t tolerate the side effects even after about 3 months, so stopped. However been on Wellbutrin 300 ER for about 25 year and it initially helped for years. About 10 years ago life/health issues began, took a turn for worse. Hypertension, elevated cholesterol, minor cardiac stuff. Carpal tunnel syndrome since corrected, osteoarthritis, and some other stuff. Never smoked, rarely pot years ago. Rarely drank. Had mild covid twice, vaccinated. Have mild Covid Long. Isolation due to Covid et cetera made depression worse. Initially 0.5 mg at night was great. FINALLY slept well. But after 2-3 nights I became hyper and couldn’t sleep. And had to take some thing to help me relax in order to sleep but eventually change the dose to morning. I’m not exactly an early riser but I do wake up a couple hours earlier than I would like to take the medication, 10 mg now, and then go back to sleep for an hour or two. I’m still sleeping really well. I feel it’s helping more by taking it in the morning. I haven’t gained weight from it but I am doing some exercise, always have. I don’t have much of an appetite during the day at all and 9pm…. So even though it’s not healthy I probably get most of my calories before I go to bed and probably just a little bit fewer than if I had an appetite during the day. My hope is it continues to work. I am beginning to feel that I need a an increase in the dosage. I’m assuming my MD will increase the dosage when I see her at the end of this month

Only on 4th day of starter pack and immediately the 1st day I have been running to the bathroom with diarrhea everyday. No appetite. Although after the 1st day I felt better a little lighter in the head without all the anxiety and voices horrible headaches. I would rather be be depressed and crying in the shower than on the toilet even after not eating anything all day.

I started taking this medication on March 23 my stomach started hurting on April 6, I told my Dr on numerous times that I could not take this medication. He kept saying this is good medication you have to get use to it. I suffered with pain in the top of my stomach, no appetite, lost weight 5lbs, felt tired, no energy, etc. still my Dr wanted me to take it at night. I could not it another night. It took two days for it to be out of my system, my pain stopped, my appetite returned, my energy was back. I was checking in at my Dr office and a lady was on the phone stating she started Viibryd the night before and she was in the emergency room the next day. RUN FROM THIS DRUG

I have my life back! I have suffered from Depression since I was a teenager, high anxiety, panic attacks, OCD. Anti-depressant prescribing has always been a crap shoot for psychiatrists, try this one try that one, until we find the one that works, problem is it can take 6-13 weeks before the real effects are seen. Who wants to spend that much time when they are suffering, just to start all over again? I was on Zoloft for over ten years, it did help with the panic attacks and social anxiety, but the sexual side effects were too much for me. No libido and delayed ejaculation, if at all, no thank you. I had a DNA test and found that only 3 antidepressants were compatible with my biochemistry and Zoloft was not one of them. I decided to go with Viibryd because of its novel mode of action (Both Serotonergic Agonist and SSRI). About a year ago I tapered off the Zoloft and was antidepressant free for almost a full year. The depression came back with a vengeance. I tapered up on Viibryd, 2 weeks at 10 mg and then 20 mg. I have now been using it for 2 months with little side effects. I have a lust for life again! I am out of the house, no longer bed bound! One of the side effects is talkativeness, this was especially true for me if I had some alcoholic drinks. One should stay away from alcohol while on antidepressants anyway so I have stopped. My recommendation for those still suffering, ask your doctor about the DNA tests. It removes the guesswork of which drugs to try first. From a quick look at the numbers in these reviews, it looks like people either hate or love this drug. For me it has been an easy transition since I did not have any other antidepressants in my system. I wonder if others were seeing side effects of coming off their previous antidepressant when switching to Viibryd and then blaming Viibryd for those feelings? Every case is different and with antidepressants less is more, so be gentle on yourself and patient. Make sure you have a support system bigger than just a drug, the drug can only meet our disease halfway, group therapy is highly recommended. The only thing different about this drug is that it must be eaten with food, a high fat content meal is best, I don't think it needs to be a big meal, but without food less than half the drug is absorbed so it won't be as effective. I usually have Full Fat yogurt in the morning, I am not a morning person and I don't like to have a big breakfast, so this has been working for me. This is the first drug that I can truly say I feel a difference when I take it, and the difference for me has been wonderful!

GI Bleeding. Not good for I have platelets less than 50,000 Constant diarrhea nausea. Stops working. In creases blood pressure on me. I have heart desease. Sleep paralysis. Insomnia. Nightmares.

I have tried zoloft which made me very sick i almost got into a car accident because of how dizzy i was, i tried lexapro who made me worst than zoloft and finally got into viibryd, it took a week to get the fully effect of the pill and made me a different person. I am taking right now 5mg which is a very low dosage but since i am very sensitive to medications, it was the right choice for me. I came back to life, i started doing things i couldnt like simple things as taking shower!...i feel different!...please give it time to work!....also, take it at the same time everyday and take it in the morning because it can give you nightmares!!!...the side effects are very mild!!!!!!...

Viibryd is not for me. I titrated off Lexapro, which I had been on for 5 years, because it just kind of pooped out on me at the highest dose. My doctor had me start on Viibryd slowly, starting with 5mg, then 10mg, then 20mg, I was on it for about 6 weeks total, and I only felt worse day by day. I didn't have any gastro side effects, but I did have intense, vivid dreams that would hold influence over my whole day. I felt disconnected from everyone and everything in my life, distracted by anxiety and suicidal ideation. I felt hopeless, had excess energy that only fed my anxiety, and struggled to get out of bed every morning. I tried to stick with it, thinking that these were side effects I needed to push thought, but suicidal thoughts are NOT tolerable effects and you should contact your dr. immediately if they begin. My psychiatrist pulled me off and started me on another drug.

I've been taking this nearly a year and I've seen a fantastic improvement in my mood, especially during winter months when SAD makes things worse. Initially, I had a strong reaction to this medication but I stuck through it and after about 3-4 weeks, the side effects disappeared. This is compared to Wellbutrin that gave me awful initial side effects and Celexa that was milder. I had to discontinue Wellbutrin shortly after starting and I was on Celexa for over two years and stopped with the approval of my doctor and therapist. I hope to Viibryd to work through some issues and get to a healthier place. The side effects of this drug long term are far less severe or non existent compared to Celexa that had some persistent side effects. I would recommend it.

I don’t understand how this is approved for use as an antidepressant. I’ve been on various antidepressants for half my life and I have never experienced the absolute horror of side effects that I did with Viibryd. Not only did I have the absolute worst insomnia, in my sleepless nights I had uncontrollable crying episodes and impulses to hurt myself. It was like I had no control over my body and it was horrifying. Do not take this medication.

I switched from 40 mg Paxil to 40 mg Viibyrd using the proper titration schedule. The sexual side effects from Paxil disappeared week 2. Viibyrd is working just as well as Paxil for my PTSD and anxiety. However, I notice that Viibyrd is metabolized very quickly and absolutely must be taken after a large breakfast to carry me through the day. I have contacted the company that produces Viibyrd and asked if an XR or CR version was in development. I also suggested a coated version to survive the stomach environment better. If you are having the same same issue, please reach out to them via phone or e-mail

I started off on the usual 10mg for a week then went up to 20mg. I was on that for a couple of months but always felt just nothing. Just empty. The dr upped them again. 30mg for a week and then up to 40mg daily. I was on that for another 2-3 months and my dr just recently upped them again. But this time he went from 40mg right to 60mg. I am on theses meds for GAD, SAD, depression, and CPTSD. I am on the 2nd week of 60mg daily and for the last few days it’s been hell! Extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, nightmares, night sweats. The nausea has Always been a side effect but this is one that just won’t go at all.

Has anyone else noticed a change in their menstrual cycle after starting Viibryd? I started taking it about a week and a half ago and now my period is late. I've looked on several sites and haven't seen any information on the effects it has on menstrual cycles

65 year old retired teacher Began taking several years before I retired. Got to the point I was agitated all the time. Did not like how my patience level deteriorated with my students, family, and coworkers. I was on 20 mg per day. I do remember that I had problems sleeping and sitting still while taking the 20 mg dose. Did kill my sex drive. But the meds calmed me done and I was back to my old self. Now retired and I cut my dose to 10 mg.per day. Cannot go below that as my wife says she can tell the difference in my patience levels. Do not like to take meds but this gave me another 5 good years doing a job I enjoyed.

I don’t even know where to start. I had nausea, headache, increased appetite, and sexual dysfunction. After about a month of use my suicidal ideations had hit an all time high. It was all I could think about. Fortunately, my physician immediately took action and I’m in a much better place without that medication.

I have a-typical depression , high functioning depression , I tried 7 different meds and no relief. Doctor put me on Viibryd first week was ok I did not like to eat big breakfast in the morning to take that pills . Second week on 20mg I got panic attack but I kept going and increased to 40mg . Day 6 on 40mg I woke up not controlling my own thoughts, all what I could think was knife in my chest , for the first time in my life I was afraid to stay alone in the house I could not trust myself . Doctor told me to go back to 20mg , day two after taking 20mg same thing low blood pressure half of the day spender in bed thinking I’m gonna die . Now I have been off this med for 16 days and never felt worst , it is not anxaity I just don’t want to exist anymore , I’m scared because I never felt so detached to the point that I don’t care who I’m . Im healthy man don’t drink or smoke I exercise eat well so , I’m happy that it work for some people but going week after week in upping dosage is to fast . For people who take this just watch your body symptoms I regret taking this drug because I dream now to feel like I felt before and it was not easy either . Best of luck to everyone . As long as we are alive there is hope . God bless you all .

I am experiencing pretty severe nausea with this rx after taking for about five weeks. I've been on SSRI and SNRI type meds for almost 20 years and have never experienced this before. I've tried different food combinations, etc. with no luck. I'm very curious if others have had similar side effects and did they eventually go away??