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Generic Name: Toremifene

Brand Name: Fareston

Fareston Drug and Medication User Reviews

lobular carcinoma, mastectomy, chemo, peripheral neuropathy in 2006 at age 60. Began Fareston 2007 after 2 other Rx had side effects of painful joints. Fareston was marginally better by taking 1/2 pill in morning; 1/2 before bed. April 2012 I was declared cancer-free after 5 years on Fareston. Within 2 weeks my knee pain was better. Vaginal discharge is worse (at age 66!!) Hoping that will improve in coming weeks.

Breast cancer hormone positive no lympnodes. I have chills, hot flashes of about 8 where 10 would be unbearable. I do take Calcium & Vit D supplements and an occasional Magnesium.

I am 68yrs. old and have had rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years and that is now under control, so I was adamant about not taking an aromatase inhibitor. I was given the drug as an antiestrogen for stage 1 breast cancer when I would not take any aromatase inhibitor. I have been on it for over 3 months and have had no noticeable side effects.

I had taken several research drugs for a tumor on my chest from breast cancer. Many side effects with them. My dr decided to do radiation and gave me this pill beforehand. I took it for 3 weeks before beginning radiation and was amazed at how quickly it started to reduce my tumor. Took the radiation; still on the pill; tumor is gone. Wonderful results with the drug.