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Generic Name: Relugolix for Prostate Cancer (relugolix)

Relugolix for Prostate Cancer Reviews

Orgovyx (relugolix) "My PSA decreased from 12 to 0.33 in five months. However, my WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, Plt, and Neut have all decreased. Also, I’m very tired and can’t seem to obtain enough rest. I have also experienced increased eye irritation and possibly diminished eyesight."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "My RO prescribed Orgovyx for 6 months since my PSA began rising. This is now my third week on it and I have no side effects whatsoever. However, I'm beginning to think perhaps Orgovyx is not working. I walk and swim and work out with weights 5 days per week. I preferred Orgovyx over any injections."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Metastatic PC diagnosed in May 2022 (Gleason 9 and four distant metastases). Started Orgovyx in September 2022. Experienced a variety of tolerable side effects: fatigue, impotence, muscle weakness, hot flashes, loss of muscle mass, slight breast development among them. My PSA almost immediately dropped from 8 to 0.02. Testosterone dropped from nearly 1000 to 14. PSMA Scans in June 2022 and April 2023 were compared. ALL four distant cancers were gone ('resolved' in pathological terms). Just completing 20 daily sessions of external beam radiation. I've always been active and pushed myself to continue to exercise, particularly long, quick 4-5 mile daily walks and using light hand weights. This was drudgery but resulted in no weight gain and I always felt better afterwards. Overall, very happy with Orgovyx. Far better than infusions and very quick results (unfortunately chemical castration is one of the negative consequences--though my wife might disagree!)"

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Used Orgovyx for 10 months for Advanced Prostate Cancer. Dropped my PSA from 11 to 0.03 after the chemical castration. Had to quit due to extreme muscle atrophy. Stopped taking the ADT drug 7 months ago and still cannot walk a block without stopping to rest my legs due to serious muscle pain. A follow-up bone density test showed a bone loss in the hip requiring a doctor to order shots of Prolia. Would advise only short-term use of Orgovyx."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "My first time on ADT and have been taking Orgovyx for only a week thus far. Side effects have been minor, with a couple of hot flashes at night and an occasional minor headache. Was tired only one day since starting. I am walking for thirty minutes each day which helps increase my energy. Trying to stay positive and hoping the minor side effects do not worsen. Very happy to be taking oral medication rather than having injections."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "I’m 66 years old, diagnosed with 4+3, PSA of 42.5, at 60 years old. RP and 38 radiation sessions. Undetectable for 2 years. Slow PSA increase of 0.07 to 0.48 over a 3 year period. PSMA scan revealed probable spread into groin lymph nodes. I’ve been on Orgovyx for 4 months. PSA undetectable and T level"

Orgovyx (relugolix) "After 3 heart procedures and a PET Scan for Prostate Cancer I avoided Lupron due to the 'QT' heart risk being greater with Lupron; and went for the Orgovyx. So far so good; after 4 months PSA went from 17 to 1.2 and T was almost undetectable. Not happy about that; but that's the goal. Can't fully separate side effects but sweating and hot flashes (femaleopause?) are likely a result of libido loss; rather than the medicine as such. Hope this info. helps a bit. I am continuing Orgovyx for now and am avoiding radiation and/or surgery even though the PC is localized."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "On Orgovyx for a period of 12 months. PSA at 11.8 when started and barely detectable after the 12 months. Gleason scale of 8 to start with. Prostate not removed. Also underwent 9 weeks of daily radiation treatment. Have been off of it for 16 months now and side effects are still present. Weight gain as well as fatigue and breathing issues. Can't walk for a block without having to rest and catch my breath. Have gained over 35 pounds and nothing coming off. Have spoken with Urologist who appears not to be concerned at all. Will be finding another urologist to discuss this with."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Been taking it for two months out of the 6 prescribed along with 7.5 weeks IMRT for PSA that started to rise 9 months out post-op from RP. Gleason 3+4, no mets. So far, the loss of pubic hair and some itching similar to allergy have been the most noticeable side effect. Energy is good. Not sure that I will complete the full 6 months. Have follow-up in March with RO and we'll see. Better than infusion. Taking Claritin and Benadryl to help with the hives/itching. Oh. And it's expensive. Insurance only covers a small portion."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "I had side effects of heart pain, cognitive break down, I was scared of it. After 3 days had to stop to keep my job but almost went to ER---heart pain was NOT chest surface musculoskeletal pain (had DBL BYPASS) I know the difference"

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Dropped my PSA from 32 to 1.1 in two months. The side effects will depend on the individual but I do not plan on taking it for more than six months. Quality of life becomes a consideration as it’s oral castration."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "After prostate removal, I started taking Orgovyx. My doctor kept pushing for Lupron injections. I absolutely refused, so he gave me 2 months of free samples. Still waiting for a program for low income because the copay is $882.00 per month. After one month, the only side effect has been that I take more naps. I am not tired or depressed or have any aches or pains. I started at 5.5 PSA before prostate removal, which went down to 0.57. I haven't had my PSA taken since starting, but I am having a PET scan next week before starting radiation in a few weeks. Hopefully, I won't have any side effects from that. So far, I am totally glad I made the doctors give me Orgovyx. If you have any bad side effects from Lupron, you can't get it out of your system like you can with Orgovyx. Happy with my decision!"

"On it for 6 months. Hot flashes were bad at times, especially in the hot summer. Gained weight, about 12 lbs. Total loss of sex drive, but did not really bother me like I thought it would. You just lose interest while on it. Did not have any fatigue or depression, still very active and mostly feel normal other than the hot flashes."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Extreme tiredness/weakness for a person (me) who has been very active entire life. Very concerning."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Outstanding. A nine month regimen with minimum side effects and 100 percent effectiveness."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Lowered my PSA to 1.05 from 15 Minor fatigue More emotional then normal Very grateful for this drug"

Orgovyx (relugolix) "Usual side effects, hot flashes, etc., but nothing serious. It has not affected my quality of life. I have been taking it for 15 months. I am 80 years old and still walk 3 miles on my regular routine."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "On a nine month regimen. I have completed 7 months. Hot flashes are the only negative thus far. PSA and testosterone levels reduced according to doctor’s expectations."

Orgovyx (relugolix) "I have been on Orgovyx for 15 months during and after radiation. Positive results with minimal side effects (hot flashes) that are manageable."

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists
  • En español

Patient resources

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  • Relugolix monograph

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  • Prostate Cancer