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Generic Name: Bijuva (estradiol-progesterone)

Bijuva Reviews

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I went off birth control pills at 55 years old, and within 6 months, sex became too painful. I went on Bijuva, and within 3 months, I was able to have sex again without pain, and it’s only gotten better! Hot flashes are gone too. I have had no negative side effects, only positive ones! Life-changing for me!"

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I've just started taking Bijuva and it has helped with my sleep and anxiety levels. However, now I feel extremely tired and lack motivation. I also notice that I am more irritable and have a short fuse. I'm not sure if it is helping with brain fog. It feels like PMS. I'll keep trying it for the month, but I really don't want this mood to continue. Hoping it settles and works out."

For Menopausal Disorders "I went through full-on menopause at age 44 and was absolutely miserable (severe hot flashes, sweating, mood swings, brain fog, etc., not to mention potential uterus and osteoporosis dangers), so my doctor prescribed Duavee, which I loved. Then Pfizer stopped making it (?!?), so we decided to try Bijuva. Right away I noted stomach bloating but decided to stick it out for 2 months. It helped, but my vanity wanted slim jeans! So I went off. Well, the hot flashes kicked in right away in 2 days. Back to walking around with a fan, icing my neck, sweat dripping down my face and back in meetings. Not sleeping. Being irritable toward my family. After 2 months of that hell, I went back on Bijuva. Within 2 days I was back to calm, no sweat, no flashes, sleeping well, got a promotion, family time is pleasurable. I have resigned to going up a pant size (bra and tops are the same) & trying to be healthy with eating and exercise. I am also diligent about yearly exams and blood work. Hope this helps."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I’ve been on Bijuva for about a month and a half, and it’s been so-so at best. I actually came here looking for reviews but decided to leave one since there aren’t many. The first two weeks seemed great - my skin looked better, I lost some weight, no brain fog, etc. However, after that, it’s been annoying to say the least - I’ve had near-daily spotting (usually 2-4 good days, then a day of irritability, and then 4-6 days of spotting with cramps - anything from brown to small clots). My skin is starting to look dry again, and I am incredibly sleepy about an hour after taking the pill. All in all, I’m considering just going back to the pill."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "Perimenopausal symptoms are now well managed thanks to BiJuva. I’ve been on it for 2 months and it has significantly reduced the severity and frequency of sweats, day and night. I also had 4 UTIs in 4 months prior to starting BiJuva and I have had no UTIs since. I feel like my body is back in balance again!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been taking Bijuva for more than 2 years, and it worked great, no side effects at all. The reason I took it is because I stopped the birth control, and after 3 months, I started to have terrible joint pain all over my body. I could barely do something (I was 51 years old). Bijuva brought me back to normal after I started taking it. At my 5th week, that is when all the joint pain went away from my body.... that was awesome!!!"

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I've been taking this Bijuva for about 4 months. It stopped most of my hot flashes, but lately I am still getting them. It doesn't help with my sleep at all. I'm not sure about this drug. I also noticed that my nails are thinner. Isn't this supposed to keep you from getting osteoporosis? I'm not that thrilled."

For Menopausal Disorders "I have just stopped this drug Bijuva. Took it for 4 months, and it did help greatly with my menopause issues. Then, about a month ago, I began feeling unwell. Headaches, fatigue, tension, weight gain, and even had a TIA at work! I almost died. The ER did every test they could think of... CAT, MRIs, heart scans, bloodwork, heavy metal tests, vitamin levels, thyroid, hormones, etc... Perfectly healthy! I still have brain fog, a constant headache, weakness, and moments of nausea and faintness. I truly have no idea if it is Bijuva, but I am not taking any chances."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I am 54 years old. I started peri-menopause. I had severe hot flashes every hour for 1-2 minutes, no sleeping, migraine, brain fog, irritated, no appetite. I was miserable. I was recommended evening primrose, Estrovera. I would take them for 6 weeks and I was still suffering, they did not work! Because of the hot flashes during sleep, I got body aches, charley horse from stretching my legs. My OB-GYN recommended Bijuva, and in 4-5 days, the hot flashes stopped and I was able to sleep through the night. I do feel tired sometimes. This medicine has helped 99% better!"

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I started taking Bijuva for post menopause symptoms. Was on it almost a month. At first I did ok other than it causes vaginal bleeding. Then I noticed that my heart was racing after taking it. I went to the dr and she heard heart palpitations which I had never had before. Then I went into tachycardia. I had to go to the emergency room because of a very high blood pressure and very high heart rate. I was told it was caused from taking the Bijuva. My dr along with my pharmacist daughter researched this medicine also and it can cause heart palpitations and tachycardia. My dr told me to immediately stop taking it. As soon as I stopped taking it, I am doing better. I would rather have menopause symptoms than have a stroke or heart attack!!! I would not recommend this drug to anyone."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been talking this medication for about 6 weeks and while my hot flashes have stopped and I have just started sleeping through the night for the most part over the last few weeks I have been gaining a pound it seems almost daily and have been retaining water with some swelling to my feet. Also, I developed relentless GERD about 5 days ago that includes a metallic taste that seems to be coming from my throat. I am going to stop this medication as I feel these issues are some how related and the weight gain itself makes it not worth it to me. I work really hard with diet and exercise and that part is stressing me out."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I took Bijuva for roughly 6 weeks. I am 60 years old and was plagued with hot flashes and night sweats for 10 years. Within weeks the flashes were gone. Yay! But I’ve had bouts of stomach pain and nausea. Honestly I’d rather have the flashes. My doctor and I decided on me stopping taking the Bijuva. It’s been a few days since I stopped the medicine and my stomach is awful today. My hope is that this quickly goes away. It’s helpful to have these reviews so I/we know we’re not alone."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I’m in my 5th month. Back pain is so bad. I’m seeing my doctor to make sure my kidneys are okay. It started lower and now it’s middle back and sides. Going in for X-rays. I do feel better with no hot flashes but I need to find out why my back is hurting all the time . I’m not losing or gaining weight. I feel like I look better though. It’s a toss up to quit or stick with it. No doctors know about this medication. I did get blood work done and my vit d was supper low so I’m on prescription dose . Going back in a couple weeks to check levels."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been on bijuva for 2 years. I decided on HRT because I couldn't take the hot flashes, mood swings and brain fog any longer!!!!! I literally thought I was going crazy. I'm 48 and dealt with peri menopause effects for 10+ yrs. At 45, I was told I was post meno. I started with meds from a compounding pharmacy. It worked for a while and stopped. The progesterone pearls kept me wide awake at night. Anyway, bijuva has been a life saver for me. I still cramp and feel bloated but all the other things are gone. I recently noticed a little weight gain which is huge to me. I will be looking further into things. Good luck to all in this journey."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I started taking Bijuva 21 days ago for premenopausal symptoms. At first, it did ok then things started going downhill. Three days ago, I first started passing out off and on and my pupils wouldn't dilate.My husband almost took me to the emergency room but I started feeling a little better so I didn't go. The next day after taking it , I went to the emergency room. My heart rate was 114 and blood pressure was 210/110. I have never had this happen to me before. I also went into a sudden rage. This was a couple hrs after I took it. I had been noticing a week or so before that , that my heart was racing every time I took it. This is a dangerous drug. I was told it can cause heart palpitations and tachycardia. Well that's what it was doing to me! The immediately took me off of it. Since I have stopped taking it, I'm doing much better. Please people be careful taking this drug. It's one of the worse things I have ever experienced!!"

For Menopausal Disorders "I have been taking Bijuva for four months now and starting to put things together on how I feel, It did help with the hot flashes and in the beginning I was sleeping through the night but that has now stopped, so I have been over tired I have put on weight. I am having daily nausea I swear my memory is off and today I went to the doctor since I have a small hernia and he said he's concerned for my gall bladder which is one of the worse side effects. I am stopping immediately"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I switched to this HRT from another brand because I had read that this was 'body identical' and so I thought the hormones were more natural and therefore would be kinder to my body than the other HRT I was taking. However, I have stopped taking it because after about 4 days I started to get spotting. Then after a week this developed into a full scale period. I had got rid of all my period 'gear' because I have not had a period for 2 years until I took this tablet! The last thing I want at the age of 55 is to continue with periods for the sake of these pills. I also noticed I was feeling anxious and very tense. Since stopping the pills I feel very depressed. I would not recommend this drug to women who have stopped having periods unless they want them back again! They also have a strong effect on mood and not in a good way."

For Menopausal Disorders "I was struggling with perimenopause in a really bad way since last May — had every symptom you can think of…depression, loss of energy, hot flushes, cold flashes, foggy brain, massive anxiety, no sleep, painful joints, etc. I tried the patch first (different strengths as well as different brands) but after a few months, I'd go back to feeling horrible. Mr doctor suspected an absorption issue so she put me on Bijuvia and what a game changer. I felt right back to myself again within a day! I've been on it for two months now and have lost the 10 pounds that came on without me doing anything. I'm back to sleeping again and my anxiety is gone. The only downside is that my insurance will not pay for this brand-name drug so I had to use a manufacturer coupon that lowers the price but it's only good for a year. I may change insurance companies just for this drug."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I have been taking Bijuva for 6 months - it has helped hot flashes, joint aches, libido and sleepless nights. The downside is I have gained weight and I have had two episodes of quite heavy bleeding (the blood is clotted). I feel we are all guinea pigs at this time, as the doctors do not know the answers. I am not continuing with Bijuva."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I used Bijuva only for 3 days and already on the third day I started having serious side effects like sharp abdominal pain, pain while urinating, (maybe it caused urinary tract infection), difficulty sleeping, pelvic pain the only good thing I lost a little weight. Did not help with hot flashes at all, in turn only increased it. I have read a lot of studies, beware taking synthetic hormones can cause a lot of serious illnesses. Read research on the subject."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I was experiencing night sweats and vaginal dryness. I have tried several medications for my symptoms, and Bijuva has worked the best for me with the least side effects. I was in denial at first and stopped taking the medication when my symptoms stopped. Within three to five days, I would notice the difference as the night sweats would return. This medication I would recommend for every woman to try."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Been taking Bijuva for 3 weeks. I have gone up an entire pant size. I am retaining fluid in my legs and feet and my abdomen is very bloated. I love that all of my menopause symptoms are gone but the body change is uncomfortable and I am not buying new clothes. Have call in to doctor for different plan or going back to no HRT and all of the wonderful symptoms of menopause."

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I am on my third month taking Bijuva. It stopped my hot flashes within 2 to 3 days which was a relief I feel like I look better but I started developing back pain when I lay down so I am in the process of finding out if my kidneys are being affected or if it’s a previous injury. I’m not sure which it is and I’m also not sure I want to stay on this because of all the side effects that could potentially arise. I would like to find a more natural alternative with the same result. I already had a fibroid on my uterus before I started taking the medication so I am curious if it’s growing I want to make sure everything’s OK. I have a doctor appointment set for next week to do a follow up. My main question is how do they keep track of hormone levels when you’re on this hormone pill usually you’re going to get your hormones tested and it’ll be taken up or taken down depending on your levels I don’t see that with this pill how do they know"

For Menopausal Disorders "I've been on Bijuva for 5 months. Hot flashes gone; however, I get severe migraine headaches. They remind me of the ones during perimenopause when progesterone levels dropped. I'm thinking about cutting in half but it is an odd-type capsule so unsure if that will work but it is a higher dosage than "low dose" estrogen therapy. Early on, brain fog improved but it appears to be coming back. It's still worth it for me to be on! I'm looking at other anti-aging treatments. Feeling well, being alert and sharp, reduced pain in joints, and no hot flashes are my priority. My insurance will not cover but I used the coupon on the website and pay $50 per month."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Been taking for 6 months. I have cramps often. Seems like I’m angry and irritable often. I feel heat under my skin in areas. Calling my doctor tomorrow. I want to stop taking this. I took another brand called Duavee for a couple of years with no side effects. I just got tired of paying $125 a month. These are $50. I think I’d rather pay more and get off of Bijuva."

More about Bijuva (estradiol / progesterone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: sex hormone combinations

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Related treatment guides

  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Menopausal Disorders
  • Perimenopausal Symptoms
  • Hot Flashes