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Generic Name: Amoxicillin

Brand Name: Amoxil

Amoxicillin Drug and Medication User Reviews

On march 29 2022 I went to my dental doctor to have an implant on one side. One implant. After he put in the root he gave me Amoxicillin 500 mg to take three times a day for seven days. My thinking was that these pills were safe for me, he was the doctor.. After three days of taking these pills my colon exploded and for two months I could not go anywhere. I had to be close to a bathroom. I am an artist and professor of Art I have had dry mouth and exploding diarrhea for over one and a half years now. I now know that for the rest of my life I will have dry mouth and an exploding diarrhea. I have been to the hospital two or three times with this problem and many doctors that can not help me... I have a hard time sleeping with this condition and now as I am typing this letter.. The doctors just give me Immodium and Pepto Bismol along with Tylenol Three and they say that there is nothing they can do.. I talked to my Pharmacist and she said I should never have needed at 500 mg three times a day for seven days of Amoxicillin for a dental implant. I am mostly house bound and find it hard to eat with my dry mouth. Dry mouth and exploding diarrhea are horrible conditions and hard to live with for the rest of my life!

Took amoxycillin on two occasions to prevent infection following periodontal (gum) surgery. First time, no problem. Second time, had a rare reaction. Amoxycillin triggered aseptic meningitis that required 5 days in hospital followed by 2 weeks of rehab in a skilled nursing facility. Meningitis presented as a pulsating headache on first day of taking amoxycillin; on the third day the meningitis caused memory loss and inability to speak in sentences (a form of aphasia). After stopping the medication, some memory and speech capabilities returned each day, and recovery was complete after about a month. (No treatment is available for aseptic meningitis; patients recover on their own. My age--over 75--may have been a factor.)

My infection has grown worse since starting the prescription 3-days ago.

I was prescribed this for UTI for 7 days. I had no side effects whatsoever while taking it. A week or so after finishing it, my vagina started to itch and I had brown discharge. A few days later, the frequent urination started (I still have it, 3 months on!) together with very dark stools, which took 2 weeks to go back to normal. Amoxicillin must have depleted me of all the good bacteria. It dried me out! The UTI? I still have it now, after trying other antibiotics.

Chest infection,asthma,breathless,5 day amoxcillin,but after 3 more infection back

I have used this medication many times in my life, usually for strep throat or upper respiratory infections. When it works, it works fast and well. My most recent experience was with bronchitis that developed into a general UR infection that kept hanging on for a month, with a continuing cough, fever, and accompanying body aches that were unresponsive to anything but maximum doses of aspirin and codeine. Tests for influenza and covid-19 were repeatedly negative. Finally my PCP decided to try amoxicillin experimentally for a so-far unidentified bacterial infection. About a half hour after my first dose, my body aches vanished, my face was slightly flushed, and I felt so normal it was almost euphoric. This is the fastest response I can remember, though at least two other times when I had severe bacterial infections something similar happened after about an hour. I've never had any serious side effects. This drug works for me against bacteria, and when it turns out the infection was viral and the drug has no effect, I usually know that within a few hours of my first dose.

I used it for strapt throat and it gave me white spots in my mouth cut up my mouth and tongue, gave me a serve yeast infection. I will never use it again. Took it for 4 days 3 times a day. Lip n tongue was swollen. Still trying to feel better

Has helped with ear pain/fullness- but not totally gone. It did make me have more frequent bowel movements, but nothing too crazy. Day four and there’s still some funk coming out of my ears and some muffled hearing. Hopefully by day 10 that will all be gone.

I have symptoms like swallowing difficulty, allergy and probably sinusitis which isn't diagnosed as doctors say all normal. ENT specialist prescribed this medicine along with pantoprazole. 1st day I took the Amoxicillin morning and night. Next day I helped with some household chores after taking the medicine in the morning but later in the afternoon my neck and shoulder area got so stiff along with numbness kind in arms and head felt like it is pulling itself upwards... Later on after an hour or so I was fine. After such an episode I stopped taking this medicine though the symptoms are still there.

I didn't really experience any of the side effects, but only within a day of using amoxicillin did my throat infection heal considerably. After the first day, it still hurt a little but, but on the second day after, it didn't hurt at all. I barely noticed I was sick at all, only that I'm taking the rest of the pills as instructed by my doctor.

I have a SULFA allergy, and this contains sulfates. I had a major reaction in which the paramedics were called. I also had an EPI-PEN which stopped the reaction in less than 2 minutes. Know your allergies first, because the pharmacy missed mine.

I’ve only been taking amoxicillin for one day and my heart rate has increased rapidly to the point where I thought I might have a heart attack.. definitely not sure how the next couple days are going to be or if I should keep taking it. My mom has taken it before and had no reaction and states that I’ve taken it a couple times in my childhood. Not sure if my heart rate issues are due to some underlying heart problems or not but I’m definitely skeptical about the side effects.. aside from that it almost instantly took the swelling away in my throat. I’ve been drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated. I’ve also got some unknown stomach issues that I’m hoping it will help with. I’m going to call my care provider for more advice but beware that if you have any underlying or unknown heart issues it might make it worse… my heart rate has been heavily elevated for about 5 hours now with no decrease at all.

Over all with my condition of throat with extreme soreness and to the point I could’ve lost my voice completely. I took the medicine but would miss doses and of course it got worse my doctor said if I didn’t take the medicine I my voice box that starts with a L but I can’t remember how to spell it. So I did what he said to do. I didn’t like the side effects mostly sweating but after 10 days of treatment my zthroat was healed. Had to drink lots of fluids and I believe it was the water that help mostly.. Back then my father had throat problems he was put on it and even now if I get a severe throat infection as my doctor for that medicine because it works the other side effect stay out of the sun. Maybe it works better for Throat infections. And I’m thankful for it very thankful for it. Anne

As a teen I would be given penicillin for strep or sinus infections. When the trend grew away from penicillin, I was given Amoxicillin for a bronchial infection. After a few days I broke out with terrible hives. Gave me Erythromycin for the infection & antihistamine to relieve the itching. Today when asked what I'm allergic to & I state Amoxicillin - staff always tells me it's the same as penicillin. I've read many sources explaining the differences that can cause the allergic reaction. Amoxicillin is laboratory (man made) and penicillin is natural.

was given this for a severe ear infection to take 1 875mg pill 2x daily for 7 days then on day 4 I had a severe allergic reaction(red,itchy rash of the face, neck and chest)

I was given this as a result of a long term sinus infection. It is very hard to say whether the antibiotic worked or the sinus infection left on itâ??s own as the side effects were so horrendous. Severe nausea, retching and vomiting, itchiness, dizziness and vertigo, anxiety, disturbed sleep and severe tinnitus. Would never take again even if I was paid to.

I was given 500mg tablets of this drug by my current dentist to help kill off bacteria under the gums that was causing an abscess. This drug while effective on killing the bacterial infection hasn't been such a good trip in terms of side effects, as usual for me with any penicillin based drugs I end up getting dizzy to the point where I have to lay down, even if it means not being able to sleep... but I ended up getting new side effects from this, loose skin at the back of throat, which lead to breathing problems, biofilm on my tongue, a really huge sense of dread/anxiety, my tinnitus has increased ringing and most recently since three days ago, moderately strong heart palpations while laying down and attempting to fall asleep.

Severe diarrhoea on completion of course. Never had diarrhoea like this before. Tongue now bright red and swollen. Salts and potassium levels very low in spite of fluids+. lips and mouth very dry. Loss of appetite. Dizziness and muscle weakness. Oh to feel better!

I was given Amoxicillin 500mg because I have a total knee replacement(2011)in my right knee, and I'm preparing to have the left total knee replacement in three weeks. And prior to the replacement I needed to have some dental work done and my Orthopaedic Surgeon requires a treatment of Amoxicillin prior to dental work and surgery. I have not experienced any of the listed side effects nor any other adverse effect. I was prescribed a 7 day dosage of 3 pills per day.

Starting taking this on a Monday and by Thurs was feeling much better. Dr said it would take awhile to work. Best thing was I didnt feel extremely nauseous or have diarrhea while on this. It did make me tired and was hard to swallow but would take this again.