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Generic Name: Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine Mixed Salts

Brand Name: Adderall

Adderall Drug and Medication User Reviews

This drug is useless because it is so weak and doesn't do squat to help my impulsive thoughts and I hate how it is even allowed by the FDA this is the most weakest amphetamine product and ignore every person who wants to give this piece of crap A full 5 star rating and if you experience the same thing I did and you find that it does not do anything go ahead and give it the lowest rating you can Even the new one that claims to last 16 hours and my suggestion would to get raglure non mixed amphetamine salts And go with dextroamphetamine sulfate Aka dextroamphetamine Spansule These prescription amphetamines are so weak that even I can't feel it kicking in or it going I hate Adderall and I would go with Raglure non-mixed amphetamine salts And go with regular liquid amphetamine Anyway I hope that I can spare others from this garbage that doesn't work at all

It has helped me out so much with my adhd and helping me stay awake the only downside is the comedown but other than that it’s a wonderful meditation I’m on 10 mg the instant release

I have been on multiple different medications and I Adderall is the only medicine that helps with ADHD, for Anxiety klonopin, xanax, valium, pains; oxycodone, tramadol , vicodin has all help out which i can get from the displaced details info here,,,,

Had mild ADHD all my life, but was able to work with it, until I recently decided to do something about it. I always thought adderall was going to work perfectly for me because I knew so many people that took it with and without prescriptions with minimal side effects. Prescribed 20mg IR twice a day. The first time I took it I nearly cried. I had never been so calm and content with anything. I remember specifically sitting in my chair doing absolutely nothing and not being worried about what I should be doing or feeling guilty about doing nothing. Appetite completely went away tho. I found myself one day eating 2 slices of pizza for breakfast with my pill, going on a hike after lunch, and realizing that I had not eaten anything else until that night when I started to feel weak and lightheaded. You never realize how much you rely on appetite to stay fed and healthy. One week later I felt minor anxiety late at night, and decided to stop taking it daily and only 'as needed'. I experience major anxiety and depression for the next 4 days, so much that I was practically handicapped. My anxiety was 6/10 non-stop for 4 days. I couldn't eat at all. The only comfort I got was sleeping. During the day I would drift in an out of sleep for hours. I tried everything. I went out for walks, hung out with friends, took multivitamins, and even did breathing techniques. Day 4 I was doing breathing techniques all day just to prevent an anxiety attack. Day 5 my symptoms were so bad I called my Dr 3 times that morning while I walked for almost 2 miles despite having no energy from not eating. I ended up taking adderall again and my anxiety and depression faded away. I started taking 10mg morning and 10mg after lunch, and that seemed to work for another week, but starting several days ago my anxiety has breached the effects and I am back to taking 40mg just to function normally. I am still 2/10 anxious throughout the entire day, even back to my original dose. I am meeting with my psychiatrist later this week to get better treatment. I have had a history of anxiety and depression, and it had tapered out several years ago and I was pretty much normal besides my inability to focus when I needed to. Adderall has ruined my life. I was told there would be no withdrawal. I should have never touched that first pill.

I'm 75. I have been taking Adderall for over 25 years, and it's been a wonder drug for me. Looking back back I see the how ADD made my life so difficult. I never became a proficient reader, and in basic math I constantly made simple errors: 2+ 2 = 5. Socially, I could be in a discussion about local news, and unbeknownst to my friends, my mind would run through a string of personal associations and I'd blurt out, "How about those 86 Bears." It never got easier. In my early 50's I had a job that required exact accounting of seven items in four various forms which I dispersed to customers throughout the day. The numbers never matched. I was close to losing my job. I was anxious depressed and felt worthless. My wife forced me to see a psych, and Adderal resolved the problems almost immediately. My mood and attention improved, and I was able to cope with the accounting. I'm on a low dose Adderall XR 10mg in the morning and Adderall 10mg in the afternoon. For me there is a little boost of energy and mood in the morning when it kicks in, which I find very pleasant. Recently it's become unavailable for some mysterious development - unavailability of some components, we're told. Initially, I was very chippy with people, my attention span disappeared, and my mood was low. However, I'm fine and knowing the reason for the problem, I worked at developing coping skills. Although I am researching alternatives, I'm hoping the Adderall supply problems resolve. It's been life changing for me; it just works so well.

I haven’t had any kind of side affects of the medication and it has helped with my adhd very much and also helped with my low energy and fatigue from my fibromyalgia

Started Adderall a few weeks ago and here is my experience SO FAR. You name the ADHD symptom and this medication has likely improved it for me! I can FEEL, focus, go out, pass time, relax, socialize, have a clear mind, avoid substance use (had a a few addictions caffiene, sugar, and THC, and this helped me knock that away). I'm not standing around doing and saying nothing to people any more! I can actually live for once. The only reason this isn't perfect for me, is the anxiety that happens when it wears off for me and uncommonly I Just got prescribed a booster dose and that should help that. This medication is a MIRACLE for me, but it definitely isn't right for everyone. I know it can amplify things. I have autism, ADHD, bipolar, panic disorder, and ocd (it's a lot I know) I'd recommend giving Adderall a shot if you have ADHD and can manage a "potent" ADHD med. I take a child's dose because of sensitivity to meds. It's a miracle and a curse.

Adderall works well for me depending on availability of a quality manufacturer. This does make all the difference when taken as prescribed. Once the proper dose has been achieved stick to it. At first dose 30mg twice a day, now I find 20 mg three daily works better for me. A lower dose three times daily works better for now. Finding the right dose, plenty of water, food and sleep is very helpful.

Adderal is legal dope. For those of you that are addicts it’s nearly impossible not to abuse it. I’m 45 years old and have been prescribed adderal for the last 5 months. Taken as prescribed it’s truly a magical substance. However, as an previous addict myself I struggle to follow the doctors directions and instead get really high. So, intelligently, I have my wife hold the prescription and give me my daily dose. This has worked well and the results have been very helpful. I’ve done a lot of stimulants in my life and always wondered if it’d be possible to be a daily user but actually manage the dose. And thus get the more beneficial side of stimulants and not the harsh comedowns. And the medical community has figured out how to do that. Adderal for ADHD symptoms is truly remarkable. Taken responsibility and with intention this substance can bring a ton of benefit, mostly for those of us who are older who really struggle with day-dreaming or lack of focus. Keep the dose small and use the medication with intention. It will help those who respect it.

This medication is allowed me to overcome Severe ADHD and LIVE MY LIFE successfully since I started taking it in1997.

Unfortunately I was put on this medication for my ADD as a kid, thankfully never got addicted to it, however I experienced some pretty severe bad reactions to it, essentially it caused me to get extremely violent when I took it, to the point where I actually ended up getting pushed down the stairs by my dad, and in return I basically pinned him against the door and punched him multiple times when I finally snapped, all this medication gave me in return was severe PTSD and unnecessary distress and trauma, this medication should absolutely NOT EVER BE PRESCRIBED TO CHILDREN, not only does it have an extremely high probability of causing addiction, but it also can cause severe and downright dangerous or even deadly mental changes in both personality and psychological state, -1000000/10 never EVER will try again or even recommend it to anyone due to how badly my body and mind reacted to it

In Nov 2022 I was prescribed Adderall 30mg 2x daily. - IT DESTROYED MY BODY! - I did that for 2-3 days before I called my doctor and cried. I ended changing to 30mg 1x daily. The daytime effects were magical! Absolutely amazing!!! BUT the wear off and side effects were terrible. I had the “talk to your doctor asap” kind of side effects. - numbing fingers and toes, stomach pain, severe dizziness, stiff muscles, extreme insomnia…. — I pushed as long as I could because during the day for 6 hours I was like super woman! I could do anything!!! — but it wasn’t worth the physical and psychological pain. :( due to the increased side effects, I was having an increase in depression and anxiety. Plus 2-3 hours of sleep nightly. (I actually started having sleep deprived hallucinations). Needless to say we had to go back to the drawing board.

I started Adderall about a year ago, and although it instantly made me concentrate and focus almost too much I had extreme anxiety panic attacks, and it made me depressed. I not only got addicted to it, but eventually it made me suicidal. This med was not for me. I’m not saying that everyone shouldn’t try it because obviously it affects people differently, but be careful on this.

I had normal brain function until I got assaulted and robbed in1994. I was hit with a tire tool in my neck resulting in a C-5& C6 fracture causing ADD. I never had a problem with it before then. I was originally prescribed dextroamphetamine and then methamphetamine, then I was prescribed Adderall. Adderall is by far the best one of all. The methamphetamine was the worst. I am now 64 years old and I have been taking Adderall ever since it came out. It's by far the best medication for my ADD and I highly recommend it. If you suspect someone of having ADHD please try to talk to them about getting help because their quality of life will be greatly improved.

I am 62 years old and began taking 20 mg 2 months ago after my physician sent me to be evaluated for ADHD. This diagnosis was very surprising since I always related it to children. Anyway, it sure does explain a lot of issues l have had throughout my life. My only regret is that I didn’t speak up sooner to let my physician know about how difficult it is for me to stay on track, to focus in on a conversation without drifting, actively listening and retaining what was said. My life has improved significantly.

My psychiatrist prescribed adderall to me about a year ago, I was pretty steadfast in my decision to not take it and made her well aware of that. I did end up giving it a try and I have to say, it was a fantastic decision. All areas of my life have improved. I was truly expecting to feel high, on edge and not myself when I took it but what I felt was clarity, calmness and all around a better mental state. It also inadvertently solved my binge eating habits. This is my personal experience and not the same for everyone. Take it as prescribed and communicate to your Doctor! Don’t let the stigma that this medication has deter you, let that be between your personal experience and what your doctor recommends. The only negative side effects I’ve had myself is ED and coldness in my limbs, which was quelled after I lost weight and lowered my blood pressure. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern and diet are critical to how effective the medication is in my experience. In conclusion, I had to swallow my pride and trust my doctor despite my feelings and I’m happy that I did

My psychiatrist prescribed adderall to me about a year ago, I was pretty steadfast in my decision to not take it and made her well aware of that. I did end up giving it a try and I have to say, it was a fantastic decision. All areas of my life have improved. I was truly expecting to feel high, on edge and not myself when I took it but what I felt was clarity, calmness and all around a better mental state. It also inadvertently solved my binge eating habits. This is my personal experience and not the same for everyone. Take it as prescribed and communicate to your Doctor! Don’t let the stigma that this medication has deter you, let that be between your personal experience and what your doctor recommends. The only negative side effects I’ve had myself is ED and coldness in my limbs, which was quelled after I lost weight and lowered my blood pressure. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern and diet are critical to how effective the medication is in my experience. In conclusion, I had to swallow my pride and trust my doctor despite my feelings and I’m happy that I did.

I have spent my whole life feeling tired and fatigued and they thought it was my thyroid but then I started taking medication for that and it only made me feel more tired! I work out seven days a week to stay in shape but I have a hard time concentrating by late morning. Then I had Covid for 18 days and I never felt so bad in my life. Then one of the nurses told me that I will experience 6 to 8 months of fatigue! So I finally went to the doctor because I was feeling so depressed that this was my life now. Tired all the time and trying to be a leader. After several attempts of trying to deal with the fatigue I finally asked about Adderall. It is really helping me to concentrate. People worry about addiction but let’s be honest we are an addictive culture! We’re addicted to pretty much everything! Coffee, streaming, our phones Need I go on? We have so many irons in the fire and we do it to ourselves! The bottom line is I want to be able to listen to people when they are hurting or need counsel and I will be able to concentrate and listen to them fully. I also take a brain supplement as well. I’m still trying to figure out The proper dose for me. I used to try and handle things using caffeine caps but there’s always a heavy crash. Adderall does not crash but I have to say it doesn’t last very long (4 hours) but it gets me through the day. I do get occasional headaches and dry mouth. But it is nice to be working in the afternoon and not feel like I have to take a 2-hour nap!

I have mixed results with Adderal, I really feel theirs a differance between manufactures. I have been greatly helped by this medication but not helped by the generic version produced by Camber. i am reading up because of this poor response, wanted to see if others had the same results.

I cant help write again about this dangerous drug.Did anyone ever think it is made to tast like candy for a reason along with its orange color?Drus are supposed to help your condition.I recall not long ago calling sevral Drug Stores as so many was "out of stock".Now you need your Drivers License and are put in a Database so you dont "Doctor Shop" this is due to BigPharma's Opiod Crisis.Im 64 and have lived on Opiods since a Car Accident when I was 14 from Codeine,Fentenyl Patch and now Hysingla which is Morphine.I was always Prescribed it as I live in Chronic Pain,Adderall is just one more and should be taken off the market as there are newer Meds to battle ADD,ADHD,TBI,etc