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Generic Name: Solifenacin Succinate

Brand Name: VESIcare

VESIcare Drug and Medication User Reviews

The only thing that bothers me is a very dry mouth. Otherwise this drug saved my life from oab. I hope it works forever I been on it for 2 years.I drink water and take biotene sprays and mouthwash a lot for the dry mouth and I take benefiber and miralax for constipation. I never have a problem there!!

This worked well for OAB however, the side effects that I experienced were not worth it. Sinus pressure, eye pressure and blurry, ear fullness, dizzy, moody, forgetful. I am hoping this will be out of my system soon.

Worked great, have stopped it. Dry mouth was the only downside. BUT, one side effect not mentioned is edema. My feet and ankles started swelling. I had taken vesicare before and had the same swelling, but had not associated it with vesicare when I stopped it and the swelling disappeared. This time I did as it was the only change in my medications.

It made me real tight i have pain full sex ever since taking it.

My incontinence has returned since changing from Vesicare brand name to generic

With in one week I was unable to urinate and I spent all day unable to go. I stopped taking it immediately.

I've been taking 5mg of Vesicare daily for two weeks. It has caused me to have VERY frequent diarrhea, 6, 7, or more times a day. Is this likely to stop? Other prostate meds I've been on did the same thing.

I started taking Vesicare in 2011 and it worked great for 4 years. Then didn't work. I loved this medication and had absolutely no side effects. My question is since I've been off it for a year or so, would it start working if I started taking it again.

Began with 5mg and it worked a little. Then went on 10mg and it works better. But it has side effects including difficult to urinate and heartburn. Maybe I should go back to 5mg. Appointment with urologist Tuesday

I've been using Vesicare since it first became available in 2004. Before that I tried Detrol. Detrol worked for me for a couple of months then suddenly stopped working. I then started taking Vesicare. I'm very happy with the results of Vesicare. I take it at night before bed. The side effects I have are dry eyes, dry mouth and blurred vision. The blurred vision isn't a problem because by the time I get up in the morning, my vision is fine. I counter the dry mouth by drinking more water. I use moisturiaing eyedrops 2 times a day. I'm more than happy to do those things so I can continue to take Vesicare. The only down side is that it's a tier 3 drug so cost me $37-$40 a month. A generic version may be available around Nov. 2018. If so that will lower my out of pocket cost.

Worked well at controlling immediate urge to urinate. However side effects were awful. Dry mouth, constipation for 2 days then diarhea for one day on a repeat cycle. I quit when urine became cloudy and had a strange odor. No infection detected so I have to think it was the drug. I also had increase heartburn.

While this medication worked for me wonderfully I ended up having a delayed allergic reaction about a month in. I had 2 days of severe dizziness while laying down with my eyes closed. Followed by facial, neck and chest rashes and swelling. Had to be put on a week of steroids and i am still currently experiencing dizziness when eyes are closed and the rash has returned due to the medication taking time to leave my body. I am now experiencing pressure behind the eyes as well and temples due to this medication.

I've been on Vesicare for one week and it works!!!! My doctor told me to take it before bedtime. I have not experienced any blurry vision. However, it does cause heartburn, but I'll gladly take that over running to the bathroom every 30 minutes.

I love this medicine but it went from $10/mth to $700/mth with insurance! Don't know what I'm going to do, I only have give days left :(

Heartburn for the first 2-3 days, then no more. It works for me! I can finally sleep more than an hour at a time!

Experienced extreme tiredness and weakness. Stopped using after four days.

numerous side effects. swelling of face and numbness of tongue. awful indigestion and constipation. severe stomach and neck pain. stopped immediately. only took vesicare for 3 days.

Facial swelling, itching,dry mouth and stomach cramps

70 year old mail tried this (for obvious reasons) whilst travelling on the transsiberian railway. It was useless for me - no change in peeing frequency - and blood appeared in my stools after 2 weeks. Stopped taking it then, and returned to normal.

My doctor put me on 5mg of Vesicare for my oab. It hasn't helped at all. I was praying it would help, but haven't had any relief. I still have the urge to go constantly.