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Generic Name: Sotalol

Brand Name: Betapace

Betapace Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking this medication for 2 and a half weeks. My blood pressure has increased since taking this drug as high as 180 over 107. Lowered my heart rate to 51.

I have been on Toporol for about 2o years. I had my 4th Medtronic ICD implanted in March 2018. It has BLASTED me on 2 separate occassions. 3 the first time, month later 82 times. Dr started me on the beta. I have not been blasted anymore but very un comfortable. I am getting a LOT more PVC's

Use to be on Toprol for PAC flutters and BP. Recently woke up with Afib and knew instantly I needed to go to ER. Was given a shot and also meds in Iv that slowed it down a bit but was only short lived. Was admitted and told that next day would have to adjust heart rhythm with Electro paddles and also go down my throat to see if I had any clots on backside of my heart from Afib.Later that night, after much prayer lol, my heart rhythm went back into normal rhythm all by itself. I then was put on a regiment of Betapace, one 120mg two times a day with an EKG three hours after each pill. You remain in the hospital being monitored by EKG to make sure the medicine is ok for you for 5 doses. It has been working for me so far but I have to say my energy levels were almost non existant to begin with.So I notice no change in energy. I am also on Celexa which seems to be doing ok with the Betapace and new blood thinner Eliquis. Afib can be quite scary not knowing what is coming next, but hang in there and take good care of yourself.

Started this medication in 1994 and have been on it for afib ever since. No side effects. All my labs still normal even after 22 years of use. I take 160MG twice a day. Have broken through twice, cardio-version worked each time. My afib triggers are caffeine and alcohol--I avoid them (even chocolate)!

I am on sotalol for only 3 weeks or so. Metaprolol had worked well for me for a year but then I went into AFib again. I am not symptomatic so they wanted to add an anti arrhythmic to the beta blocker function of metaprolol. I have felt great since going back into sinus rhythm but the medicine has the following adverse effects: vivid dreams, intermittent sleep, significant loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. This despite being on Androgen (which usually sends my libido through the roof) and daily Cialis. I had always heard that beta blockers kill the mood but metoprolol did not have that effect on me.

During my last AFIB hospitalization, my doc put me on BetaPace. I've never felt more dreadful, tired and weak in my life. With Toprol, Flecanide and a blood thinner, I only had one or two AFIB episodes a year. I'd rather live with that than feel like hell every day..

Have nightmares and wake up with irregular or fast heartbeat.

It made me weak and sick to my stomach feeling. My pulse would drop as low as the 30's. I finally told the doctor and was told if my pulse was below 60 don't take it. I quit completely and feel 100% better.

I have used the generic for Betapace for over two years and it has been effective in controlling my heart rate as well as my blood pressure. I have notice seeming to "run out of gas" in mid-afternoon becoming more prominent when the dosage was increase from 80 Mg to 120 Mg.

concern about a heart rate below 50 and 45

had some kind of heart problem when I was 34, A doctor decided I had Tachy Brady Syndrom. Was placed on sotalol at first to help slow my heart rate, My heart rate got so slow that it nearly killed me, So they decided to place a pacemaker in me. Now I take sotalol 80 2day But I now have A-Fib So they say. My problem is I GAINED allot of weight and I have really hard heart beats and palpatations from the med. It also makes me very hot and even causes irruglar Heart rate for about two hours after taking the med. But I am told I can not stop the med. I am 44 now and still deal with the side affects of sotalol HCL Sotalol can cause sudden death and that really bothers me. But my heart doctor keeps pushing it. Even tho the pill puts me in the hospital at least once a month. I dont think this pill is one of the safest meds for A-Fib but like crestor (Which is another very scarey drug) it is pushed by the pharmc companies. Some times I think these doctors get big kick backs from the med companys to push these meds. I know this isnt much help. But just wanted people to know that sotalol hcl is a dangerous drug

I have been on Sotalol for over 24 months now, and it makes me feel very weak(rotten) and have muscle & joint pains, and worst of all it decreased my libido.

I have been on "Sotalol" "BETAPACE' 80mg 2xday. Works great. A Drugest tried to give me the "BETAPACE AF! Instead of my regualur BETAPACE and OMG! They only thought and told me there is NO difference. YES there IS! And lifetherating! You can look both up on Medplus! I now before I leave drugstore, check meds, it's happened before.

I had an ablation back in 2000 for tachacardia. Did the trick. Had palpitations for 3 months, quit for a month and started up again in June 2010. Went into hospital for 3 days June 20, on sotalol for palpitations. No problems. Still have a flutter now and then but nothing like it was. Don't know about weight gain, haven't gained since the hospital, in fact came down 5 pounds I think from eating the right foods. No snacking. Only once a week, whatever I want.

after a failed ablation my doctor started me on this..to prevent afib rvr..as long as I take the drug as prescribed I do not feel irregular heartbeats

does this sotalol work with viagara or vise versa?

In my opinion this medication caused my platelet low count. Thrombocytopenia is listed as one of the adverse side effects for Sotalol HCL.

My mother started this sotalolabout 5 weeks ago.She has been compaining of sudden and severe headaches over these past weeks that have gotten worse as time goes on. Has anyone else expeienced this symptom? She is on 80mg a day