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Generic Name: piperacillin-tazobactam

Brand Name: Zosyn intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had five days of this medication in the hospital for severe diverticulitis. By the second day I noticed a big improvements in my pain.I had no problem with this medication. Went home pain free.

I had severe muscle pain and spasms largely in mid back, possible kidney pain, too.Hardening of the vein for 6". I had a stabbing pain in my back, behind my heart. It felt like I was going to have a heart attack, the 1st and 2nd IV. I had a muscle in my L shoulder and several in my neck and upper back that became almost hard, and a week later, are still a problem, as is the weird muscle and body aches all over. Constant nausea. I had been on other antibiotics, but they weren't working. I was on it off/on for 2 1/2 days. Each IV I was in excruciating pain. I was going insist on a change of medicine, when it finally worked, and I went home. Even though I complained many times, I wasn't taken seriously, even though all of my complaints are listed as side effects of this drug. I won't ever use again.

Was given Zosyn in my IV before I was scheduled to have my gall bladder taken out. I had an anaphylactic reaction and was in a coma for roughly 9 hours. I'm not allergic to penicillin, or other antibiotics.

I was hospitalized with pneumonia the 1st time I used it. I didn't find out 'til the 2nd time that the drug was the cause of the hallucinations I had had the 1st,

I had liver Abscess due to gallbladder removal surgery and I’m still on this medicine.. bitter taste in mouth and face pimples neck hives and itchy body ..I need to chew gum for the bad taste all the time .. but In total this is a good medicine specially for my disease..

Had a severe foot infection spreading to the bone. Been on this med IV for about 10 weeks. It didn't do very well during the infection so surgery to remove small toe and piece of bone from foot was the answer. The meds seemed to work after surgery. My only side effect is complete loss of taste. Haven't had a good meal in 4 weeks. Hope I get taste back after this med is finished!

Got this in the Hospital for 4 days. Felt 100% better after 1 day. By day 3 however, I was having night sweats. They continued until 2 days after treatment ended.

Tried various oral meds for three months, now in hospital. Started with vanco it was ineffective. Now using 3.375gm per 100ml 4times a day. It is working well with no negative effects after 5 days.

Zosyn was administered while in the hospital intravenously for Diverticulitis. With in seconds I was having a seizure. The seizure lasted perhaps a couple of minutes and I was frightened. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably. They administered a second round even though I explained I had a seizure with the first round. I experienced another seizure. I did not loose consciousness but I could not stop my entire body from severe shaking. I had a friend in the room with me the second time Zosyn was administered. She witness the frightening experience that brought me to tears.

I received this med IV for a possible peritoneal infection following colon surgery for cancer. The peritoneal infection cleared but I now have no taste, I am anorexic and have absolutely no desire to eat. I also developed diarrhea and a superficial yeast infection.

I had a severe allergic reaction to this medicine. It was administered by IV and I immediately started itching. Turned red and developed welts and hives. They had to increase my IV in order to flush my system. I was admitted with an inflamed gallbladder and acute pancreatitis.

I developed a very bad case of pancreatitis as a result of a severe gallstone attack, and they immediately started me on Zosyn in the ER. They kept me on the antibiotic for a couple of days and the pancreatitis cleared up nicely, allowing them to do the gallbladder removal surgery. The medicine had no side effects for me -- I didn't even know it was going into my IV. It worked for me with no complications, so I was pleased with it.

Bladder infection, maybe kidney infection, loss of vision temporary in 1 eye, over rode 80 mg of Nexium. Thrush mouth. Print out of side effects comes NO where near the horrible side effects of this drug.

i was admitted to hospital with unknown skin infection with underlying major infection on right cheek. I stayed there 4 days,released,and returned within 8 hours due to swelling again. I spent 3 more days in hospital alternating taking vancomycin and zosyn iv. i have returned home with minor swelling and oral zyvox. i have only exxperienced the thrush as of now.

My Appendix ruptured and although too late for surgery, I arrived just in time at the ER before any sepsis; they put me on Zosyn every 6 hours for a total of 13 round the clock administrations. It probably saved my life.

I developed lobar pneumonia very quickly after a week of flu (despite having the flu shot and the pneumonia shot!). I have asthma & Rheumatoid Arthritis so am at risk for complications anyway. I was admitted from the ER with fever 101, fatigue, cough. The first IV antibiotic (Rocephine & Zithromax) did nothing. The second day they discontinued the Rocephine and gave me the Zosyn IV, and I started to feel better within an hour. I was in the hospital for five days (over Christmas) and I'm grateful this drug worked so well with (for me) little side effect. It was given as an IV OVER FOUR HOURS (twice a day I think) to avoid damaging my kidneys. My kidney function tests afterwards were FINE - thankfully! I still needed a few more weeks of recovery using my nebulizer at home.

I was given this medication after hernia surgery. I had some fluid around the mesh. Within 36 hours I had a rash all over my body which I was then diagnosed with Steven's Jojnson Syndrome (skin fell off entire body). Along with that my kidneys shut down. Just before they were to put me on dialisys my kidneys began to improve. 6 weeks later I am still in the hospital waiting for skins issues to heal. Be careful with all medications please!

Had IV of medicine.Side effects are bad.Never want to use this drug again.

I am actually reviewing this for my elderly 92 year old aunt who was administered this after endoscopic common bile duct gallstone removal. Within couple of hours of Zosyn, she developed kidney failure, as well as thrombocytopenia, hypokalemia, and 4+ edema of her hands. She was even placed on hospice! (Her close friend and neighbor had also had this happen to her with Zosyn; kidney failure, which thankfully is slowly improving.) Aunt Edie was placed in a Rehab facility much too quickly, but immediately worsened and was readmitted to hospital, for another 10 days. Total inpatient time was 3 weeks!