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Generic Name: Trifluridine and Tipiracil Tablets

Brand Name: Lonsurf

Lonsurf Drug and Medication User Reviews

started lonsurf 6/6/22 by 6/8/22 was rushed to ER &was in severe pain continued lonsurf until 6/16/22. soon after my cea spiked drastically it had been holding steady at 2-3 for 1.5 years then rose to 43.3 by 6/30/22. my quality of life was drastically reduced, my breathing has become labored/short. my thought process changed, and severe depression set in. I wish the negative info on Lonsurf had been revealed prior to taking it.. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS POISON!

My husband was living with cancer for about 10years and was doing good was active and working a full time job until he started taken lonsurf and was only on it for about 3cycle and went down hill fast!! And passed away.If we only would have read these bad experiences He may still be alive!

Very bad!! My husband passed away after his 3 cycle of lonsurf Sleeping nonstop face swelling Was active and was working full time prior to using this poison!!! If I Would have read all this negative experience he would probably still be here!

After the first month my husband started sleeping all the time falling asleep driving and working. After the third cycle he passed away in his sleep. This Lonsurf is very deadly. He was doing so well prior to this medication it took him down very fast!!

From the time my wife began taking this poison, her health deteriorated steadily. Against our oncologists advice, we fought for a CT scan, and sure enough, the garbage wasn't working. The cancer was growing everywhere. I was not happy with her Dr. and expressed this.

Please stay away from this dangerous medication. Like others have mentioned, this drug spiked my CEA after just one round. After my doctor instructed me to stay patient with the results, my CEA continued to jump exponentially, to some of the highest levels it has ever reached. Imaging studies have proved that the drug has been completely ineffective, and may have possibly worsened my tumor by encouraging excessive growth. As a result, I am now having incredible difficulties walking as my metastatic cancer has spread to my spine. Since taking this medication, my quality of life has spiraled in a very short period of time. Prior to Lonsurf, I was physically active and energetic. After about four rounds of treatment, I am now wheelchair-bound and struggling with constant, debilitating pain. The drug has severely damaged my digestive tract, induces a constant ‘sick’ feeling in your mouth, and makes me want to vomit every time I take it. While convenient in tablet form, it is no replacement for intravenous chemotherapy. If you are considering a Lonsurf treatment regimen, please heed these critical warnings and stay far away from this drug. This is an extremely dangerous pill that will most likely worsen your cancer symptoms in a very short amount of time, in turn reducing your long-term chances of survival.

Colon and rectal matastatic to lungs etc. . We thought this was working but turns out it did not. Hair loss, tumor grew. Very disappointed with it. Now on Intravenous Chemo.

It destroyed my taste every thing tasted terrible, i found it hard to eat enough to take pills. It destroyed my ability to do anything and even my will to live. I felt like I had the flu, my digestive track was messed up, my stomach hurt a little more with every dose and would throw up despite taking anti nausea pills. I think I'll live out my life without it as it only on average adds a month of life

Hair loss at end of round one. Require a wig n oy w. Easy to take with few other side effects. CEA continued to rise after first round. Had to have an extra 2 weeks after round one before beginning round 2 due to low WBC count.

Lonsurf decreased the quality of my life completely. After three rounds it was found to be totally ineffective.

This med has been really hard on my digestive tract. I have severe bloating and gas. Severe abdominal pain. After first treatment my CEA went from 298 to 990. Starting my second round of treatment. Was told by my doctor that this may spike my count and then start to lower it. Sure hope so!