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Generic Name: Sucralfate

Brand Name: Carafate Tablets

Carafate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I just Started this medication last week for chronic gastritis. Have had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, small bowel follow through, and an incomplete Video Capsule Endoscopy which they are planning to redo and all I get told is we are in limbo until the video endoscopy study is complete, but in the meantime the Dr started me on Carafate to help the lining of my stomach from the severe redness, and inflammation! I’m not sure if it’s working or not yet, however, I was told Not to crush the pill and if I had trouble swallowing large pills, then they’d prescribe the liquid! Kind of surprised at how many are crushing them! Anyway, hope I can update with something positive soon because we are running out of options, and whatever the issue is it has caused me to have iron deficiency anemia! Wow turned 51 and everything went downhill! Pantoprazole hasn’t helped me much at all so really hopeful this will! Good luck all

I have GERD and gastritis along with other digestive issues. After several days of eating wrong I had bad case of reflux and pain. Usually this works after about 5 days but this time it took 2 weeks to give me relief. It causes me serious constipation but it’s better than the gastritis. If you use it, make sure you take high dose vitamins especially Bs and calcium as it blocks nutrients and take any other meds 2 hrs after using .

I’ve so far never been disappointed by this. Without this medicine, I’d be going very frequently to the hospital for the very severe stomach burning pains I would get. Now with this, whenever that stomach pain starts up again, I take 10 to 11 ml of this and I feel 100% better after a full 10 minutes. No other medicine has ever been able to help my stomach like that, nor has any diet. This is truly an absolute necessity for me. I highly highly recommend this to anyone who’s tried everything and still continues to suffer badly from stomach burning due to ibs,gastritis, gerd, or an ulcer (I have all except the ulcer) and it’s been an absolute miracle

The oral suspension form of Carafate is crazy expensive. $740 for a one month prescription. My doctor suggested crushing the tabs and making my on slurry... I found that the tabs would dissolve in less than a minute and could be mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of water. Later I found that instead of using water I used Strawberry Watermelon Gatorade (1/2 teaspoon) and it tasted just like the expensive oral version samples my doctor had given me. That saved me $700 a month lol. Tabs were only $40 for 120 (4 a day X 30).

Sucrafate has been a life changing affect with my stomach problems. The taste is bland and easy to dissolve on your tongue, especially when I am having an urgency of stomach pain on the go, without water; I pop the sucarafate right into my mouth and in minutes I feel so much better. Thank you Carafate.

I have Hiatal hernia which is a limp flap that bloks acid from going up the esophagus. My Reflux has been pretty well managed with anxiety treatment and diet. However my reflux has been acting up because of my bad eating habits lately to where my breathing feels kind of restricted and uncomfortable. I am almost certain it is because reflux. Any way I just started carafate. Just 1 pill and I already feel a mild improvement. This pill is said to be for ulcers. But it can really be good for acid reflux flair ups too. If you have any mild breathing problems. After eliminating more serious problems, ask your doctor about acid reflux and if carafate might help you. I did for me

The difference between how I felt and how I feel now on Carafate is night and day. I haven't had any reflux at all, and I am able to actually eat without feeling sick all the time.

Prescribed for acid reflux.. I dissolve in a bit of water and swallow and immediately feel like I am going to vomit. It causes bloating and constipation so I am more miserable than I was before starting this med. I am allergic to all proton pump inhibitors so I do not have a lot of options but I cannot tolerate the side effects so I am stopping this medication.

I have a rotten LES valve/sphincter and also nutcracker esophagus (yes, that's a thing, look it up, I didn't believe them either). Every so often the lower part of my esophagus gets very irritated and spasms, sometimes get small ulcers. This medicine is a Godsend. Works fantastic. Get the pills, let it dissolve on your tongue with a mouthful of water and swallow it down as a powder - coats the esophagus and stomach - almost instant relief. Only side effects are some minor bloating and a bit of constipation sometimes, but WAY better than ulcer or esophagus pain! Great medicine!

after 2 doses i had severe hives

this drug helped more that all the ppi meds I was on

Have had reflux for years to the point that was hard to swallow. All medications gave me diarrhea. The Carafate is wonderful. No acid no diarrhea.

I eat several small meals a day so having to take this pill 4 times per day on an empty stomach is difficult for me. Also, with GERD you can have swallowing issues. Carafate is a horse pill that swells in mouth and then breaks up. I felt like I was going to choke on this pill before discovering that I can dissolve it in water first and then take it. Please be careful, when swallowing this pill whole. So far, I'm not that impressed with Carafate for the use of heartburn due to hiatal hernia. I'm allergic to PPIs and Pepcid isn't strong enough. I had the neissen surgery, which slipped after only 6 weeks. Feeling very discouraged and feeling like I'm running out of options.I have diverticulosis and can not become constipated. Constipation is one of this medication's side effects.

I have a hiatal hernia and GERD. I also take a PPI but carafate helps when I have breakthrough symptoms. It tastes awful and makes me slightly nauseous, but it's better than the GERD!

I have esophageal dismotility and food was not going down to my stomach. This happened 5 years after gastric bypass surgery and a battle with GERD untreated for years. It has been my miracle cure. I went from living on tuna, cheese and shakes to eating "normal" food again.

I have a hiatal hernia which lead to esophagitis. I seemed to have a remission for about a year when I started drinking aloe vera juice (look in this, it helps acid reflux) but I have a bit of a return of my acid symptoms so I'm back on this medicine which has worked pretty well in the past. Chest bloating, mild chest pain. A little tip to save money, get the cheaper pill form and a pill crusher. It will turn it into powder then just drink it down with some water. It coats the esophagus better that way. And it doesn't taste bad, it just tastes like dry powder, that's all.

After taking this medicine for a week, I started having constipation despite Miralax every night, high fiber diet + 8 glasses of water/day. Finally had to quit b/c it "paralyzed" my colon and I was unable to have a bm. It took 3 days of Milk of Magnesia and another week before I was able to go - then developed crampy diarrhea. I will NEVER use Carafate again!!!!

This medicine makes me sick all the time, I have a hard time eating because of the nausea.

I have had Psoriatic Arthritis since age 28, and my rheumatologist prescribed Carafate after my first year on NSAIDs, which were already irritating my stomach. For 23 years, it has prevented an ulcer. I feel it has done me much good since I've had to take NSAIDs so long in order to walk and work.