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Generic Name: Sulfasalazine Delayed Release Tablets

Brand Name: Azulfidine EN-Tabs

Azulfidine Drug and Medication User Reviews

have had severe headaches... colitis is fine but migraines are horrible.

The pills are very hard to swallow. Perhaps if they came in a capsule I would be able to keep more down.

Been taking it for years for my RA and it has been very helpful without many side effects

I have seronegative arthritis my doctor prescribe this to me I am afraid of the side efects. I have a high blood pressure, I used to have a slow heart rate bec. of atenelol now they changed my blood pressure medication now my heart rate is good. Is this medication will result in my blood pressure to get high and make my heart rate slow if I will tAKE IT PLEASE HELP. I stop taking it bec. I thought that I got severe coughing at one point, so I stop .

Aloe Vera Juice will control Ulcerative Colitis, can be purchased at walmart, meijers, less than $8.00 a gallon. This is a fact!!! When it's under control, Do Not quit drinking the juice or it will come back... it is also good for stomach acid and stomach ulcers... Believe it or not it does work...

Unfortunately I experienced an early stage of Steven Johnsons syndrome,one of the rare side effects. It took a month of treatment to have the severe allergic reaction and since I had eaten shrimp when the allergy developed the SJ was overlooked. I started the treatment again only to have SJ symptoms show after only one week with azulfidine. My advice if you need to take this drug is to keep beware of any rash or sign. Even when you aren't allergic you can develop a sulfa allergy.

it has helped great taking me off pain pills but the time release is the only one I could tolerate.

savere pain constantly. When i take this my liver count goes up. even when I'm taking it, it dosnt help.

In combination with 600mg Plaquenil, the 1000mg of Azulfidine a day hasn't improved my SLE symptoms at all.

have had no problems

i am extremely tired my pain in hands is worse i have r a my veins are popping out of my hands and is terribly painful it hurts when i touch them my heart is fluttering i have been on this med 1 month

Now I only have a couple flare-ups per year. The duration of each flare-up is much shorter. This medication also helped my IBS. Personal side effect: Very sensitive to sun.

I take this for Chronic Hives. It has enabled me to stop taking prednizone after 14 years. I encourage anyone suffering from chronic hives to try it, it has given me my life back!

diagnosed w/ ulcerative colitus, later Crohn's, age 62. started sulfasalazine and have had no problems with the disease. Also, at age 76, I play tennis 3x weekly (4.0) and have fewer aches and pains than the 40-50 something women with whom I play. I think the drug is responsible. I experienced no side effects.

OMG, I have had so many problems since taking this medication and did not realize...the ringing in my ears for over a year that has been about to drive me crazy, am on a water pill that did not seem to work, now I know why, I cant feel my feet, tingling in my hands...Oh I will stop this med as of NOW....I have been miserable!..

I know a pt that has lung disease from this drug. She is on Flolan now and having many problems.

during using drug 60% of symptom disapper,but still not happy...