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Generic Name: Sumatriptan and Naproxen Sodium Tablets

Brand Name: Treximet

Treximet Drug and Medication User Reviews

Only medication that relieves my migraines.

Treximet is one of the few medications that have alleviated my migraines (Relpax also worked for years, until it stopped working as well). I experience only light side-effects (burn in jaw the first couple chews after taking it, sensitivity to hot water, feelings of weakness) that have seemed to decrease over the years. I'm not even sure if the weakness and sleepiness are from Treximet or just migraine sx that I don't notice when in pain, but notice when the pain is alleviated and the more subtle affects of migraine are left. I am so thankful for this med that allows me to lead a mostly normal life! I just wish I could get more than 9 pills per Rx and that I hadn't had experiences with it being cancelled by my insurance or being difficulty to renew in the past. It's just awful when you are in severe pain and trying to work with ins to get meds. Now I know to only look for an ins plan that allows this med! (Strangely, I tried Sumatriptan and Naproxin Sodium separately in the same dosages and it did not work nearly as well. I wish I understood why for me Treximet works, but not the separate pills.)

Migraines are usually triggered by changes in weather. Treximet usually works in an hour or two. The cost of Treximet has doubled for me in the last two years. As a Tier 3 drug my insurance requires me to pay 30% of the cost. Two years ago I paid $460 for 27 pills. This month it is costing me $900. Treximet is the only thing that works for me. I used Imitrex until I had an asthma attack.

I had some pretty uncomfortable side effects from the med. The first time I took this medication, I had a migraine for over 48 hours, so I was not sure if what I was feeling was due to the medication. The side effects were a feeling of being overheated, and tightness from the back of my neck through my jaw and up through the top of my head. It did stop my migraine after about an hour and a half though. The second time I took this was at the onset of a migraine, and I had the very same feeling. Although, it took away my migraine, my provider and I will try another medication as I was extremely uncomfortable (physically) when I took the meds... so much so I felt like my blood pressure was through the roof.

I have had this medication since I turned 50. It is the only thing that works for me.I have had migraines for 30 years. I took Imitrex and it worked well for me.But my doctor said after 50 you should not use Imitrex. That is when she switched me to Treximet. It has been a blessing for me. With my migraines I get nausea, vomiting, fatigue, light bothers me. My eyesight goes out in one eye etc.. The only side effect is I get flushed. Not a big deal I can handle that.Unfortunately I had to switch insurance companies and CVS Caremark does not cover this medication even after appeals from my doctor. So now I am on a fixed income and can no longer afford the 9 pills a month. I don't know what I am going to do now. But I highly recommend Treximet. Hang in there it does work.!!

This is the only medicine that has ever helped my migraines

I went home with 2 samples of this medication and took one as soon as I got home. My chest was racing, nauseous, tingling in my head and face, pain in my chest and back, flushing, dizzy, and tired. I wanted to drive myself to the ER, but didn't think I could make it. NEVER AGAIN! I am a nurse and had to cancel my patients for the day. I do want to say I am thankful it works for most people.

In Dec 2013 my prescription was $234 for 9 pills. In Nov of 2014 it was $597 for 9 pills. Unbelievable that a pharmaceutical company can do that. It's all about the money for them, GlaxoSmithKline sold the pill to Pernix. When acquire the press release talks about all the money this company would make from the drug because they are a "speciality drug company". They are holding us hostage. If you can find something else that works, try that!

Obviously, this medication isn't for everyone. I've had migraines since I was 14 years old. I'm now 32. This has been the only drug that has ever worked for me. Taking it for the first time was like finding gold! I did experience a little tightness/burning in my chest for about 15 minutes but that was nothing compared to dealing with the migraine. My only complaint is you don't get many pills per rx.

Fast and effective. Only thing that worked for me, then my insurance decided it was too expensive and cut me off. What I did next? Got Naproxen over the counter and had my Doctor write me a prescription for Sumatriptan. Same as Treximet, just as effective in the same does as 85/500mg. Sumatriptan/naproxen

Most of the time half a pill eliminates headache in less than one hour

I've had migraine headache for half my life and tried just about every drug I could for them. Treximet is the only drug that help eliminate the migraine. I had used Imitrex (semi-successfully) before but the dizziness and hot flashes were too much to take. With Treximet, there are a couple "rules" you should follow to get the best benefit. First, do not eat before taking. It never gets rid of a headache for me if I eat anything. If I take it on an empty stomach, it works 99% of the time. Also, take it as soon as you feel the headache coming on. Don't wait to be in a full migraine because it won't work as well. In that case, the migraine usually comes back for me. The dizziness, nausea and the hot feeling will be there for a while but you can sip a glass of water after taking and it gets better. I don't recommend any hot foods or drinks because it does not feel good going down. Sometimes your chest will be tight. Just take lots of deep breaths and that usually gets better too. These side effects suck, but they are better than a migraine.

Very good medication, but does have side effects. People with severe migraines can not function normally even with taking medication. I have been on this medication for over three years and it is extremely helpful, however it does come with side effects. It has weakened my heart and I now have an irregular ekg. If prolong use Cardiac check-ups are suggested.I still take the medication because it is the only thing that keeps me out of the ER. It takes about an hour to work and I get very sleepy, dizzy, my chest feels heavy, and my vision gets very bad for several days. The medication is worth my side effects because of the devastating pain. Anyone who can go to work or function at home with a migraine doesn't know the true effects of a severe migraine. Maybe they have tension headaches. The drug is very expensive however Glaxco Smith Klein has a program called Bridges to Access for low income people. If you qualify it is free.

I took one this morning and had the worst migraine I have ever had. The headache switched to my rigt eye, and I fel nauseous all day long. My chest and shoulders ached. 10 hours later I still feel lousy and still have a headache.

I have been suffering with daily headaches for about 5 years. I started Treximet when it was new and it was the only medication that worked for me. My headache goes away within 20 minutes and I have minimum side effects, occasional tiredness. At first I could only get 9 pills a month and now I can get up to 18 pills a month which still isn't enough when you wake up with a headache daily. However, my quality of life is so much better. I tried eveything from maxalt, relpak, botox, acupuncture,daily medications like topomax and even infusions. None of these worked. Treximet has been like a miracle drug for me.

I was diagnosed with migraines when I was in high school. I was prescribed medication but it didn't work so I went a long time suffering through my headaches. About 20 years ago started taking Imitrex and it worked for a long time. But it stopped being effective and I switched to Relpax. Relpax stopped working well so I switched this year to Treximet. It works very well without any side effects. Although I experience weight gain when I take it like someone else wrote. But I am very pleased with this medication.

100% effective. . . 10000000% expensive!!!

It was very effective. However, it gave me a very unpleasant tingling sensation through my shoulders and back and made me feel "off." Add to that the fact that it's not on the Anthem BC/BS formulary, which means a $60 copay for just a few pills, I asked the doc for something else. He gave me Fioricet. I have to get authorization every time I get a refill, but I'm much more satisfied with the effectiveness, cost, and side effects of the Fioricet.

After taking this medication, I have this "weird" feeling it's a feeling of not feeling well, or right. But it works, it takes the migraines away. I also get a "funny" feeling in the middle of my chest, like my hearts beating fast but it isn't.