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Generic Name: Cervidil (dinoprostone-topical)

Cervidil Reviews

For Labor Induction "I was induced at 41 weeks with Cervidil. It was inserted around 9 am, and I was asked to stay at the hospital for 3-4 hours. Cervidil insertion was not painful but a bit uncomfortable. After about an hour, I felt slight cramping, which gradually increased over the next couple of hours. Around 1 pm, contractions started, and they were bearable. We were told to leave for home. Once I reached home, I barely had lunch, and contractions started getting stronger and very frequent. I could barely breathe - contractions were back to back. I knew I wouldn't be able to cope with contractions without medication, so we left for the hospital. On reaching the hospital around 3:30 pm, they removed the Cervidil since I was having back-to-back contractions with no time to relax or breathe. They checked my cervix, and I was 3 cm dilated. After removing Cervidil, my body took over, and I started dilating a cm every hour. Around 10:45 pm, I delivered my baby."

For Labor Induction "May have caused uterine hyperstimulation. Even after removal, contractions continued to come 1 minute apart at 1 cm dilation. Ended with cesarean. Mother required 2 years of physical therapy for complete loss of abdominal control and severe pain during bowel movements."

For Labor Induction "Cervidil may have caused intense contractions during labor...may have also caused excessive fetal movement during labor. After nine hours, the physician removed the Cervidil. The heart rate of the fetus dropped to an unsafe level. A Cesarean section was performed on the patient to save the life of the fetus."

For Labor Induction "Had three cervical sweeps after 41 weeks and still nothing. Was in no real rush to have baby out, I was patient but it was quite overdue. Took Cervadil at 8am at the hospital, then at 10pm contractions really began and continued until I couldn't take it anymore at 6am and went to Labour and Delivery at the hospital. Had healthy baby at 2:30pm after epidural. Choosing Cervidil again for my current second pregnancy."

For Labor Induction "Cervidil worked great for me. With my first two I was in labor for 32hrs, and 15hrs. I was admitted in the hospital Sept.15 the doctor inserted the cervidil 9:00pm, contractions started not long after. The next morning they checked me I was 4cm dilated, my water was broke at 8:00am and I gave birth at 1:44pm!! Even though it did cause my baby heart rate to drop, it worked wonders for me and I had a safe delivery and a healthy little boy!!"

For Labor Induction "Used to induce labor from IUGR. 4th and last baby. The contractions it caused almost immediately were unlikely any I’ve ever felt and epidural was unavailable for hours. The pain is intense and cried and wailed and tossed and turned and rocked back and forth, my heart rate increased while baby’s decreased. I'll never forget that pain. Baby was born vaginally several hours after but immediately taken and flown to a hospital with a nicu an hour away from me so I discharged myself an hour after delivery to drive and be with her. 8 month later now it’s nothing more than a dreadful memory… worse birthing experience of my life in every way. So thankful baby is absolutely perfect"

For Labor Induction "The nurse stuck this medicine in and I was told to leave it in for 12 hrs and I made it to 5. I told the nurse take it out because my cervix/vagina area was burning, itching and bleeding. The nurse at first refused and then eventually took it out. My pain level went from 6/7 to a 10 after. It didn't do anything as far as induct labor. Nothing did. I had a csection for to protect me and my baby from serious issues"

For Labor Induction "Laid in bed for 2 days using this and nothing. Wasted those 2 days I could have been out walking to prep naturally than this. The range of effectiveness is ALL over the board. Did they even prepare a trail before marketing?"

For Labor Induction "Cervidil may have caused intense contractions and baby to change position from optimal birthing position. Intense contractions led to emergency c section after fetal heart rate dropped to dangerous levels."

For Labor Induction "I was 1 cm dilated with soft cervix. Cervidil inserted at 8:30am, after 2 hrs no change. Sent home. At 2:30 started getting contractions quite far apart. At 6am no more contractions. At 6:35am very intense frequent contractions which seemed to come up through the rectum/colon. The contractions became quite aggressive. Epidural started at 7am. The contractions still coming through the colon could still be felt for quite some time and the cervidil was still not removed. I was not dialated enough to deliver until after 3pm. 11 days later I still have colon spasms and tenderness. Extreme pain during bowl movements."

For Labor Induction "I was induced by this drug. The only thing about it I didn’t like was it took me so long to become dilated enough to achieve active labor. I ended up needing an emergency csection, but labor went very smoothly, it wasn’t very harsh cramp wise. I did vomit a little but it really wasn’t that bad."

For Labor Induction "When my labor was induced, administration of the cervadil caused my son's heart rate to drop to dangerous levels, and did NOT even help me dialate. They removed it the first time, let his heart rate come back up, gave me a couple of other meds, and tried again, with me on my side. Baby's heart rate dropped AGAIN. This KEPT happening every time they administered the cervadil for 46 hours before they finally gave in to m begging, and did a csection."

For Labor Induction "Was given 1st dose and barely any progress then given a 2nd dose. Just as I felt things were starting to progress, doctor realized baby was breech and went in for c-section. I wouldn’t numb so went completely under but baby healthy. 5 months later and I have an abnormal Pap smear. Unsure of any relation but proceed with caution as I notice lots of c-sections with this drug."

For Labor Induction "I was given this medication to induce my labor. Within six hours I was feeling super dizzy and my heart rate would skyrocket with any movement not to mention the shakes and nausea that came with it. About 6 hours after the medication was removed the dizziness started to subside and the heart rate improved. Not nice at all when you’re already in pain and sleep deprived."

For Labor Induction "Started Cervidil around 9pm, around 4am contractions hit and I received my epidural. Everything went smooth son was delivered at 1:29 pm. No issues with this induction!"

For Labor Induction "Caused crazy contractions. Baby's heart rate plummeted and an emergency cesearean was performed. Do not use this drug, try something different!"

For Labor Induction "Cervidil caused contractions but not dilation. It also made me feel extremely sensitive in my vagina. The cervix checks were unbearable and I ended up with c section."

For Labor Induction "I had cervidil inserted on a Saturday morning had contractions started later that evening, quite strong ones at that delivered Sunday, was a hard labour but the cervidil worked wonders on me"

More about Cervidil (dinoprostone topical)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: uterotonic agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cervidil drug information
  • Cervidil (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Prostin E2, Prepidil

Professional resources

  • Cervidil prescribing information
  • Dinoprostone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Prostin E2, Prepidil

Related treatment guides

  • Labor Induction
  • Trophoblastic Disease