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Generic Name: Sunitinib Malate

Brand Name: Sutent

Sutent Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was the unlucky recipient of a mutant gene from my mom. Malignant Paraganglioma plays havoc with your blood pressure. Thankfully I’m on meds to control it. It is rarely malignant but I guess I drew the short straw. Started 25mg Sutent daily just before Christmas. My CT scan in March showed liver tumours were stable, primary tumours on the ganglia reduced slightly, bone tumours stable and a lung tumour had disappeared! Side effects aren’t fun. Energy level is zip. I lost my appetite for the month of Feb. and lost 20lbs (all of it was muscle or butt fat. Mt jelly belly remains as is…WTH?) Blood work is a mess, low WBC, RBC, Lymphocytes. I’m very lucky to have an excellent Oncologist. Scans every three months, bloodwork monthly and I submit a weekly report on any changes to my side effects. For me, PFS is around 10 months. After that I’ll ditch the Sutent and hope there’s a new trial drug looking for participants.

This is my second round of Sutent first round 50mg 4 wk on 2wks off. I have had every side effect nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , fatigue, hand and foot syndrome, hair turning white, lost 10lbs in 4 weeks due to the mouth sores cant eat but gained 4lbs back on my 2wks off, and also everything cleared up on my weeks off, but the hand and foot is coming back now but not as bad as the first round.. I had a MRI after first month had so shrinkage of tumors but not sure if the comparison as good because the first scans was ct scans and images wasn't as clear s MRI.. all my symptoms are manageable and im positive

i have had a couple of small brain tumors removed since taking sutent for renal cell caricoma

Right kidney removed Sept.2018. Started on 50mg sutent had to stop after 2 wks after serious side effects.dosage reduced to 37.5 mg have been on this for 6 months 2 wks on 1 wk off. Side effects are red rash on scalp,diarrhea,fatigue,everything taste salty,bumps on tongue that are sore.oct.24th of 2019 treatment to end.test shoes no cancer anywhere

This drug killed my brother and proliferated his kidney cancer. He presented to hospital with fluid in the lung. Tests revealed kidney cancer with metastatic spot in lung. After less than three weeks on Sutent solid tumors had formed in the lung and chest wall. My brother lost all quality of life on this drug, he could barely walk through weakness caused by Sutent, his face swelled, basically he had all side effects. The oncologist did not explain fully what side effects may be serious, nor did he explain possible negative effects such as proliferation of cancer this drug can and does cause in many people. This drug was given to my brother and he was sent home to get on with it. No monitoring or contact from oncology department. My strong and well built brother survived only 2 months after taking this drug less than 3 weeks. He was not given proper information to enable him to make choices. People considering taking this drug tread very carefully, explore other options before going to this killer drug. In my opinion every cancer patient should automatically be given chemo sensitivity tests prior to treatment.

I had a radical right nephrectomy 24 years ago at the age of 41. I did not take any medication or receive any chemo following the removal of my kidney & the tumor. 5 years ago the cancer reappeared. I had a craniotomy to remove a tumor from my brain, kidney cancer. That was followed up with a PET scan which found I had Thyroid cancer, removed 6 months later & a spot on the middle lobe of my right lung which was removed 4 years ago. The spot on the lung was kidney cancer. At first my oncologist had me on Votrient. I took that for about a year. My oncologist then switched me to Sutent which I've been taking since spring 2014. I was taking 50 mg for 4 week on & 2 weeks off. The side effects (diarrhea mostly) were bothering me for about 3 of the 6 weeks. I've been on Sutent 37.5 mg, 3 weeks on & 1 week off and the diarrhea is a bit more tolerable but I still have it. It occurs mostly toward the end of my 3 weeks on but sometimes it occurs at other times in the 3 weeks I am taking Sutent. I had a PET scan last year and it was clear, so the surgeries I had several years ago along with the Sutent is keeping me alive. The brain MRIs have been clear as well. Thanks Sutent! The trade off is the discomfort of dealing with diarrhea for days at a time. I have also learned that there are certain foods I cannot eat while taking the Sutent. Greasy food are verboten! I am getting a little tired of having to deal with diarrhea but I suppose if Sutent keeps me cancer free I'll just deal with occasional diarrhea. I drink 6 oz of Kefir each morning and that seems to be helping my intestinal issues. Sutent works for me, no new lesions for going on 4 years now!

I am a 64 rear old male. Had a radical nephrectomy removing the right kidney 1 Nov 2016. Went on Sutent Dec 2016 for 2 nodules in left lung. I've been on 50 mg 2 weeks on and one week off and have now been on it for 4 months. In the first 3 months the only side effects were a few sore knots on the bottom of my left foot and some intermittent fatigue. I never stopped working full time. The last month the fatigue has intensified and in the last week my blood pressure went from 115 over 70 to 140 over 70. Even stranger, my normal pulse of 70-75 went to 46-50. I have no dizziness or any other symptoms associated with the lowered pulse rate. In the last week the diarrhea started and gotten progressively worse. Per my physician I quit sutent until my appointment in 3 days. I will also have a scan at that time to determine the efficacy of the drug. Unless results are significant, I expect to request surgery to remove the lung cancer

60 yr old Male, 170 lbs. Radical nephrectomy (left kidney) done Dec 2015. 2 nodules in right lung. Started Sutent 3 and half months ago. 50 mgs. 2 weeks one week off. One nodule has shrunk to half its original size. Side effects include nausea, fatigue, itching of the skin and blisters in hands and in nostrils, blisters in mouth, diarrea, feeling cold even on a hot day, severe stomach acid, gas, blotting, white hair (starting with eyebrows and beard) and minimal loss of hair. Some weeks I have some side effects, some weeks others. To handle side effects I take the medication right before going to bed so the nausea happens while I am in bed (sometimes I have to get up and vomit). For the acid, I stopped taking omeprazole b/c is reported to be bad for the kidney, so I use a grandmother's remedy: I take baking soda (one tsp solved in water) to fight the acid and the gas. Baking soda works like making a big bubble in your stomach but it neutralizes the acid: I feel much much better after a big burp. Baking soda has helped me throw up when I had a very upset stomach. Skin and blisters I treat with some vaseline or cream. For diarrea, I take every morning Benefiber, and it does wonders to make your stomach whole. I have to live with the gas. For fatigue, I exercise (at least I walk) as much as I can --I use to be able to swim a mile, now I do a third of a mile, but I feel great after the exercise, more energetic.

4 1/2 years on Sutent at various dosages. Left kidney removed as well as right adrenal gland. 9 Nodules in lungs when started; all gone. Some side effects but still working. Still have cancer, and will until gone, but this drug has helped keep me here this long.

I recently lost my brother who was only 40yrs old diagnosed with RCC. After one million different tests that they did for almost one month on him doctors come up with an idea to start him on Sutent50mg saying it works on 70%of people. It's all big lie. People please don't believe it doesn't work at all. Instead it makes your life more misearable. Side effects of this medication actually killed him faster. Swollen legs, unbelievable chemo imbalance in the body even paralysis of one side of his body, collection of fluid in his lungs. They end up putting up chest tubes on him to ease up his breathi. Doctors were trying to prove to me that its his tumors growing. It's not true. He came to the hospital with his own legs. After the first session of completing Sutent therapy which is 4weeks he changed completely. It did not work a bit.After begging doctors to continue the battle since Sutent didn't work thaey were trying to explain that all medications practically does the same thing and it doesn't make a sense to start new therapy even thouhg before starting any traetment on him they were saying thereis 7 different drugs to treat RCC.I'm feeling guilty of starting him on this pills.It only killed him faster and made him suffer more. I didn't understand in the beginning that chemo pills don't only kills cancer cells but kills our normal cells more. This is 21century and it's so sad to believe I couldn't save my brother in the country where people come from all over the world for treatment. I lost him in 4 months.In the last few weeks of his life doctors were saying they still don't have treatment for RCC they only try to prolong the life.Unfortunately it doesn't work.I'm in tears every day. If I only knew this in advance. Try to spend as much as possible the time with your loved one. It was very terrible to sit next to him and realize that you are just helpless.

Right kidney removed 7/2011. PET scan 12/2011, showed 4 small tumors. Started sutent 2/2012, 50mg-2 cycles, 37.5mg-2 cycles, 25mg- 2 cycles, 12.5mg-currently every 4/2 cycles. PET shows no RCC cells. YEA. Side effects tolerable, no major problems.

One year after radical nephrectomy was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Have been on Sutent for about 18 months now, 37.5/day, two weeks on, one week off... Side effects are unpleasant but manageable and fairly predictable. On Sutent tumors have either disappeared or have shrunk steadily to very small sizes. This drug has been a life-saver for me.

Only on 3rd week. Bad bloating, fatigue and sleep disorder

There are many side effects. I can deal with these so far. I have been on sutent for 4 years. Currently 25mg, 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I started with 50mg then 37.5 mg. So far as I know it is effective. Scans next week.

Very good

food has no taste and loss of appetitte

Dans le cadre mon cancer du rein avec métastases au colon, et au cerveau, je prends le Sutent 50mg depuis 3 mois. Les effets indésirables sont une fatigue importante, manque de tonus musculaire, perte d'appétit, baisse du goût, saignement rectal, assèchement de la peau. Les efforts en valent la peine puisque ma tumeur au cerveau de 15mm c'est complètement résorbée en 2 mois. En d'autres termes, ce médicament m'a sauvé la vie même si c'est dure au quotidien.

My mom was prescribed Sutent for kidney cancer. Had pre-screening x rays, heart test, and blood work. All checked out great. Started in October. Took until Dec 6 when she developed pneumonia - couldn't kick it. Doc took x-ray, found extremely enlarged heart - caused by Sutent. She had side effects of sores in mouth, loss of taste. Never could kick the sores in mouth, her body was worn out from the heart damage. Even cancer doc said Sutent ruined her heart - kicker was, it didn't help her at all, tumors still grew. Changed medicine, but damage to heart was too severe, she was never able to kick the pneumonia and died from it. Wish doctor had given is other options, or explained better the chances of heart damage. Downplayed it, other message boards have several people with heart damage from it, too.

Lots of unpleasant side effects

My mom used Sutent - 4 weeks into it she got pneumonia,, doc did x ray found out her heart had been damaged from the Sutent much like another poster's wife. She never recovered from pneumonia, she got a bit better but had to be on oxygen the final 4 months of her life due to the heart damage and had persistent coughing which wore her out. I'm thankful it is working for so many, but people should know heart damage is a real possibility as side effect so they can watch for signs. The last thing mom needed was heart problems... They thought she had clogged arteries so did tests, said her arteries were "pristine". But damage had been done to the heart from Sutent in only 4 weeks, that ultimately led to her dying from heart failure. Please - if you take Sutent watch for shortness f breath and swelling. God Bless everyone reading this page, it is a horrible cancer to battle.