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Generic Name: tacrolimus

Brand Name: Protopic topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had a flair up of dermatitis on my face but mainly on my eye lids and under my eyes it was very itching so I went to the doctor and he prescribed me protopic as the cortisone creams never worked for me.The minute I got home I put a very thin layer on my face as I was told and within seconds my face was on fire like someone throw acid or boiling water at my face,it was burning,hurting so bad and was bloody red with blisters forming all over my eyelids and lips, went to the ER and they were able to calm my skin a bit and I was icing it as well .For the next following days it wasn't easy as my eyes had a lot of swelling and were shut.Eventually things got better but I was left with saggy skin on my upper eyes from blistering so much,scars all over my face and racoon eyes as my skin under my eyes got damage so bad that I have scars which I have to cover with makeup everyday in order to look and feel somewhat better when I'm outside .I ask everyone to use this cream with caution or avoid it completely so you don't end up like me.

This medication has worked for me in the past for my eczema, recently I have developed a huge rash on my hand, which turned out to be psoriasis I have been putting the cream on for a few days now and it's not working, maybe it's not meant for that.

In 2013 I was going through a painful divorce and developed horrible dermatitis on my jaw line and chin. My healthcare provider did not have a dermatologist on staff at the time, so I saw a GP at my doctor's office who didn't have a clue. I don't remember she prescribed but within minutes it felt like my face was on fire and it made my condition exponentially worse as it was all over my face. I looked like a monster or a meth head and it was seriously painful too. I live in the Boston area where we have no shortage of great medical centers, so I went to the ER at Brigham and Women's Hospital. After waiting two hours to be seen I didn't even see a doctor, apparently there were no doctors working, so I saw a nurse practitioner. I could tell she didn't have clue about my condition but prescribed something anyway. I tried it on a small area first, it did nothing. Finally my PCP got me an appointment to see a dermatologist at Beth Israel Medical Center, but I had to wait over a month to see him, and I looked like a monster. I saw an amazing doctor, so it was worth the wait. He gave me Protopic and I saw an improvement immediately within a few days it was gone. I still get occasional breakouts on my chin but with Protopic it goes away within hours. When I saw Dr. Stavert the following week it was all cleared. This is my last week here you’ll need to see someone else if you come back. I asked where he was going and he replied, “The Cambridge Health Alliance” I couldn’t believe my luck, because CHA is my provider. Protopic works great and you only need a dab so it lasts a long time. Good luck!

Only med that has ever cleared up my skin issue on my eyelids.

Had eczema for thirty odd years and tried everything available, nothing worked for long particularly on my face but once I got on the Protopic it cleared totally for a few years and now if I get a little flare up I treat it and away it goes. It does burn a little on application but that goes away after a few applications, the results to me are a god send as I wouldn't go outside the front door sometimes as my face was so bad.

I have had eczema all my life and I occasionally get flare ups on my face. They are the worst and of course I am advised not to use steroids (although I often did despite the risks). My doctor prescribed tacrolimus the first time without warning me about the itching and burning it causes on application, so I immediately stopped because it is very uncomfortable! When I realised it was normal and got through the burning stage of 1/2 days it cleared my skin of my face if any eczema. It's amazing, I now apply it only once every few days. I still don't use it on my body though because I never have enough, and recently got a full body flare up so had to stop taking tacrolimus while goin on a course of oral steroids, as I don't think you are supposed to use the two together. This means I have to go through the itchy, burning few days as my face re-adjusts to the tacrolimus cream. I have taken 2 days off work to do this as I can't concentrate on anything else because I find it so uncomfortable. Worth it in the end though so don't give up because I found it horrible at first but in the end it got rid of my eczema which is the main thing!

I never had Eczema as a child but when I turned 14 I started to get Eczema under my eyes and my whole eye lids and crease under my eyes would turn red. I stopped wearing makeup for 6 months and tried other products like Aquaphor but I did not receive the results that I did with this product. Cleared up my itchy eyes right away. 10/10 would recommend. It burn at first though...no big deal well worth it! I have used it now for many years.

I am diagnosed with Psoriasis which I have on my entire face. I was told to use once per day at night until skin clears up and then use twice per week for maintenance. At time of writing, I have used for 6 nights in a row. After 2nd use, my skin was clear and itch, flaking, and redness was gone. I am prepared to go into maintenance mode. Stay tuned...

I have had those flu-like symptoms including asthma-like breathing (I don't have a diagnosis), burning and severe itchiness, and sensitivity to touch (see, it's a vicious cycle of being itchy then not consciously scratching, then it hurts and itches more). Whenever I apply it, it tends to get better in 2-3 days, then it comes right back the following week. It's been like that for the past 2 years, and obviously it does not "cure", it only "treats". And as your immune system is weakened, you are prone to getting sore throats etc....

I get flare-ups on my eyelids, so bad that my eyes will almost completely swell shut. The first time I used it on my eyelids it burned and itched like fire. Gradually that went away (after a few hours) and after a day or so my the eczema was mostly gone. It is also expensive - but worth it. It has been the only thing that has ever helped.

I've had eczema since I was about 10 years old; once I turned 30 the eczema started to flare up on my face all around my nose and mouth and eyelids. I tried everything from lanolin ointment to steroid ointments, nothing worked for months. After only 3 days of using this (2X a day) it cleared up completely! Burns a little when you first put it on but so worth it in the end.

I started this medication a week ago on my eyelids and there was some improvement so I was encouraged. However, now I have 4 giant disgusting looking lip sores. I know this is a serious side effect and am waiting for some advise from my Dr. Make sure you read all the information that comes with this medication before using it.

The doctor prescribed this for my 5yr old son fro his chronic eczema, at first it looked like it was working, but then it started to get worse than it was and he started to get headaches and sore throats. he has also been complaining of stomach aches and pains. I am now taking him off and hoping that only after 2 weeks of taking this we will not see any lasting problems.

My teenage son uses this only on flare ups and it clears it after just a few days. I only use it once a day before bed and he hasn't had any side effects. I am afraid to use it on his face though, but some of your review state that it's ok?? I didn't think you were suppose to put a steroid on your face.

I have not had any positive results from using this medicine.

This is the only cream that healed my sons eczema extremely dry, scaly eyelids by the 2-3 application completely healed, for the body the ointment which does not come in cream held in the heat and made my son writhe from itching because his skin was also so irritated and open. I love that it is not a steroid and will continue its use on his body when his skin is more calm from inflammation---figures made in Japan!

My dermatologist prescribed Protopic for a psoriasis related rash on my face. The only thing that seemed to help before was a strong steroid, but steroids are bad for your skin, especially if used for more than a few days at a time. Protopic is obviously expensive because my copay was $65. The Protopic started off slowly. The steroid would give noticeable results after 1 application. The Protopic took about 2 days before I noticed a significant difference. By the 3rd day, I realized the Protopic was really working well. I am very happy with this medicine. It works better than the steroids without the side effects, and the effect seems to last longer. I can get by with one application every couple of days now. The rash on my face was embarrassing, an now it is under control.

My eyes crust up in the morning; I have very dry eyelids and dry skin on my face. I was given this ointment to soften my skin on eyelids and face.

I have had severe eczema since birth and have spent my life using cortisone creams and over the last 6 years immune suppressant drugs such as Azathioprine and Cyclosporin. After one application of Protopic my skin was completely clear. To me, this drug is amazing, yes it does burn but if you can leave it on for at least 5 hours and then shower it off you should see dramatic improvement the following day. Good luck fellow sufferers.