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Generic Name: Tadalafil

Brand Name: Cialis

Cialis Drug and Medication User Reviews

I wanted to share my experience to help other guys who are going through what I was going through. My wife and I hadn't been intimate for years. I was in a deep depression, and the times before when we tried to have sex, it was hit and miss. It started to become a self fullfilling prophecy. The more I focused on getting an erection, the more nervous I got, and as a result, I could'nt perform. Last week I put an end to all that. I ordered cialis daily 2.5. I wanted to take it daily so I would'nt have to plan it out. Guys I started taking the cialis daily and a miracle happened. I got my confidence back! My wife and I have had the best sex we've ever had for the last 2 nights! Thank God for this drug!!!! My wife and I are getting along better, loving each other more, and most importantly I got my manhood back. If anyone out there is going through issues with ED, please try this medicene! You dont have to suffer anymore. Let us guys help each other! From one guy to another this stuff will help you make love to your woman in ways you never dreamed possible. Side effects were so minimal they're not even worth mentioning. Take cialis and go get her!!!!

Gave me really bed tinnitus (ringing in ears) all the time I took 5mg. dose daily. Once I stopped taking it, ringing went away after about 2-4 days. Also had elevated serum PSA levels while taking. Stopped 2 weeks prior to blood work and PSA level down. Not too sure if caused by Cialis or not. Took brand name. A little flushing, stuffiness and mild headache while taking. Erections are firm and able to perform without issue actually made me more aroused while taking. Woke up to erections during the night.

Kept me semi hard ALL day and moderately hard with activity. Orgasms seemed more intense.

No side effects. Firm erections within 45 minutes after taking 20 mg pill. Completely satisfied with the results.

I am 52, diabetic patients since 40; developed ED but not blood pressure.. my dr. suggested to try it with 5mg as needed.. I got the headache mild after 4hours; no other side effect; and the results are amazing, amazing... rock solid... the effect remains for at least 48hrs.... had amazing sex for two nights with one 5mg tablets; tried the all sex positions which I can only imagine before; wife was surprised.... and she was happy more than me... she had countless cums during one session... what a drug... wow.....

Started being able to completely clear my bladder with this medication. Nice to not have to “go back” shortly after the first trip.

I am on 5mg/day of Cialis for BPH and had been getting up to urinate 4-5x a night, now it is down to once a night. I do get a little nasal stuffiness, but it seems to wear off after a few hours. I was not experiencing significant ED but could have occasional problems getting an erection if I was tired or stressed. Now, I can have erections at will, but the increase in nighttime spontaneous erections, like I used to have in my teens, can be an annoyance. I am going to try taking a half dose and see how it goes.

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in late 2019 and had 9 weeks of radiation. I am cancer free right now but was left with some side effects - primarily frequent urination and some ED issues. My oncologist prescribed a daily low dose of this medication (2.5mg) to help with the frequent urination and maybe ED issues but primarily for the urinary issues. It has worked very well for me. I am able to sleep through most nights without having to get up to urinate and, so far, I am better able to deal with ED issues so its a win win for me so far! The only side effect is some mild back pain.

Drink lots of water of water possibly a glass every hour to deal with headaches and stuffy nose, key for people who dont drink water as a lifestyle.

most important thing I can say is that the most effective way for me to use this is 10 mg a day. And it can take 4 or 5 days to really kick in so I just need to take it regularly.

68 years old and it does work for me. But my wife has no sexual desire so it was a waste of money

I am a 75 year male in very good physical condition. I have taken 20 mg an hour before sexual activity and get a somewhat full erection (maybe 75%.) The downside is that I get a fairly severe backache that lasts for a day or two afterward. I am going to try maybe 5mg dosage on a daily basis. This might help my BPH (slow urine flow) also. However, my urologist said this would not have any effect on that. I think it's worth a try anyway...

Occasional problem led to low confidence. I tried 20mg which worked well but had a headach for 3 days. After much research, started taking cialis 2.5mg daily with no side effects. Couldnt be happier. Highly recommend.

Prescribed 5mg as needed for minor performance anxiety relating to stress. Took 5mg one time and discontinued immediately due to severe side effects. Side effects became severe 24hrs later. Side effects have gradually improved over a 5 day period. Still not completely 100% recovered. Although I am sure I will. Extreme body temperature changes, body flushing, raised heat rate, raised blood pressure, extreme sweating, flu like symptoms. Been very very unpleasant to deal with. Will not use this or any other ED medication again.

Iâ??m only 39. Started having ED this past year. Couldnâ??t stay hard during sex. Dr. Gave me 5mg and in one day of taking it I had amazing results. Iâ??m taking 5mg daily and my wife is very happy now! I wake up with a hard on all the time now like I use to. Itâ??s been a huge plus for my marriage and the sex is amazing again. Guys donâ??t let ED mess with your mind cause it will. Go get this if you need it and take 5mg daily. Unreal!!!! So happy.

Fairly effective for BPH, but occasional blurry vision was side effect. Stopped taking.... no more vision problems.

Brand name versus generic. I have always had great success with brand name Cialis. Just one 5mg tablet works for 5 to 7 days. Now that there are geriatrics available the price is way down but look out for fakes. My first generic priced was Prasco brand. This is made in the USA by Eli lilly. It's the same stuff as brand name. Even the egg shaped tablet is the same with the C5 stamp and it works well. Than Walmart refiled my script with BurelPharma brand. This 5mg Tadalafil tablet is smaller and an oval shape. Their imported by Burel pharma a US middle man. The actual manufacturer is Aurobindo in India. Do not buy these or accept them. they are absolute junk. They do not even work at twice the dose! I made Walmart refund the purchase.

Had soft erections during sex and slow urination problem . Urologist recommend 5 mg for both problems . Wow does this stuff work ! Erections all the time and hard like I was 21 again . ( I�m 54 ) . Had to go to 2.5 mg to slow down the unwanted erections . Urine flow has also improved as bonus . Loving this drug !

Had soft erections during sex and slow urination problem . Urologist recommend 5 mg for both problems . Wow does this stuff work ! Erections all the time and hard like I was 21 again . ( I�¢����m 54 ) . Had to go to 2.5 mg to slow down the unwanted erections . Urine flow has also improved as bonus . Loving this drug !

I am in my mid 40s and I have a mild/moderate ED. After taking my my first Cialis 20mg. Onupton has the best prices available online. I was rock hard. And, I last super long before my first orgasm. A real plus in terms of sexual performance: hardness, and marathon.