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Generic Name: Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Brand Name: Micardis HCT

Micardis HCT Drug and Medication User Reviews

Crippling side effects while on this drug. Malaise to the point of dysfunction. Side effects started after only a couple hours taking the first dose. Chalked it up to "acclimatizing" but after the 8th day I could not function at work due to the extreme fatigue this drug causes. Doctor pulled me off it due to the side effects. After 36 hours without it, I'm starting to get some energy back and can function again.

I take 20mg with Almodiphine no side effects after ten days tried many others that side effects were awful micardis is excellent!!

I have been taking 80/12.5 for several years now,and my BP is perfect.

My blood pressure stills varies on occasion. Sometimes it is 120/sixty's than it will be 150's/80's.

Does anyone have peeling lips and dry mouth-I feel I have cotton in my mouth every mornning and my lips keep peeling and very dry-I have been takin ghtis medication for a few months and these are the things I have noticed, was dizzy for a couple weeks but that went away..also, can I just stop taking this or do you have to wean yourself off? i don't want to take it anymore if I can help it-

When I first took this drug Micardis HCT I cut it in half, which worked well for me. It was too strong at 12.5. My doctor agreed because my blood pressure went down. I have been on it for 4 months and now am experiencing joint pain in my hips which radiates to my knee, calf muscle stiffness,a rash on the outside of my armpits and itchy skin on my thighs. I have been on many BP meds. My Dr. said I have to over look the side effects. My Bp is 122/64 most of the time. It is driving me crazy! Everyone has different reactions to this drug, but I am seeing a pattern through the reviews on Web MD. I am glad I am not the only one with these problems.

I have been taking this med for 3 years.I have 80mg tab of which i cut in half. Half works fine for me. The side affect that i had was mild pain in my right leg.The pain went away after a few days.

Have been on this med for a number of years. It has lowered my bp from approx. 145/90 to 125/80. Not great but not bad. I take 80/12.5. But as some other reviewers have said, I've had many symptoms that I hadn't been attributing as side effects of this med, but may well be: nagging dry hacking cough (the worst symptom), sleep problems, lethargy, depression, weight gain, vision deterioration, sinus and nasal congestion, closed throat (when I get a cold, I can't breathe through my mouth when my nose is clogged up and I'm afraid I'll suffocate), hair thinning, diarrhea almost every morning. And one big thing. I had never had a problem with my kidneys in my life, and last year I developed an enormous kidney stone - the Urol. said it was the biggest he's ever seen. So beware of anything with the kidneys. You should also know that there is now a so-called "generic version" of this: telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide, but my side effects have gotten much worse in the two weeks I've been on it. I will have to get my doctor to change my medication, because now that it is available in generic, the insurance company probably won't let me go back to the name brand. I hate the individual blister packs too. Why can't they just put them in a bottle?

Was on this medication over ten years. My hair start falling out in the last two yrs. I c/o to my Dr. about palpitation that I believe was related to this medication. I even went to ER. My Dr. finally d/c me from this medication. It does have a lot of sutle side effects. cramping lower ext. tingling in fingers. insomnia.Bp out of control even when your taking your meds on time.

taking this drug in conjunction with generic Toprol (metoprolol succinate) to control blood pressure to lower heart rate. it seems to have been effective at first to control resting blood pressure but now there seems the drug combination is not controlling as well as it once was. pcp considering changing drug or prescription strength for this condition

I persisted with this drug for 3 years,through bouts of flue like symptoms and diarreah and it made not the slightest difference to my blood pressure which has always been 140/90.As soon as I stopped taking it the symptoms stopped.I take nothing now and blood pressure is still 140/90,the only ones unhappy are the CEOs of the drug companys.

HBP was the first of my "old age" conditions diagnosed. I have been taking it about 10 years. It seems to maintain a steady BP for me. If I have any side effects it would be occasional dizziness, and occasional diarrhea. These are tolerable compared to others. The concern I have with this brand is that there is no generic equivalent so it is the most expensive of my drugs; even with company paid insurance, my cost just went up another $25 per 90-day supply and I am considering changing drugs because of the cost.

just started

concerned about ed

BEWARE OF THIS DRUG!!! My mother switch to Micardis last month by her doctor after she developed an allergy with Norvasc after 4 years.On September 02,2012 she had a major stroke due to a rupture vein in her brain.As of today September 17,2012,she still in ICU fighting for her life.

Suicidal thoughts, blistering of the hands, extreme sudden onset rage, dehydration, depression, rash from head to toe (including scalp, armpits, anal region, groin area, hands, back, legs AND feet) as well as sleeplessness (insomnia)

This drug is too expensive!

Had a chronic cough and gained lots of weight.

I've been on this medication for over a year. Side effects include lower back ache, hair loss, and it makes me dizzy. It does not control BP. Just took it and it is 157/98. Currently have no health insurance and it is expensive. Been on many other medications with same results.