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Generic Name: Cleocin HCl (clindamycin)

Cleocin HCl Reviews

For Bacterial Infection "With every medicine, there will be negative reviews, and I understand that every antibiotic works differently for everyone. I was nervous to take this because I had a bad experience with Bactrim (a different class of antibiotics) before. But I had absolutely zero side effects with this antibiotic. I took probiotics 2 hours after every dose (a general probiotic and also S. Boulardii, which prevents C Diff), and I never had any issues or any diarrhea. Heck, I never even had any type of heartburn or fatigue. This cleared my skin infection up in 3-4 days. I then tapered the dose down from what I was prescribed because 3 pills 3 times a day was a lot to take. I just wanted to be an encouragement to those nervous to take this medicine. Just start with one capsule and see how you feel, then work your way up. It could save your life depending on your condition. But remember to take probiotics between doses because like any antibiotic, this will wipe your gut!"

For Bacterial Infection "This is my second time using Cleocin HCl, this time for a dental abscess (300 mg every 6 hours). Today is day 3 of a 7-day course, set by the ER doctor. The swelling of my gumline, lip, and cheek has all but disappeared (just a tiny bump on the gumline left). The pain too is almost nonexistent unless, of course, I bite down hard on the tooth that needs extraction. Side effects are slight nausea and heartburn if taken without 8 oz of water or lying down soon after taking a dose."

For Bone infection "Clindamycin was the only antibiotic that worked for severe jaw bone infection."

For Skin or Soft Tissue Infection "I had cellulititis and the swelling in my foot went down significantly in about two days."

More about Cleocin HCl (clindamycin)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: lincomycin derivatives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cleocin HCl advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Clindamycin monograph
  • Clindamycin in Dextrose Injection (FDA)

Other formulations

  • Cleocin

Related treatment guides

  • Bacteremia
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • Babesiosis