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Generic Name: Temazepam

Brand Name: Restoril

Restoril Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was given this medication for sleeping. Before my Dr gave it to me, he educated me on the importance of good sleep hygiene and what I need to do before bed. Before taking this medication I went on Webmd (dr advised) and read an article about good sleep hygiene. That night I took the pill about an hour before my bedtime and took a hot bath while waiting. When I came out and got in bed I fell asleep (no tv, cell etc). This was around 10:30. I woke up at 1am-and fell back to sleep right away..and woke up at 6am. My body was well rested.

My overall experience with taking the RestoriCell pills as a cancer survivor has been amazing. At this point I am in remission thanks to your RestoriCell pills. These pills have allowed me to feel the best I've been since 2017. I THANK GOD for being able to experience taking the RestoriCell pills. I feel overall brand new.

It kept me awake almost all night. I took my first dose at 10:00 pm and laid awake until 2:00 am before drifting off to sleep only to be awakened less than 30 minutes later. This went on, dozing off and waking numerous times, until I gave up and got up for the day at 6:00 am.

I took one pill and after an hour fell asleep for about 3 hours. Took another pill and nothing after laying down for 2 more hours .Going on 72 hours with 3 hours of sleep total.

I’ve tried many many sleeping medications and 30mg of restoril seems to be where it’s at tho…. Every once n a while I still have trouble sleeping but for the most part it’s very effective!!

I have chronic insomnia & I have tried so many meds. I still don’t get but about 3 nights of sleep a week taking 15 mags. My dr wanted me to go up to 30 but my system just couldn’t tolerate it. I would love to take a more natural sleep aid with less side effects. So far none have worked for me.

Restoril doesn't work at all. Awful. Zero stars.

I just took it for the first time after not sleeping for 2 days. I slept violently, woke frequently with my heart racing, and had severe leg cramps. I refuse to take it again.

It's a life saver ,however I am finding I need a nap everyday too. That might not be related. I can skip some nights ,but no more than 1 at a time. I have been on it for about 3 months.

I'm a close friend of an elderly gentleman who took this pill for the first time this morning and experienced HORRIBLE hallucinations! Awful drug. Would not recommend.

Have had insomnia for years. took many over the counter and Rx meds, and finally got Restoril. it helps, i sleep and my anxiety is greatly reduced. it's very effective even though i have been taking it more than 10 years. I am older and cannot sleep without the restoril.

I have not been able to get a full night's sleep in many years. After taking numerous prescription sleep aids I decided to go off all of these medications. I now take a Tylenol PM about 1/2 hr before bed and sit and sip on a cup of hot Sleepy Time tea. No side effects and most nights only get up maybe once to hit the bathroom and then go back to bed and go to sleep. For many years once my feet hit the floor I was up for the rest of the night. Nice to feel rested when I get up with no groggy side effects. I'm not a great pill pusher and have managed on this for over a year.

I took Restoril once. I slept for three hours, then woke up. While walking down the hallway, I lost my balance quite suddenly, then fell and hit my head. I never took a second dose.

I wake with a head ach, dark eye circles and agitated. The 6-8 hour sleep is not worth the side effects.

One pill not enough. Two pills too much.

I've had trouble sleeping for the past few months. I got temazepan 15's and 1 pill before bedtime worked fine. Then shortly 1 pill wasn't doing anything so I took 2. After a bottle it wasn't working so I bumped up to the 30 mg. that worked a few days but now it's taking 3-4 30mg to knock me out. I sleep deeply for about 6 hours but then any sound immediately wakes me up and that's it. I'm up til the next night. Is this normal?

My doctor told me Restoril will work only if I take it once every couple of weeks. It is apparently made so that it works for short term use. If you take it every night, it quits being effective for sleep. I have heard the same about Dramamine. Still it is nice to have for occasional use. I use Lunesta most nights, and use Restoril for a change once every couple of weeks.

I was suffering from depression and anxiety and my doctor prescribed Restoril. It has worked great with not side effects.

My doctor only gives me 20 pills a year to help with sleeping on out-of-town trips, usually 1-2 nights less than monthly. I occsionally use one if I have trouble falling asleep at home, which is rare. They have always worked well for me except for the occasional mild headache. I took one Christmas night 2014, though, and have been groggy and sleepy for two full days. I'm hoping I will be back to normal tomorrow. My edlery mother takes this brand nightly and has complained for years about being fuzzy-headed, tired, and sleepy, never knwoing why. Now I suspect it is terazepam. I will be checking with my doctor.

I have insomnia ive tried ambien 10mg and it helped for a little while maybe a few months then completely stopped working out of no where and he's tried me on klonpin that didnt work either. My doctor put me on Restoril 30mg and it doesnt do a thing for me i even tried taking 2 of the 30mg capsules and still have gotten no result and 30mg is the highest dosage. Can anyone Make a suggestion on another sleeping pill.