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Generic Name: Lupron Depot-PED (leuprolide)

Lupron Depot-PED Reviews

For Precocious Puberty "My 8-year-old daughter had signs of CPP: breast buds, armpit odor, and excessive height. After seeing the specialist and getting tests, the ultrasound said she developed 5 cysts on her ovaries. The hand x-ray said she had a bone age of 10. She started the monthly Lupron shot. She is now 10, and she has no cysts on her ovaries now. Yet her bone age shows 12. Her breast buds are completely gone. She never gained any excess weight. No night sweats. We plan to stop the shot right after her 11th birthday."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was prescribed Depo Lupron when she was about 6 years old. I would never recommend it to anyone. She gained a lot of weight, became obese, has a lot of stretch marks, has high cholesterol, high sugar levels, sleep apnea, and uses a CPAP machine to sleep. She fights with me to binge eat. I am so sad, I feel guilty for using this drug. I wish I would have let her get her period, she would have only struggled for a little bit with that, than with a lifetime of health issues. Who cares if they stay shorter? Short is beautiful too, and even big is beautiful, but this med gives health problems that did exist. I feel like I scarred her for life :("

For Precocious Puberty "I was diagnosed with precocious puberty when I was 8 and started getting a Lupron shot once a month. It stopped all signs of puberty except the mood swings, which often worsened in the week before I got a shot. After 3 years, I was taken off the medicine and started puberty normally. I had continued to grow taller throughout that time and am now 5'1". My grandmother and cousin both had precocious puberty as well, and neither were treated. They both stopped growing around age nine and neither reached five feet."

For Precocious Puberty "As a child, I encountered precocious puberty at the age of 8. My pediatrician then referred me to my endocrinologist. She suggested the vaccine to stop my puberty so I could grow, if not, I would end up being shorter than 5 feet. Now I'm 5'1 1/2, if it was not for this vaccine, I would not even have reached 5 feet. I am thankful for her and for my parents that put me through this four-year process of daily injections. It was a long ride, but it was worth it in the end."

For Precocious Puberty "My 8-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with precocious puberty. While being proactive about the whole issue of stunted growth and early menses, we (my husband and I) were in the process of setting up an appointment to have her initial injection of the drug, Lupron Depot-PED, and guess what?...she started her first menstrual cycle. We still went ahead with the treatment as planned. We are three treatments into the whole plan, and things are going well, but there is a side effect that has lingered: hot flushes that are still waking her up during the night."

For Precocious Puberty "I have extreme mixed feelings about this drug. At the age of 5, I was diagnosed with Precocious Puberty. My endocrinologist suggested I start Lupron, and I did. It did exactly what it was supposed to do.. I quit growing taller, and stopped puberty-like symptoms. One problem- I did not grow taller, but I was still eating. I gained a lot of weight, but the doctors promised that once I quit the shots everything would even out. I quit the shots after 7 years of treatment, and it did not "even out". The weight gain caused Insulin Resistance, which also played with my hormones, and led to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome."

For Precocious Puberty "I was 7 or 8 when I started this treatment. My bone age at that time was of a 10 year old. Now at 18, I have gained a lot of weight every year after stopping the medication. Although I don't seem like a person that weighs a lot, my BMI is on the higher end of normal. In addition to that, while on the treatment, I had a lot of acne. Apart from that, my periods are extremely irregular. I guess everyone handles medications and treatment differently. However, I would not recommend this drug at all. Firstly, it's extremely expensive if you do not have insurance. Secondly, people are supposed to grow by themselves. This drug has more negative side effects than positive ones."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was diagnosed with precocious puberty at the age of 2, however she was born with enlarged breast buds, so she was probably born with it, however it wasn't diagnosed until she was 2. She did Lupron injections every 28 days until the age of 9. Once she turned 9 one injection a month was not enough so she had the Suprellin LA implant for 2 years until she was 11. Blood tests and xrays always came back fine while on treatment. She did have a couple years where she was a bit overweight but that all went away. My daughter is now 18 and is suffering from joint pain, muscle weakness, lack of strength, moodiness, hand and wrist swelling, tiredness, numbness, tingling, painful periods, etc. The more I read the more I think Lupron is the cause of her problems now. If I would have known then what I know now, I don't think we would have proceeded with the Lupron injections."

For Precocious Puberty "I was diagnosed with CPP at the age of 7 and began the course of Lupron shots monthly and would go every six months for check-ups. I did get my period one time when I was 8 years old while still on the shot. I must have started treatment too late because I never reached my full adult height. Now, at the age of 22, I am right under 5 ft. (4'11). It caused a lot of weight gain as well."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was diagnosed at 6 years old with Precocious Puberty. Pubic Hair, breast buds, underam hair. We did Lupron Injections until she was twelve. I am happy to say they seemd to work she is now 5'8 and somewhat healthy. She has some issues.. she has been on the line of pre-diabetic for years. She is some what overweight. she is about 208 lbs. She does has facial hair. and she has a thyroid issue and now she has recently been diagnosed lactose intolerance.. extreme lactose intolerance.. she only has 2 enzymes to break down lactose. She also has had to get on birth control to keep her period normal and her periods are very painful. I have to tell myself that what we are dealing with now is minor compared to how she may have developed with out it"

For Precocious Puberty "I started Lupron when my daughter was 6 going on 7 years due to under arm odor, breast buds, pubic hair and fear of her getting her period at an early age. The treatment did not reverse the budding of the breast or pubic, her pubic hair growth only increased, neither am I certain if it preventing her from getting her period sooner. I am certain that it stunted your growth, which is a common side effect. About 3 months ago her Dr , informed me that though he prescribed this treatment for her CPP and it is covered by the insurance, the insurance almost never covers the growth hormone he mentioned would be needed for her to regain the height she lost, he had never mentioned this before. Beware of issues like this"

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was diagnosed with precocious puberty at age 7. She takes the shots every 3 months and has been doing so for 2 years now. She had slight armpit hair, slight public hair and breast buds. The shots did not stop puberty but slowed it down. I do recommend it. Her height has increased and we hope to stop the shots when she turns 11."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was diagnosed with CPP at 2 years old, the pubic hair and breast development disappeared by changing to an all organic diet even before starting the treatment. She still has mood swings and her height has improved with the lupron, but the doctor still can't give me a cause or hope of when we'll stop the vaccine."

For Precocious Puberty "One of the worst things to ever happen to me. I wish children weren't subjected to this. I had so many painful side effects after treatment. There was a point during my treatment where it was too painful to sit down or even walk. The injection site became a mass and swelled up to the size of a golf ball , was purple and green and would bleed and release pus for weeks. I don't recommend this treatment to anyone."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter has just been diagnosed with precocious puberty she is 3 years old with bone age of 9 year old, reading these comments has gotten me scared and overwhelmed, has anyone found any other treatments??"

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter was diagnosed with early puberty at the age of 5 and I was told this drug has no side effects, every time she went for injections she wasn’t moving properly afterward. Last incident was after her injection she couldn’t walk, every time she walked she went right down. She has pain until today and it hurts me to see her like this. Please parents don’t be fooled by these Drs. I wish I knew."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter is 11yrs old and she took depo lupron since she was 11 months old and stop when she was 10yrs old my daughter is worse off more than before I should have let nature take its course because my daughter is having some of the worse side effects ever. She forgets stuff and can't get out of bed she is starting to get stiff bones and her body locks up on her. She cramps so bad to the point she throws up or pass out she can't play with her friends because she also developed back and neck problems as well first she use to take it every 28 days and then it changed to every 3 months I really think this is taking a toll on her I'm afraid it might have messed up more then her body and mind l'm afraid she might not be able to have children."

For Precocious Puberty "I have a slim body type, small breast and only reached 5 feet. I took the lupron injection for many years. I am now 22 and deal with irregular periods, chronic headaches, chronic neck and back pain and weakness. I’ve experienced episodes of numbness, tingling and confusion. It’s frustrating to not know whether these are long term effects from the Lupron injection when other test results have came back negative. It feels like a dead end to receive some kind of relief and live a normal life."

For Precocious Puberty "My daugther took 2 doses of lupron dep and she started with side effects as headache, seizures, hand shakes, muscle pain, loss of equilibrium, focal epilepsy symtoms. After 4 years without medication the side effects are still active. She was hospitalized at intensive therapy due to the seizures for 10 days."

For Precocious Puberty "My 9 year old has been on this drug for a year and has put on 11kgs... I have just decided to stop the injections as I have read so much on long term weight gain. Can anyone advise if they too have had this side effect. I’m now worried even though I have stopped it now how will she lose the weight as it just isn’t budging though we have cut her calories etc."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter than 3 1/2 now 6 1/2 started the Lupron 7.25mg every 3 weeks. She did have a small side effect of hot flashes and eating ups and downs. This medication did take awhile for her blood estogen levels to even out but the medication worked as it should have. We hope to stop the Lupron if all goes well. If not we still have another 5 years or so of the shots."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter is 7yrs old now but about ago 11 months we (my wife and I) have noticed some abnormal symptoms in my daughter; hips growing, waist, armpits smells. We visited 1 endocrinologist and she recommends use to use Lupron, I hope this works well with no side effects."

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter started her treatment while still in elementary due to early development and strong under arm odors. The treatment went well through the whole treatment with regular blood testing and all. It wasn’t until she was done with the whole treatment did she start getting all these stretch marks. First under get buttocks and now at age 17 and at 5’6 she has the stretch marks going all the way down her legs. Even her pediatrician was saying that wasn’t normal but yet the dermalogist we’ve seen ant tell us anything. To date we’ve seen 3 and she also had a biopsy done and the results came back negative. The stretch marks are really bad looking all over her lower body and I don’t know what to do. Thank god my daughter doesn’t let that stop her from wearing shorts or bathing suits."

For Precocious Puberty "Grecia-- I hope you'll find this message, even though it's been many years since you posted. My daughter also started Lupron PED at 2 years old. She's now 4. It has reversed her chest development and her growth is more on track now. But I'm just finding out about all these bad side affects. I haven't heard of anyone else starting the medicine so early like her, so I was wondering if your daughter ever had/has any bad side affects from using it. My daughter has the 11.25mg injection every 3 months. Our insurance just changed how the bill it so now it's going to be over $4k!!! Help!!!"

For Precocious Puberty "My daughter is 7 will be 8 soon and was diagnosed with. Cpp I am on the fence about it have read everything but am still worried"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: gonadotropin releasing hormones
  • En español

Patient resources

Other brands

Eligard, Camcevi, Fensolvi, Viadur

Professional resources

  • Lupron Depot-PED prescribing information
  • Leuprolide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Eligard, Camcevi, Fensolvi, Lupron Depot-Gyn

Other formulations

  • Lupron Depot

Related treatment guides

  • Precocious Puberty