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Generic Name: Terbutaline Sulfate

Brand Name: Terbutaline Sulfate

Terbutaline Sulfate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took this drug for at least 2 months for premature labor. I felt as though I could climb the walls. I felt like I was on speed. I took this with two pregnancies and now both my sons have numerological problems cognizant problems. The problem is: the worst of the problems did not show up until their teens. I was told by my doctors that it would not harm them

My mom took this drug while pregnant with me. She was on Tributaline for about 5 weeks prior to my birth. When I was born I had tachycardia and had to be put in the NICU. 19 years later, I have issues with hypoglycemia (getting enought glucose to my brain, etc.)My hands are usually shaky, but the hypoglycemia makes it worse. I've gotten to the point that it doesn't really bother me, but sometimes it was embarassing growing up and having shaky hands all the time. In my opinion, this drug should not be taken unless all other options have been exhausted.

I took this medication while pregnant with my second child who is now five. It worked well enough to help me keep contractions at bay for ten weeks and keep her in until 36 weeks. I was dissapointed to read the reveiw saying she would rather risk having her child early than be shaky and have a rapid heartbeat. Let me tell you, my first child was born at 30 weeks. He spent his first four weeks of life in the NICU. He was one of the lucky ones, with little complications. I am here to tell you that taking this med is better than that anyday. My daughter is now five and thriving. I also find it funny how quickly people blame any issue their children have on something their doctor had them take while pregnant. Could genetics ever be to blame??? All in all, this drug is a wonder drug to me!

I took this drug to prevent pre-term labor. I found it to be very effective in preventing my contractions. I had absolutely no side-effects and my daughter was born perfectly healthy and 4 years later she still is. I was unaware that this drug was not originally intended for that purpose but over-all I think my dr. made a good call putting me on it.

The Dr. had been given it to me for pre- term contractions. I guess it worked for a while; but it was like they shot me up with a case and a half of energy drinks all at one time. I thought that the my baby and I were going to have a heart attack. I asked all of the Drs.& nurses if there were any bad side affects on the baby, because if I was feeling this way, then the baby would definitly would have to be feeling something crazy. They kept telling me no. 8 yrs. later my childs drs. are telling me differnt. Please do more research before taking it.

I am pregnant and does not like the way the drug makes me feel.I would not recommened it for pregnant women. I dont know if I would rather have my child a little early or risk the chance of druging my child that hasn't even been born yet.

I use this medications to prevent uterine contractions. I am almost 6 months pregnanat.

My Dr. put me on this to keep us from going into Preterm labor..to take as needed if i was in any type of 'Labor pain'. The first time i took it, it made me start shaking and my heartrate went crazy. It's effects were scarier than the pains.

i was given this medication to stop my early labor which it did eventually stop it everytime. but it made me very sick and i was never told that it isnt designed for slowing labor.

Well i took terbutaline for help with preterm labor and to be honest it helped with the contractions slightly but in small intravalves and help more with my bronchi to open breathing passages then it did with the contractions! So now i see why the manufactuers of this drug recomended not for this specific use !!! but if you use terbutline for what it is normally prescribed for then overall it should do quite well !!