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Generic Name: Metformin for Diabetes, Type 2 (metformin)

Metformin for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

"I have been taking metformin for 5 months now and I am losing a bit of my weight. However, one thing that concerns me is that I am having diarrhea all the time. The worst part is that if I am going out for a walk or groceries, in the middle of these situations, I really need to go to the toilet straight away, otherwise, I will have an accident. This is really disturbing for me because some parts of my daily life activities are affected. I need to stay home or make sure that I am near a restroom if I need to go somewhere. I don't know if other people with type 2 diabetes are experiencing the same issues. Thank you."

"My doctor just put me on Metformin extended release 500mg twice a day, and I'm getting a lot of brain fog. I've been on it for 6 months, and I'm getting very forgetful. I wanted to know, does anybody else experience this? It's very hard to concentrate."

"So far, Metformin has been a wonder drug for me. I'm dropping weight, not hungry at all, and my energy levels are up. I'm taking one with each meal. I'm losing 5+ lbs a week, and it's all from my stomach fat. I've had one bout of diarrhea, but that was in the first 3 days of use, and when I took 2 in the AM versus 1 with each meal. I do think I need to drink more water with this prescription as it seems to slow bowel movements down. No other issues. I'm taking a blood pressure medication and B-12 supplements with it. And a multivitamin."

"My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 10 years ago. Started with metformin, but the numbers were jumping high. So the doctor added another one, but numbers were still out of range. Then another pill, and talk of insulin, the next option. A blood pressure pill was added to protect the kidneys. The past summer, my husband joined me on the keto lifestyle as well as intermittent fasting. He went off all meds (the doctor knew). His glucose readings were great. But the doctor told him that he wanted him to get back on metformin because the latest research showed that it can extend one's life and is good for the heart. My husband did not want to do this, but I pushed, and he started back on it. Well, almost immediately, his blood sugar spiked into the low 200s, then mid-200s. He went off it, and within 48 hours, his numbers were down. He is in the 80s to low 100s doing keto & fasting."

"I tried regular metformin and the extended release, and my stomach just cannot handle it. I had severe stomach cramping and uncontrollable diarrhea...meaning when it hit, there was no warning and no time to get to the bathroom. I tried with meals, with milk, without meals, and nothing could allow me to tolerate it."

"I just started metformin 16 days ago. Explosive bowel motion probably most accurately describes my initial experience. It already seems to be getting better. I've lost 21 lbs, 233 to 212, in the past 16 days. My blood sugar went from 300's to 90's."

"This drug gave me terrible stomach cramps that would start 3 hours after each dose, followed by watery diarrhea for hours! I searched for answers and suggestions and found one to be my saving grace! Eat half your meal, take your pill, and then finish your second half of the meal. This equals no more stomach cramps and no diarrhea!"

"I started taking metformin late November of 2014, and with my weight and height, I was considered obese. I am 5 foot 4" and I weighed 204 pounds before taking the medication. My A1C was at seven and one-half at the time of my blood test. Since taking metformin 2 times a day, 500 milligrams each time, I have lost close to 20 pounds. Along with the change in my eating habits, I'm feeling much better and continuing to lose weight on an amazing scale!"

"Took Metformin 500mg twice a day for 5 weeks and I really wanted to stay on it because my insurance covered the total cost. By the second day, I developed diarrhea. Daily trips (more than 10) to the bathroom increased because of bad diarrhea. I took the medicine with a meal that included bread, but the extreme diarrhea persisted. Weight dropped from 196 to 189 lbs. Had a problem with increased thirst and constant dry mouth. Glucose still increased to 255. Alternated taking Pepto Bismol and Imodium AD for days trying to control diarrhea. I was concerned about leaving home because of the severe diarrhea. I started to feel dizzy. My mood became negative and I wondered if absorption of my antidepressant was being affected. Finally, after the 5th week of Metformin twice a day, I informed my PCP about all my side effects. He had me stop the Metformin and put me on 10 mg of Jardiance. The diarrhea, severe thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, and bad mood all stopped. 59-year-old female."

"A month ago, I was placed on Metformin ER 500 mg twice a day after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (HbA1C of 7.9). I, like so many on this forum, experienced violent diarrhea for the first 7 to 10 days, which then suddenly ceased. For the first time in my life, I have since experienced life as someone without a weight problem. I no longer think about food ruminatively, have to remind myself to eat, and I stop eating when full (eating smaller portions than previously). I have not had my blood glucose re-tested yet so cannot speak to the effectiveness of Metformin for glucose control, but I expect much improvement, even at this subclinical dose. I have been losing 2 to 3 lbs per week without much effort. It has been life-changing."

Glucophage (metformin) "Metformin (Glucophage generic) works very well without any side effects (maybe a small bit of diarrhea and gas - but that helps get rid of my constipation). I am NOT overweight. In great shape with running, playing tennis and golf, etc. Age 65. Never was overweight. Got diabetes from drinking way too much Coca Cola and eating too much sweets (donuts, cake, candies, etc.). Always burned off the sugar so never put on weight. Never knew sugar was a poison that affects metabolism. Started taking metformin (3 X 800 daily dosage two years ago). With diet changes, brought down my blood glucose level from 358 to 130, and A1C from 15.9 to 6.7. Not out of the woods yet, but huge improvement, and metformin is the only drug that works for me."

"Metformin has side effects like diarrhea. When I have sugar (regular sugar, fructose, and artificial sugar - it does not care), I get diarrhea. Also, headaches occur if sugar spikes quickly - again, food choices do this. If I really want a bite of pizza or a candy bar, I eat healthy (lots of vegetables and salad, protein) with no processed foods, no bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice. At the end of the meal, I have 1-2 bites, savor it, and stop. I give myself a treat once a month. I keep my sugars down to 80-130 by diet and one Metformin 500mg a day. If I eat too much at a meal, I walk or exercise to burn the carbs. Burning too much results in feeling shaky or getting a headache. Water is key too. Water helps pull sugar down (dilutes and flushes it out of the fat cells)."

"I have been taking Metformin ER for 10 years. It was working fine. Recently, the supplier was switched from Teva to Amneal. I found Amneal to cause high blood sugar, and I discontinued. I switched to another supplier, and my blood sugar is normal. I found out today that Amneal is recalling Metformin ER in 7 lots. I was taking a recalled lot. The recall is for a higher level of carcinogenic contamination in these lots. Please report any adverse effects."

Glucophage (metformin) "I've had Type 2 Diabetes for a few years, and have gained over 100 lbs. I have been on Metformin for a month and have lost 28 lbs. Glucophage is amazing, but I will admit at first I was very sick. After about a week, I started to feel normal again."

"(54) yr old male: Metformin worked very quickly to lower my blood glucose levels from almost 400 to progressively down to an average of 130 within 10 days. My only complaint is the side effect of very noticeable BLURRED vision and soreness around my eyes. I have always been blessed to have 20/20 vision, so this is not something I am used to. I am willing to deal with this side effect as long as my glucose levels are back to normal. As we all know, a lifestyle change with regard to diet and exercise is a MUST. My situation was a 'wake-up call', and my plans are to eventually be weaned off Metformin within 6 months. Be encouraged and don't give up."

Glucophage XR (metformin) "I started Glucophage XR on February 20. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Before Glucophage, I spent every waking minute thinking about what I would eat next. For the last 5 years, I stayed under 1000 calories a day, and my readings were 175 or 83. I was up and down like a yo-yo all day and night. I gained weight constantly. I weighed in at 196 lbs on Feb 20. Now, 2 months later on Glucophage, I have lost 29 lbs, and I eat like a normal person. I cannot believe the difference. The first week on it, I had some nausea, but it went away, and I now have no side effects. I keep thinking this is a fluke, a pill cannot make that much of a difference. I feel better than I have in 20 years. I now have energy because I am eating enough, and my readings are amazing."

"I'm a 62-year-old male. Some years back, I was experiencing a very dry mouth and frequent urination. I had my blood sugar level measured, and it was at 350, so I was prescribed Metformin. The Metformin brought my sugar level down to about 150 but gave me a very bad upset stomach. The nausea wasn't temporary for me. It didn't clear up even after taking the Metformin for weeks. However, I did find a solution to the problem. I switched from the regular fast-acting Metformin to the extended-release Metformin XR. The difference was like night and day. I have had no nausea at all using the Metformin XR. If you're having stomach problems using regular Metformin, I suggest trying the extended-release version. I now take 2000 mg of Metformin XR daily."

"I've lost ten lbs in a little over a month taking metformin for type II diabetes combined with giving up sugary sodas and watching carbs, however, passing gas has become a gamble too risky to take if you get my drift. The intestinal 'discomforts' are real, folks. They're not kidding about that."

"I was taking Metformin for a lot of years. The doctor slowly increased my dosage until I was taking 3200 mg a day (800 mg x 4 a day, 2 in the AM, 2 in the PM), which I was told was the maximum. Next thing I knew, my kidneys shut down, and I ended up on dialysis. The hospital informed me I was taking way too much Metformin and took me off of it. I now only take Glipizide, but my sugar is out of control, with daily readings between 200 and 300. I am here trying to find something else I can take."

"Diarrhea, bloating, etc. decrease within a few months. Extended-release tabs help, and eating small portions of food with low carb help too. I find that the cramps and diarrhea return every time I fall off the wagon, overeat, or take in too many carbs. It is a great motivator to keep you on your diet. And it is a great one to gradually, safely, and permanently lose weight. I lost 30 lbs in 2 years and kept it off, with no particular diet (except low carb) and hardly any exercise. Absolutely the best diet pill I've seen in my many diet trials over the past 30 years. I think anyone wanting to lose weight should try this, even non-diabetics."

"I've been on Metformin for six years. I was recently changed from 500 mg twice daily to 1000 mg twice daily. I never had problems with the 500 mg, but since going on the increased dose, I find myself totally exhausted all the time. I also have very itchy skin and red spots which appear randomly on my body. It is also failing to reduce blood sugar, which is really frustrating."

Glumetza (metformin) "For the past 22 years, I have been taking a different metformin brand. For the past 3 months, I switched to Glumetza, noticing a significant difference. Not only did it help lower my level of glucose, but also contributed to reducing my hypertension to almost a normal range."

"Only been taking this a couple of days, so will come back & review after longer-term use. But just wanted to provide some reassurance for anyone who is putting off taking metformin because they’re in fear of the side effects. I’m one of those that’ll avoid medication, mostly in case they make me feel out of sorts mentally. However, 2 days taking these, there wasn’t anything like that going on at all. The only side effects I have are what I was warned about by my GP, i.e., slight loss of appetite, going to the loo a bit more (one bout of crazy diarrhea so far!)… some mini waves of slight nausea too but nothing that made me feel ill, though. I’ve been told this settles down in a couple of weeks or so. I feel so much better from taking them already."

Glucophage (metformin) "Glucophage XR 500mg or 1000mg tabs (I either take 2 - 500mg tabs in the morning and 2 - 500mg tabs with dinner/supper, or I take 1 - 1000mg tab in the morning and 1 - 1000mg tab with dinner/supper). I totally love this medicine. It's been one of the best medicines that I have ever taken to help keep my blood sugars under control! Unlike the generic Metformin, which really messed me up and was my worst nightmare! Nobody would listen to me: my doctors, my pharmacists, the emergency room, my therapist, my psychiatrist, and especially Medicaid and Medicare Part D! So, against medical advice, I quit taking generic Metformin. A year and a half later, they put me back on Glucophage XR! Life became wonderful again!"

"Taking 1000 mg 2x per day, with breakfast, with dinner. Prescribed for type 2 diabetes. First blood test for bringing down glucose levels after beginning this medicine treatment will be in six or eight weeks. Was already dieting intensively when I started using the metformin, and it has definitely made losing weight easier. I drink loads of water and coffee between meals. Breakfast: small bowl of oatmeal, snack at 11: one piece of fruit, lunch at 1:30, 4 or 5 scrambled egg whites and a whole grain cracker, dinner: slice of turkey, vegetables, evening snack: more fruit and nuts. I need to do more exercise for many reasons, but I've gone from 253 to 211 in a year, only been using metformin for six weeks."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: non-sulfonylureas
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Metformin drug information
  • Metformin Extended-Release Suspension
  • Metformin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Metformin Oral Solution
  • Metformin Tablets

Other brands

Glucophage, Glumetza, Glucophage XR, Fortamet, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • MetFORMIN monograph
  • Metformin (FDA)
  • Metformin Aerosol (FDA)
  • Metformin Extended Release Tablet (FDA)
  • Metformin Extended Release Tablets (FDA)
  • Metformin Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Glucophage, Glumetza, Glucophage XR, Fortamet, Riomet

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2
  • Diabetes, Type 3c
  • Insulin Resistance Syndrome
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Female Infertility