special offer

Generic Name: doxepin

Brand Name: Zonalon topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Worked for severe pain from shingles since 1998 (PHN), but I now have an allergic reaction to it. Need an alternative. Pain is in my left armpit, things like capascin cause horrible burning sensation.

Originally used anti-itch, over the counter creams, cold compress with no relief. Flair-ups of neurodermatitis on my left arm were finally relieved by this Rx. Instant relief but it made me very sleepy. I'd rather sleep than scratch.

The itching on my forearms is somewhat relieved but the redness has increased with constant use. There must be something better to use.


itching and pain in shoulder and hip areas. I get very QUICK releif that last all dayl I beleive it is working on tendons in shoulde and hip. I heighly recommend this product

i have use this medication for about three weeks i have seen no change and now i belive i am having a reaction from it my eyes are itching my gentacal are rashy and i feel itchy