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Generic Name: Naproxen for Pain (naproxen)

Naproxen for Pain Reviews

Naprosyn (naproxen) "I had ongoing pain and swelling for a full year after knee surgery to repair three rips in my right knee. It felt like bone rubbing on bone, felt hot to the touch with swelling. After going through narcotics and Motrin for swelling, I worked on accepting that I would be dealing with this for a long time as a chronic condition. After my first dose of 500 mg of Naprosyn, it was a Godsend. For the first time in a year, my knee actually felt normal."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have taken Aleve for several different pain conditions knee pain, back pain, joint pain, headaches and it does absolutely nothing. I get more pain relief from taking nothing! Sad! This medication is a waste of money."

Aleve (naproxen) "I took 2 Aleve after spending a sleepless night with terrible shoulder pain. It started working within 30 minutes. Within 1 hour, I could rotate my arm in all directions. Pain relief lasted a good 24 to 28 hours before the pain came back. This is a wonderful product!"

"Suffered for 4 months with painful knee causing me to limp badly. Was prescribed naproxen twice daily whilst awaiting scan. Day 1 eased pain slightly Day 2 eased pain dramatically Day 3 pain gone. Have been taking for about 3 weeks without pain have not taken any today and still no pain! An absolute God send for me!"

Aleve (naproxen) "Aleve does nothing for me. I bought some because people, including doctors, constantly tell me how good it is for all kinds of pain. It does NOTHING for me. I've used it for headaches, neck pain, joint pain - zero pain relief. Two Advil are way, way more effective. I feel like I've wasted money on a completely useless drug. Won't ever buy it again."

"I’ve been using naproxen tablets for three months until one night I was sick, my vomit had red blood in it and blood that was real black colour and I had stomach cramps. I saw my doctor and he said I have had a bleed in the stomach to come off of the tablet straight away. The naproxen tablets had caused a bleed. I am now on another lot of tablets to repair my stomach. Stay away from these tablets, do not use."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have a rare, incurable disease called Neurofibromatosis (Type 1). With this condition, pain is an everyday thing, especially back pain because I have scoliosis (a curve of the spine; side effect of NF1). In the past I would take 3 Ibuprofen, which had very little effect. Just yesterday I switched to Aleve; those first two pills really made a difference. My pain went away about an hour later and it worked a lot faster than the other medicines I've taken. Thank you, Aleve!"

"Taking for All over pain and arthritis from car crash. After suffering for 14 years of spine knee neck and wrist pain I was on tramadol and Co-codamol but was bedridden nearly everyday, Nhs changed me onto naproxen and I could potter about doing housework after three doses of 500mg with Co-codamol. I couldn't believe the difference after all the years of suffering! Hopefully get back to the old me in no time. Looking forward to all the ups and not so many downs."

"You might get lucky and have no side affects from naproxen. I am 50 years old and got them for back pain just for three weeks till physio. Took them for 5 days 200mg twice a day. My side effects were pain in kidney, stomach back, constipated. Trouble passing urine very sore. I just hope they haven't messed my insides up. I would say. Stay away from these. Oh and he tried to give me Gabapentin today checked side affects. No way I’m taking them. So pain for two weeks then physio. Better than option from doc"

Naprosyn (naproxen) "Had a pain in left knee develop rather quickly. I am 70 and Dr. said was most likely arthritis. Prescribed Naproxyn and it worked very well for that knee. I have a bad right knee also that has been bad for 30 years and is getting worse. I hoped it would too get some relief but it has not. Curious about that. No noticeable side effects."

"52 yr old struggled physically for 30 years, fibromyalgia, CFS, widespread joint and muscle pain. Depressed due to daily pain and effort to do anything. Took 500mg Naproxen and the pain, stiffness and burning has virtually gone, it took about 45 minutes to work, I feel like somebody else, woke up this morning having had a good nights sleep still feeling much better, I can't actually believe it. Ibuprofen, paracetamol didn't touch it, Zapain helps but worsens fatigue. I was prescribed Naproxen 6 months ago 250 mg twice a day, didn't do a lot and I over read and over thought the side effects so didn't bother. I'm trying 500 mg once a day for a few days then I'll try splitting the dose. I've had no side effects on either 500mg so far, I just feel great."

"I have severe back problems. I also have arthritis. The doctors kept giving me narcotics so I felt like a zombie all the time. and hated it. I decided to try some Aleve. It eased the pain enough that I can actually go out and do things I did before the back problems. No worries about being too drowsy to drive. Not everyone can take this and you should ask your doctor before taking it. I was an emergency room nurse for 20 years and I never had a patient with an allergic reaction to this type of medication but it can happen. The most common side effect is stomach problems so don't take it on an empty stomach."

Naprelan (naproxen) "This drug was and is a godsend. I blew my knee out. Tried me on everything, including Vicodin. Did nothing. dr. Had samples of this tried, 2 days, heaven. I had to wait for knee replacement due to age. This worked better than Vicodin. 4 years later surgery. By then both knees and my Doctor messed up. Now on this 12 years. Now on SSI. No coverage $800.00 a month. Why? Worse they slowed down making it. All the bottles I have same lot number. All expired 2020. Even bottles filled few months before. This drug stopped me from having to take 10-325 Percocet. None of my pain Dr. heard of it. Pharmacist. I use to have bad migraines my whole life. I don’t recall any all these years on this drug. The lower dose did not work. But four 5-325 Percocet don’t work and one 10-325 does. God forbid when I run out. Why people end up on stronger meds. Best anti-inflammatory out there. ."

Aleve (naproxen) "As a mail carrier, I walk 11 miles a day for the last 22 years. Inflammation in my knees has really affected me, making my day difficult and painful to get the job done. 2 Aleve gelcaps work WONDERS and in less than 10 minutes!"

"Injured my ankle one day and this caused me to sit around for two weeks. Normally, I have a very active lifestyle but sitting for two weeks caused a old knee injury to flare up. To make this short I take naproxen once every morning and have had very little pain since. "

"At times, I suffer from back pain although it's been much better the past 6 years. Also from throbbing shoulder and hands, at times. Enough pain and throbbing to stop me from doing anything, including sleeping. I had been taking a low dose Oxycodone, which relieved pain within 15 minutes. I still have 7 of those left from 2017, thank goodness. Even though they've turned yellow over the years, I still take one about once a month when the pain is bad. I asked my doctor about this and she said Oxycodone doesn't go bad, so to take when needed. She also said they couldn't prescribe Oxycodone any longer because of because people abuse them. Well, I don't have not abused them, but because of others, not just me but others have to suffer? Somethings not right here. She did prescribe 500mg of Naproxen. Good grief, why even bother taking it? Absolutely zero relief."

"Dumb doctors prescribed me this junk for a week for my damaged rotator cuff that has started to act up with medium labor and cause my whole arm to go cold and throb with pain. My hand also is going numb towards the end of the day. It did not touch my pain whatsoever. Instead it caused me to be fatigued, dizzy, raised my blood pressure, and made me feel like throwing up due to the terrible taste that lasted an hour and upset stomach that I had while the "medication's" effects lasted. This stuff is absolutely terrible, and so are any physicians that prescribe it. DO NOT TAKE IT. Ibuprofen lessened my pain at least a little bit with no side effects."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have used most of the narcotics on the list, and now that I live in Florida it is almost impossible to get a Doctor to prescribe anything other than Aspirin. Aspirin now has caused my stomach to act up due to ulcers so now I also need to take Prilosec 40 mg. So far this is the best of these medicines on the list."

"Naproxen was prescribed (x2 250mg ) for headaches I have been getting. Didn't seem to do a thing for that. However, the aches and pains in my joints (and trigger-finger related tendons) I have had for years go away pretty quickly. I feel 250mg lasts ~6hours until the pain starts to come back."

Naprelan (naproxen) "I have suffered with right lower back pain for many years. I have taken Flexeril, Ibuprofen800, Percocet all of which dulled the pain or put me to sleep. My doctor put me on Naprelan and after two doses I am almost completely free of back pain."

"I was given this by the A&E Dept for multiple knee ligament rupture. Within an hour of taking: extreme vertigo, nausea, sweats, vomiting, diarrhoea and disorientation. Symptoms last for days. Don't risk it. Just take something else."

Aleve (naproxen) "I had a toe injury and I took Aleve extra strength. Let me just say, this was the best decision I could have made. I went from not being able to walk in the morning, to jumping off a stage. I HIGHLY recommend Aleve. I have never been so impressed with a medication. I wish I could shoot a commercial for Aleve because they deserve it."

"I have chronic pain and tendinitis in my ankles, knees, shoulders, and elbows. I've played competitive softball and basketball my whole life and now play for my high school. Without naproxen it usually hurts so bad I can't play at all but I take 3 of them at once and it usually takes care of most of the pain. There is still some pain left but it usually helps significantly. I just wish you could take more than one dose a day because I usually need a second one"

"This drug gave me severe depression, anxiety, vertigo, and fatigue as well as migraines. I also woke up every single hour while sleeping. I was absolutely scared I was going to have a heart attack or stroke. It took me two weeks to realize it was the naproxen and stopped taking it. Do not do the same thing to yourself."

"A complete joke. I just went to the emergency room from a fall. Torn rotator cuff and ligaments, prescribed naproxen. Has not touched the pain. Then I’m reading it’s great for menstrual cramps and headaches, but not for this. Thanks to the ER Dr - NOT."

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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Naproxen drug information
  • Naproxen Modified-Release Tablets
  • Naproxen Suspension
  • Naproxen Tablets and Capsules

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Naproxen monograph
  • Naproxen (FDA)
  • Naproxen CR Tablets (FDA)
  • Naproxen Capsules (FDA)
  • Naproxen Delayed Release (FDA)
  • Naproxen Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Aseptic Necrosis