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Generic Name: Tiagabine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Gabitril

Gabitril Drug and Medication User Reviews

Using for neuropathy pain

I started taking Gabitril about 1month ago. I started taking 4mg twice a day for 14 days. I increases to 2 pills twice a day. My hands started too shake, leg cramps and trouble talking. I was losing my train of thought. I had neck surgery, from C-2 to T-2 all was fused. This is the worse drug I've taking. And I've taking a lot of drugs for pain.

I was prescribed this forbi-Polar disorder. I have been taking it five yrs.I had back surgery,and I now have to take narcotic pain meds.Only take 4mg daily,but I find it almost impossible to stay awake during the day. Lately I have been having episodes of sleep paralisis. I am going to try to taper off,and hope to finally stop. I hate the way this med makes me feel!!

Took this medicine a few years ago for about 2 months. Took the prescribed dosage. Made me very irritable and confused - which was the complete opposite of what I and my doctor were expecting. It still bothers me when I think of its effects on me.

Within a couple of days of starting this medication for psychiatric reasons I started to talk to walls, made absolutely no sense when talking to people because I would say really odd things, wondered aimlessly talking to nothing. Then lost all my coordination and eventually couldn't talk or walk. This all happened in a matter of days.

This was prescribed to me for stress and anxiety disorder. It has helped tremendously. From where I was to where I am is quite "calming" due to this medicine.

Experience has only been one week. But, after several days of use, I became sleepy; a few more days & I became very sleepy and an occasional use of the drug Providgal did not help keeping me awake. -and really no additional relief for my problem - "Peripheral Neuropathy".

I take Gabitril with several other drugs for chronic major depression. It works great as part of a cocktail with Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Trazadone, and Abilify. It's well worth a try.

I was first prescribed Gabitril by a Neurologist for nerve pain in my extremities, especially my feet, caused by Fibromyalgia, or more accurately "unknown" etiology. I have tried other meds from time to time, but none of them work as well as the Gabitril does. I had a bad reaction to Neurontin, so my Neurologist switched me to Gabitril approximately 10 years ago, and I now take 12 mg. every twelve hours gratefully.

I have suffered with insomnia for years. In the last several months saw a sleep doctor for my disorder. He put me Gabitril 4mg, and then I increased up to 12mg. For the last several months I was taking Trazadone, Ambien, and Gabitril at bedtime for my insomnia. It was a dream come true, was able to sleep though the night, woke up in the morning in a great mood for 3 months. Just in the last month, I have suffered from extreme memory loss, no short term memory, feels like my head is in a cloud, nausea all day long, and tired all the time. I discontinued the Ambien, went from Gabitril 12mg, to 6mg, then to 4mg, and still having the same side effects. Now I discontinued Gabitril all together with hope of getting rid of this medicine head I feel 24 hours/7 days a week. Want to be back to normal and get this medication out of my system.

I was put on this for petit mal and grand mal seizures at 16mgs. three times daily it help but cause a continous cycle for two years during this time I was in and out of seizures. With that and loss of seizure control my doctor chose to take me off. Now off the drug my cycle has gone back to once monthly. NOT NOTED in side effects.

I have been on 3mg per day for 4 months, and at first my PTSD was helped. But in the past month, I've had HORRIBLE weird feelings, shortness of breath, out-of-body sensations. I will never take this drug again! It did give me decreased hunger, but that just made me even more weak and the side-effects were more potent.

was given for nerve pain in my arm I have MS. I broke out in hives and my whole body turned red and the itching was amost unbareable. Never use this is you are an MS patient and you have nerve pain.

I had taken Gabitril for at least two or three years, and after over a decade of being seizure-free (I have grand mal and petit mal seizures) I had, first one seizure, then a year and a half later, another bad one, then from then on it was really downhill. After changing neurologists to one who was an epilepsy specialist, I was taken off Gabitril, and learned that it can make generalized seizures worse--the kind of seizures I have. I was fortunate that my doctor was a specialist.

Presbribed after vehicle accident caused severe whiplash with many odd symptons. Very difficult to sleep. Took 4 MG at night together with Ambien CR and Lyrica. Helped me sleep much better.

Excellent I take at day break and at night. I take 750 mg in the am and 750 mg at night. It controls my explosive nature, and allows me to concentrate. Its not perfect but with out GABA "over the counter", at times I'm a basket case. Cheers

My Psychiatrist has me on a very low dose for bipolar symptoms and it has effectively controlled my mood. But I felt like I was on "Speed" at first and had to take it in the morning rather than at night as prescribed. I find it helps me control my weight also. I only take 3 mg per day.

Taking with Lexapro and Clonopin for PTSD. I hate this drug and wish it were out of my system.My Psychiatrist is getting a mouth full tomorrow.It makes me feel terrible.Tired and anxious all the time. Have feelings of anger and hateful.


I am using this drug to control my partial seizures - still have a breakthrough seizure every few months