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Generic Name: Theophylline Anhydrous Capsule

Brand Name: Theo-24

Theo-24 Drug and Medication User Reviews

My doctor never told me he was changing to this med. I have had the worst 3 1/2 wks. of my life! I have all the side effects plus makes me want to throw up!!! I refuse to take this medication!!!!!!

What happened? I had asthma which I no longer have however when I took Theo-24, my sleeping went from 8 hours/night to less than one hour/night in less than a week. The only logical reason would be they never tested the amount in my blood and I was probably highly allergic to it. If it helps you then I’m glad, however if you get insomnia from it, go off it right away. It was a downward spiral of my health after taking Theo-24.

opens airways and allows me to cough up congestion.

I used it for 10 days and started coughing up blood and blood clots. Stopped immedately on Dr.'s orders

It gave me stomach problems such as and queasy stomach all the time

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

It helps my breathing, but makes me too anxious - however, I take RA meds too. I was told to carry my prescription with me for emergency medical reasons, read label.......it may save your life.

i have been taking this drug for 3 years and my missed work has went down to maybe 1 week out of a year