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Generic Name: Ticagrelor Tablets for Oral Administration

Brand Name: Brilinta

Brilinta Drug and Medication User Reviews

Prescribed 90mg tablet 2 times a day after having a stent for a total occlusion of the right artery. 4 weeks later ended up back in ED with what seemed like another heart attack. Chest pain, severe shortness of breath, dizziness and light headed. Cardiologist immediately stopped this medication and replaced with Clopidogrel. Symptoms have been easing since.

My husband had a brain bleed from Brilinta and died. The black box warning about bleeds does it help when the bleed is in your brain and you can’t see it. Also, Brilinta has no antidote for bleeding when it happens. Please, use something safer and take this drug off of the market.

My husband started taking Brilinta after having two stints. We knew it had a black box warning for internal bleeds, but our doctors encouraged us to take this over Plavix. They even gave us a coupon to reduce the high cost. My husband had a very hard time breathing on Brilinta and after 4 months on it we were going to switch to plavix.We did not get a chance. My husband had a severe brain bleed which the surgeon said was from Brilinta. It was a nightmare in ER because Brilinta does not have an antidote to stop the bleeding.My husband died from the bleed. Please don’t take this medicine. Find something safer. A bleed in your brain you cannot see until it is too late.

Side effects are terrible specially the coughing

I had a CABG surgery an year ago, Dr. prescribed Brilinta and is still on it, no major complaints. Experienced muscle twitching and elevation of BP a couple of times. I don't know if it is a side effect of Brilinta. Leading a normal life so far and taking one day at a time. Thank God

I've had pains, super shortness of breath several on occasions constant bruising and minor cuts that bleed excessively. I've had beautiful skin all my life until now. My Skin is super dry now and easily peels back deeply with a minor rub against the door or anyting with the slightest touch and bleeds like you wouldn't believe. as of yesterday I learned of possible liver damage that wasn't there before. I'm close to 45 and I hate this drug for other reasons too but I don't want to get into. Though they Dr were all too happy to give me many 30 day sample bottles! I don't believe this is the tried-and-true drug. The next thing I'm doing is talking to the doctors next WK to try to get off of this before my next heart surgery whick I found out about yesterday as well. Plainly I don't trust it at all. I wish pharmacy wraps are just pushing on the doctors take back soon. Copious amounts of samples who cares what happens down the road to the people as we've seen with many other drugs. They just make a settlement and keep on doing it with nobody held accountable. The top of that now my condition is much worse somehow he even though I've changed everything by my diet. Now I have to have much more serious surgery and if I had listened to the first billinta pushing doctors about exercise even though I felt the pains immediately and knew something was wrong I would probably not be here I was told yesterday after another cath to check at a very reputable hospital in Cleveland which I know everybody has heard of in the world instead of one on the west coast of Florida which I will not name though happens to be in the richest city in fla....imagine that. I give brilinta and them no praises for all the mistakes they made and what I've gone through this last year and will be for another year. Nonetheless I don't recommend it and I will be off brilinta next week.

AZ notes a potential side-effect of "shortness of breath" but in realtity , it means full blown Dispnea wherein you feel as if you are suffocating, unable to breath, chest pounding and starving for air. When it hit, my first reaction was I was having another MI. Did some research through Medscape and it is a serious side effect that has been researched. AZ has attacked every study that was against Brillinta. My cardio switched me to Effient ASAP. The potential damage this drug causes far outweighs what it offers. If it effects your breathing as it did mine, get off it ASAP. I am 78 year old male

This is a horrible medicine! Stop taking it at once. After a week or two of use, it caused me to forgot what I was saying, mid sentence. Once driving to work, on my regular route, I came to a stop sign and realized I was completely lost, and went the wrong way not knowing where I was going. I had my gps on and it got me back on track. This medicine starves the brain of the nutrients the brain needs to work.

i had a mi on 4/27/2021, dr put a stent next day, was prescribed to take brilinta for 11 months, aspirin(ecotrin) for a month, lisinopril and metoprolol( i havent taken them yet for high pressure),and lipitor(atorvastatin). changed my diet radically, no fats, no sugar, no salt, wheat bread, brown rice, boc choy and vegetables and chicken. I lowered my total cholesterol from 207 to 93 and bad cholesterol from 133 to 39. have some lower back pain and upper pain but no bleeding except when i took aspirin. I will have a blood test to check for platelet count and cholesterol again. I hope brilinta is doing its job, and if is my time to die from artery occlusion so be it. I have died anyway before in 2002 and heaven is beautiful provided we clean our sins in purgatory first then we go to eternal happiness.

Cardiologist prescribed Brilinta 90mg twice a day and one 81mg aspirin a day after a MI and placement of one drug eluding stent in my LAD artery. Iâ??ve been taking it for 11 months. Iâ??ve not experienced any of the side effects mentioned that I know of. However, I bruise easily so Iâ??m extra cautious not to injure myself...that is a real drawback to the medication since Iâ??m tend to be active. I do strength exercises as much as I did before the MI and I swim 1 mile twice a week. I do not run or cycle as I did before my MI for fear of a fall. I am experiencing some bladder issues but donâ??t know if itâ??s because of the Brilinta, the Carvedilol, or statin...my cardiologist may take me off the Brilinta next month and I am hoping that my bladder issues resolve themselves if they are a side effect of Brilinta. So far Iâ??m pleased that I have not had any further heart problems at this point. Hoping for a release from Brilinta very soon and will report back when that happens. My reason for the Somewhat Satisfaction rating is that I bruise too easily and Iâ??m not sure if itâ??s causing bladder problems...

dizzyness,shortness of breath,persist after 2 months following stent placement. unsure if combo of this med and losartan. taking both. both have save side effects. will continue few more months and reevaluate. still alive. must be working. dont know if any other options will be better

I took this drug for 8 months. I experienced nose bleeds, easy bruising, and difficulty urinating after 2 months. My cardiologidt switched me to another anti coagulant and ALL these symptoms went away within one week

stent put in 10-15-19..shortness of breath,confusion,unexplained depression and obsessive thoughts

My husband used this drug for 4 months after receiving 2 stints in his heart. Brilinta killed him approximately 4 months later of an uncontrolled upper GI bleed.

Extremely Expensive. The doc switched me to Plavix.. Their Drug cost assistance program is a sham.

shortness of breath, bruising, epistaxsis,

My husband had a hemorrhage in his brain from Brilinta and almost died. I would be very cautious taking this medication. He was on it for 21 months after having two stents put in. The neurologist said it was the Brilinta that caused it. Just know the risks if you are going to take this drug. It can cause an uncontrollable bleed. Wish we had known the risks more.

I was on this medicine for a month it has horrible side effect I could no breath at all I would walk a few step and be out of breath if you are having the same effects get off of it ASAP there are other drugs that can be used This medicine is horrible!!!!