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Generic Name: Tofacitinib Tablets

Brand Name: Xeljanz

Xeljanz Drug and Medication User Reviews

Life saver for me did not think I was ever going to get over last flare up it lasted for over a year, started this drug and in 2 months I was able to start leaving my house and not scared that I was going to have an accident. Very Happy been taking 2 pills daily for 2 years and still in remission. Hope it works for you.

This med has saved my life. I can now get out of bed without a walker.

My rheumatologist prescribed Tofacitinib in addition to the Plaquenil. But I have no insurance, I have to take the generic Tofatinib from an India online pharmacy name "BonHoa Pharmacy" (You can search on Google). I have seen a big difference in the degree of stiffness

I have been taking Xeljanz for 2 years. It has been life-changing for me. I still have flares but less often and less severe. Overall, I am able to do more than before I took it. None of the â??beginnerâ? RA drugs worked well for me. I do take prednisone every day. I have gained weight, some of that may be from having tka, both knees. People on average gain 8 pounds with knee replacement. I hope it continues to work for me. COVID 19 has me worried and I have been Self isolating for 6 weeks so far.

First 6 weeks pain & swelling were getting better. Now it seems to have stopped working. Dr says to give it a bit longer. Blood pressure is elevated constant headache extremely ravenous constant hunger..

Experienced weight gain, acid reflux and no relief.

I have found this drug extremely effective with no discernible adverse side effects. I am able to exercise more and with much greater intensity than when I was on Humira (which was also highly effective for me for many years until it started to lose effectiveness). The combination of weights/aerobic exercise with this drug means for me that I have virtually no RA symptoms. Interestingly it has also seems to virtually eliminated the mild BPH symptoms that I was experiencing before starting the drug. I would expect a bump in my cholesterol (next blood work will be in a week or two) but this is a known side effect that can be managed with statins if required. SO for me anyway, it has been elimination of all joint pain, marked reduction in swelling, increased grip strength, no stomach pain or respiratory issues etc.

After almost 5 years of treatment with so many different drugs including Humira this is the first time since diagnosis that I have felt well! I have been able to reduce my MTX by more than 1/2. I have been using Xeljanz about 8 months and I could tell it was working after about two weeks. Only concern is the high cost and how I'll afford it if they discontinue their assistance program.

I took Xeljanz XR for 4 months along with Methotrexate. Results of a blood test after 4 months showed a significant decrease of white blood cells and a 30 point increase in LDL (bad cholesterol). Also, my blood pressure systolic number rose to a high level. Inflammation had not decreased, so I stopped taking the drug.

It is very effective for JIA, but I got first a stuffed nose, daily, then throat problems, then a very bad cough.. this all disappeared after i stopped the drug. Very bad sideeffects… shame

I have started taking this since June 2018; it's great for RA ( or JIA) but after 2 months I began to have a stuffed nose, could not swallow well, and started coughing, my GP saisit;s a virus, but this has been going on for 2 months now, I thinkits a side effect and I am stopping this drug.

I take once a day Xeljanz XR for about 4 months. I've taken the injectable biologics which work for a time but then don't. Xeljanz is doing very well so far in fact I'm tapering back from 5 mg Prednisone to 2.5 mg a day... Yay! I'm walking more, feeling less overall pain and don't have to inject myself.... Big Yayyyy!!!!

Headaches started after day1, after 3 weeks I developed a severe sinus infection that affected my teeth, jaw and face and I'm still dealing with it weeks later after stopping the drug.

Controls all PsA and OA related pain. Much better pain control than with either Humira or Enbrel.

This medication is causing stomach problems, high cholesterol, bloating, headaches and itching.I have taken it for 7 months. I've considered talking to my rheumatologist and ask him for another option.

I’ve had RA for 27 yrs, I’ve been on the gamete from Remicade to Humera. When Humira stopped being effective I asked my rheumatologist about xeljanz because I had seen all the advertisements. I tried it for a year I have been on prednisone bursts most of the year with repeated flares. My rheumatologist retired and My new doctor said he hadn’t heard good news about xeljanz and suggested Orencia. Within 8 weeks My RA was improved. I’m off prednisone and feeling much better. Don’t waist you time with this drug if you have moderate to sever RA.

Nit nearly as effective as advertised. I can less inflammation in my hands but far more frequent major flares. It also promoted weight gain and elevated my cholesterol, which I never had before. And the cost is astronomical if you don't qualify for their program. I stopped taking it and went back to remicade. They should spend less on advertising and more to imorive it's effectiveness. I think it's a bit if a racket

This medication has done nothing for me except cause me pain I had severe back pain, severe stomach issues, chills, sweating, difficulty in breathing, dizzieness, rapid weight gain, could not do anything for myself without exhaustion, tingling of hand and feet, trouble sleeping that got so bad that I was awake almost round the clock with 5 min. Cat naps now and then, my legs were restless to the point that no matter where I sat I was miserable I would have to lay down, my skin would itch like a misquote bite with very little relief.my muscles and joints ached worst every day. I was unstable walking it was all I could do to move I had become so weak. I was using a walker to balance me so I could get from one point to the other. I have made a decision to not take it and see if that would make a difference and stopped for only 2 days and notice a great deal of difference in all the complaints I have. I have talk to my Dr. of this my intention is not to go back on it. But I have learned never say never.

I have been taking Xeljanz for 7 weeks and my condition and pain got worse. I used to be OK when I slept at night, now it's only pain and a horrible pain in my leg that prevent me from sleeping. I can only start to sleep in the early morning, it's when the pain stops. Today I will ask my rheumatologist to stop it and I am sorry I waited so long. did not work for me at all. I am wondering now if taking no medicine at all is not better since the pain is there with medicine also.

Marginally effective. Less inflammation in my hands, but I have experienced more frequent and severe major flares than on Remicade. AND it elevated my cholesterol and produced weight gain. AND once on Medicare, it is unaffordable. I'm going back to Remicade